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Glen Wahl GlenWahl Beavercreek Ohio

Robin Güldenpfennig rgueldenpfennig
.NET via C# software developer

Freelancer Hamburg

Thorsten Fischer tfuser

Leegebruch, Germany

Francisco Coelho xicopitz
Young developer that loves hard challenges.

Lisbon, PT

Abuhermass abuhermass
A Rustacean evangelist
Jean-Robert Jean-Simon jeanrobertjs
I'm a french technology lover/maker working @microsoft

@Microsoft France

Christopher Zénon czenon1

@Castellum - ZipCeption France

Fox "The Art Gremblin" Lee FoxLee
Big hairy nerd goblin and perpetual DnD4e GM. I mostly make art, websites and analogue games, and develop 4e-related VTT stuff.


Alin Osan aosan
innovation arch-heretic

Melbourne, Australia

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Ecsedi Tamás ecseditamas


Olex S. olexs
Software engineer during the day, drone builder and pilot at night.

@maibornwolff Frankfurt am Main


Berlin, Deutschland

Harvey harveyrandall
Frontend React Developer

No Isolation London

Bernardo Bandos jbbandos
Open source enthusiast on my free time.
fb1cc8d3 BoukorrasLuc
Developer @Groupe-Blachere | Blockchain Enthousiaste ₿

Groupe-Blachere Avignon


北京飞行员职业技术学校(BUAA) Beijing, China

Aislan Penha AislanPenha
Sou um entusiasta do desenvolvimento web e de software com uma paixão ardente por aprender e evoluir constantemente. Ao longo da minha jornada profissional, ten
WangXin WangXinis
In my senior high school ,I studied literary instead of science,but now I am studying Management in ShanDong Normal University.And I love computer

东华医为科技有限公司 山东济南、山东淄博、法国勃艮第、中国新疆