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Lőrinc Del Motte sumater
I'm mostly a hobbyist right now, but I have designs on creating my own software firm.

Sackville, NB, Canada

Graham Strickland GrahamStrickland
Software engineer studying mathematics

@ankerdata Cape Town, South Africa

Peter pemo11
I am educating others about programming with Python, Java but also other languages like X# (and hopefully Lisp some day after quitting MuLisp in the 80ties)

ActiveTraining Esslingen

edwin masri edwinmasri

Solusi247 Indonesia

Ian Kavanagh IKavanagh

@AzSysPrivate Ireland

Soar sgf
a really noob

Dennis dennismeissel
A Software Engineer who loves Cloud Engineering, DevOps and Machine Learning


Graffarts Zishan-Rahman
I is Graffarts. I like games. I have my own website. And I contribute to @flathub sometimes.

King's College London (again) Whateverland, London, United Kingdom

Volkmar Rigo VolkmarR
I do things with computers...

Infominds AG Bruneck, Italy