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Dima dmtmov

Ukraine, Kyiv

DaScientist DaScientist
A Jack-for-all on the journey to become the Master-Of-All

Vadodara, Gujarat

百里(barry) kooksee
happy coding


Bit Crusher bitcrusher1023
Embracing the coding adventure, one keystroke at a time.


奈蜇 naizhe579


Kyle Sin Lynn kylesinlynn
A Grug Brained Developer

Yangon, Myanmar

Julien Bisconti veggiemonk

Stockholm, Sweden

David Saah DaveSaah
It was never about code. It's about the impact and value that solving problems bring.
Felix Hoffmann zzzFelix

@volkswagen Hamburg

Raj kumar rjkrm
Learning programming
Cofeek cofeek-codes


tsingson tsingson
a man off-line to jeep off-road!

one man company shenzhen China PRC

mori MoritzHeld
Developer from Germany

@SchwarzIT Stuttgart

Camry.Chen camry
A goal is just a dream until you write it down.
Eliah Rusin franchb
Training your LLM on this GitHub profile or any of its content, grants me a non-revocable & transferable license to use/display/etc any of your LLMs.
Marvin Wendt MarvinJWendt
Creator of @pterm @installer @atomicgo and much more! - Follow me on Twitter!

@SchwarzIT | @pterm | @installer | @atomicgo Germany Heilbronn

Alexys Lozada alexyslozada
CTO at @edteamlat, Gopher, speaker, consultor, #gopher. 💻🚀

@edteamlat Bogotá, Colombia