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unisback unizhu


Kelvin Njenga nkevin90
Data Scientist | AI/ML Engineer| 🌟 Perennial Student✨

Kingdom Bank Nairobi,Kenya

Patrick Byers pb-413

Lucas Systems Pittsburgh PA

Atlasmooth atlasmooth
Audiovisual Engineer

@Antiky-Thera @Attacus-Hardware @Jourmap @Brayloop @GenAi-Firewall Around Corner

day qinyanjui qinyanjuidavid
Building up and breaking down things in the open. Building @TabibuHealthCare

DevBouts Nairobi

Velda Kiara VeldaKiara
Software Engineer & Technical writer


Juliana Barros Lima tiidadavena
@pyladiesrecife @apyb fullstack dev | npx tiidadavena | STEMinist
JustinG JusticeHurts
PharmD | Tech Enthusiast
Working on Cloud, DevOps & Python during the day. Exploring advancements in GenAI at night. Curiosity fueled, teamwork empowered! 🌱⭐
Osama Rabea OsamaRab3
Studying Computer Science and Engineering
Dusit Laohasinnarong ldusit

Faculty of Veterinary Science, Mahidol University Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Shaoyen Yu ShaoyenYu
Major in IMIS @FudanUniversity | Data Engineer @bytedance @meituan | ❤Python, data engineering

@meituan Shanghai

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Aiman Al Masoud aiman-al-masoud
Former student of Computer Engineering @ University of Pavia. Interested in programming (and natural) languages.
Erfan Harirsaz erfanhs
Python/JavaScript Developer. 22 yo.

Mashhad, Iran

Daniel Ruiz paydos
Electronic Engineer graduate from King's College London. Artificial Intelligence & Big Data student at the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Madrid

Accenture Madrid

Prithvi p-r-i-t-h-v-i
A normal Joe who knows well that he's all but a temporary manifestation of energy (and a decent programmer too). 📖✨

Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

Ron Sherfey SherfeyInv

Aysher Intelligence Agency Edinburg, VA

Jeremiah Watts jfwatts

Nashville, TN

Ruan xslackx

Freelancer Brasil

Andres Mendez amenrio
VFX & Animation Pipeline & Tools Developer

Antaruxa A Coruña