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AllenChang BlueBoy247
蛤?你說這裡不是GitHub Drive?

Taipei Municipal Chien Kuo High School Republic of China (Taiwan)

XBL jackwu0329
Nothing to here


Mirusa Usiliq mirusausiliq
Aka pipatahafikod to caayay kaso'elin a fana' haw!

National Dong Hwa University, @siliqx Taipei, Taiwan

小克 goodjack
是個喜歡 Laravel 的小小工程師。

@104corp Taiwan

劉顥權 Haoquan Liu hqn21
Full-Stack Developer / iOS Developer

National Chung Hsing University Taiwan

Ming Tsay mingtsay
Full Stack Developer. Start coding with VB6 in 10 years old. Skills: VB6 -> PHP -> C/C++ -> Java(Android) -> NodeJS -> Swift -> Kotlin -> Python -> React/RN

RM Studio New Taipei City, Taiwan

Kevin Zheng SnowFireWolf
Vue / React. 22 y.o.


CYTsai cytsai1008
A useless member in @HCHS-CSDC and @PixelGameMaker who confusing about some pro programmer following me, bad at coding.

@HCHS-CSDC /home/cytsai1008/github

b0ring LianSheng197
LianSheng(142|197)?                        Dirty and low efficiency code maker.
