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@Elton Peixoto elton-peixoto-lu
Software Engineer @nubank Computer Science enthusiast
Audrius audriu
Startup MVP development.
Andrii Maliuta ahndmal
Developing custom staff for @atlassian 's Confluence/Jira. 🐶 🐱 🦆

AC Ukraine

Leandro Pincini leandropincini

@nubank São Paulo - SP - Brazil

William Cunha williamnerdy
Senior Software Engineer

@nubank Brazil

Functional Programming, HPC & Reactive Architecture Enthusiast Scala (Spark, Akka), Clojure, C, C#, Python. Certified Neo4j & Databricks Spark Professional

Capgemini Vigo, Spain

chan thy-chan
Keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier!
Avelino avelino
CTO at @buserbrasil, open source engineer

@buserbrasil Brazil

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Eric Dallo ericdallo
Emacs fanatic, NixOS enthusiast, maintainer of clojure-lsp, emacs-lsp and lsp-dart

@nubank São Paulo, Brazil