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Apptio Inc. Bellevue

Ansh Vidyabhanu ansh-apptio
curious 24/7

Apptio Bangalore

Jorge Souza jhasouza

Brazil - São Paulo - SP


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Janrs Yang janrs-io
Go/Istio/k8s/Clound Native

Company About IoT Industry Xiamen,China

Frederick Boehm fboehm
I study biostatistics, with a focus in statistical genetics. I strive to understand how our genes influence our health and biology.

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

cihan-virtasant cihan-virtasant

Virtasant, Inc. Istanbul, Turkey

Antonio Thomacelli Gomes tonnytg
Software Engineer and Cloud Architect

Banco BV Brazil

Ayushi Singla asingla1
Happy Coding!

IBM Bangalore