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Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

VD $ VD171 @ Priv8 VD171
VD $ VD171 @ Priv8

flumpus flumpus-dev
flumpin around town

somewhere out there

Yukusai p-yukusai
I draw and code once per eon, mostly C++ and Python. Current lead for @AnimeEffectsDevs

@AnimeEffectsDevs SOL III

Dilawar Singh dilawar
watch -n $RANDOM cat /dev/null

Subconscious Compute Bangalore, India

BrokenGem namespaceYcZ
I don't program, I'm only a code porter.
Adeoye Adefemi opeolluwa
Rustacean, adventurous backend engineer and, embedded software enthusiast. 📡

@easepay Abeokuta, Nigeria

Kelly Clowers krc
AI is the new blockchain /negative

Corvallis, OR, US

Like ekil1100
Being wise means having more questions than answers.


Stefano Serioli StuSerious
Pretty good thanks! How about you?


泽被苍生 Richyeoh

404 Not found. Hangzhou