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Paran Lee paranlee
Linux Kernel (≥ v6.x.y) | ARM64 | RISC-V | BEAM | Container Lover

Ericsson LG 51, Gasan digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Republic of Korea

Dongwook, Kim iamkimlog
Backend programmer (Java, Kotlin)
Aaditya Ansh ADItya0367
E-Cell IIT Kharagpur | Tech enthusiast | DSA | C++ | Full Stack | Leetcode @ 250+ | Founder @Codepect
Donna parkdoyeon
Elixir, Clojure
YeonheeHan hanyeonhee
Edu Ops & Contents Dev Manager

goorm Inc. Seoul, South Korea

Sungjoo(Dennis) Hwang Denny-Hwang
Python, Keras, Qiskit, C++, Matlab

Richland, WA, US

Hoon Choi SantonyChoi

Storicity Seoul, Korea