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Sharon Lau sharonytlau
Front End Developer

London, UK

Cecil Phillip cecilphillip
.NET Developer, Podcaster, Teacher, Swimmer, & Music Lover. Born and Raised in Antigua

@stripe Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Vinícius Veroneze viniciusvgv
Graphic design student and web/mobile developer

LiftVentures Campinas, São Paulo - Brasil

Fatih Cömez fatihcomez
Strategic Sourcing Manager and Engineer w/MBA. Learning to code.
Lance Willett lancewillett
Build on strengths to deliver software people love. Product leader and GM known for high-growth, consumer-grade SaaS. México-born, Arizona based. 🌵

Phoenix, AZ

Aaron Roh roharon
Server Software Engineer @dramancompany

Remember(@dramancompany) Seoul, Korea

Lakshay Choudhary unlux
i build useless stuff


Jimmy Mishan jimmyMsh
👋 Hi, I'm Jimmy Mishan! I'm a Computer Science & ITI student at Rutgers University with a passion for programming and problem-solving.
king prosper prosperReigns
I am a student of ALX, having CS50 introduction to CS intellectual. A frontend and backend developer

imade tech Lagos, Nigeria

Poom Yimyuean lebrancconvas
Area of Interest: Web Dev, Game Dev, Data Science, Computer Graphics, Web Automation, Functional Programming, Multimedia and Language Learning.

Any Workplace :P [Bangkok, Surat Thani] ~ Thailand.

PRW760 prw760

Mesa, Arizona, USA

Tore M. Hirth Torehirth
Currently studying Front-End Development at Noroff Vocational School.

Bergen, Norway

Dev Mukherjee devraj

@anomaly Canberra, ACT Australia

Harsh Vardhan devharsh2k4
Hi am harsh vardhan am an undergrad computer science engineer Am a tech geek who Loves to explore and learn something new
Italis Odilson Woodly odilson-dev
FullStack Software Developer with love❤ for React.js and Ruby on Rails💎

Les Cayes, Haiti

Roneet Yadav Dev-Dynammo
Prgrammer || Coder


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Michaella Rodriguez michaella23
Scrimba Bootcamp Lead, frontend web developer, accessibility buff, never not learning.

Austin, TX

Chandray Murmu theChandrayMurmu
Building Team x Building Community.


Mohamed_amer Mohamedredaaa
I'M Mohamed Reda Amer, a Student in the Department of computer and information sciences, at Mansoura University

Mansoura University

Cypherpunk Samurai CypherpunkSamurai
A coder and a par-time freelancer :D

Student /root/

Sujeet Kumar SUJEET7488

Not Available Bangalore

Team Lead | Data, DB, Software Engineering, Data Scientist | Python, SQL, ML, Data Analysis | React, Node.js, C#, Insights, Decision-Making

Tecnicas Reunidas

CccrizzZ CccrizzZ
Working as a Full Stack Developer


Salocin.TEN SalocinDotTEN Hacktivist. Coding for Jesus Christ. Items posted here may not represent the views of connected entities.

@TheIOFoundation @FaithTechKL Asgardia.

Jose Celano josecelano
#rust #python #php #typescript #bitcoin #github-actions @nautilus-cyberneering @torrust

Nautilus Cyberneering Spain

Rail Batyrshin TangoPJ


Yogesh Bhavsar yogeshu
👋 Hi there! I'm Yogesh, a Front-End Developer with a passion for building scalable web applications and working with open-source technology.

Quest global India

Ahmed Mustafa ummahrican
Its just code all the way down

California, USA

André Santos dexfs
Backend | Javascript | Node.js | Typescript

plugpamentos Aracaju

Melissa Ann Sorrells melsorrells23

@MelissaSorrells Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Ismael Santos santosism
First-gen Latino in tech
Abdul Rehman AbdulRehmanGHub
Ex Bytewise Fellow | MLSA | GDSC Team Member | CS Student | Programmer | Web Developer | Content Creator | 200+ Certifications


Corey Duke cdukedev

Ft lauderdale, Florida

Bruno Weigmann de Matos brunoweig

Balneário Camboriú, SC, Brazil