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Oğuzhan Güç ogzcode
Frontend Developer

Ayssoft Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş. Türkiye/Malatya

Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


La Min Ko laminko
Software Engineer. Skills include Python, FastAPI, SQL, JavaScript, GNU/Linux, AWS.

Carro Thailand

Florian Le Frioux floweb

Seldon Finance Basusarri, Euskal Herria, France

NicoNing dodoru
Simple is better than complex.


Rajendra Agrawal Rajendra999
Civil Engineer,Stock market ,python,flask

self employed

Burak Uren burakuren


Lindemberg Barbosa bergpb
Software Developer, DevOps and IoT enthusiast. Programing with Python, Rust, PHP, Javascript and Ruby. "Always learning something..."

@institutoatlantico Caucaia - Ce

Zion Amsalem xionams
dev among others..


Cowan Kanga Wekesa cowanweks
Am a passionate and ready to learn Software/Web Developer with diverse knowledge in various Programming Languages, Libraries and Frameworks.

@ultimatesoftwares Kenya

blalyasar blalyasar
Linux Admin Python Bash

Antalya - Turkey

ali sharifi alisharify7
Just a Normal Developer :))

Tehran IRAN

Gary Hurtz garyhurtz

San Francisco, CA

Morpheus Muzych
Less is More.

Clayton University Anywhere

Michael Boateng bnmbz
Front-end developer | HTML | CSS | SCSS | JavaScript | React | TypeScript and other front-end technologies. Student @freeCodeCamp


HoLittlePig hezygo
Keep track of your work and life

The Chirping Of Cicadas GuangDong

Cody Fincher cofin

@googlers Dallas, TX

Hasan Sezer Taşan hasansezertasan
Software Developer‌ ·‌‌ Open Source Contributor

@bold-auto-transport Turkey

Thomas Koller thomaskoller
Software Developer who's working in Python and Swift projects


Thanos Koulouris thakoul

Athens, Greece

Alex alexcybernetic
Climate Change Tracker, Data for Action Foundation


theuncoaffair theuncoaffair
digital creator | cg artist | graphic disgner | programmer

Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Andreas Kampakos akampakos
Software Engineer

Sibasoft SA Athens

Backend Developer with a Passion for Growth
Islati Islati
🧙‍♂️ Software Wizard

@SpellboundSaga Canada

GilbN GilbN
Full Stack Dev/Process Automation Lead @ Verisure

Verisure Norway