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IERC oreganb
The International Energy Research Centre (IERC) is an industry-led collaborative research centre.

International Energy Research Centre Ireland

chim xchimx

ITTagesschau Germany

Nagy Dániel Sfuhi
I'm a first year student at ELTE informatics.


Artifact ArtifactSIN
You now, I am something of a computer engineer myself
yu-matsumura yuma1217
Japanese, SaaS, Typescript, React, Unity(C#) VR, AR Engineer in Japan
Jeff Jafari asjn3e

BlockZed Neverland

Phaneendra phaneendra24
cs student

Andhra pradesh, India

Lenier Ortiz theweak1
B.S. Computer Engineering — Learner 📚 | Part-time Developer 👨🏻‍💻 | Explorer 🔎

Puerto Rico

Leonard Lesinski Le0X8
Full-stack developer

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany 🇩🇪



Yjn024 JieningYu
No.24 of Yjn

@pkuschool Beijing, China

David Dossett daviddossett
Designing VS Code and GitHub Copilot Chat @microsoft

@microsoft Seattle, WA

Kedasha Kerr LadyKerr
Developer Advocate @github and Technical Content Creator 🎥 Catch my next video on IG @itsthatladydev

Developer Advocate Chicago, IL

Yann Hermouet yannhermouet
Product Manager & Product Designer

@Mobinergy Lyon, France

Mitchell Creaous
I work on various projects and my primary coding language is Typescript. If you'd like to know more about me, read the README on my profile!


Dai Kawai kdmgs110
Working at

North Carolina

Teresa Peña terepv
Product Designer with a background in business and marketing.
Jeet Majumdar JeetMajumdar2003
Chemical Engineer by 🧑‍🎓 || Software Engineer By ❤️


이지민 Samdasoo1076 seoul

Nicholas Krebs chraebsli
IT enthusiast & web developer from Switzerland

@Crabston Switzerland

.vince devinci-it
Lets make the world a better place, one push at a time.

Synapse Networking Solutions LA

Jonatas Silva peraza jonatasperaza
Estudante IFC araquari

IFC Araquari Joinville/SC

Deepak Thapa dtsuper3
Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer

New Delhi, India

Q YuezhenQin
HSBC GGP Trainee; Former Core Organizer, Google Developer Group (Suzhou, China chapter)

United Kindom

Kind dev fulldev1023
Full stack Developer. React Next Python Django Golang Ruby on Rails

Freelancer In the World