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Alex Wood awood314

Splice Los Angeles

Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

Lovely Solutions LLC New York, NY

Zhou Xin xtheing
Do something with code ! 🙌

Chengdu city

ishiko ishiko732
Full-stack | Next.js | Python | Machine Learning


JS JStk-Dev
A programmer who supports open source. I write code for fun. I like to watch science fiction movies and I make music as a hobby.

JS Somewhere in America.

vim enthusiast
Samu scristobal
I enjoy doing pointer arithmetic on CSS


⟣ €₥ℵ∪ℓ ⟢ emnul

@OpenZeppelin Atlanta, Georgia, USA

nette nyette
c-role sivanbil
software architect & Python / Java / PHP /Rust developer


Achmadi mekatronik-achmadi
sleep, gym, protein, programming

ITS Surabaya Indonesia

!((!I)?.code()) || !(I?.code()) || any?.code()


Miguel Eduardo Senna Moroni migmoroni
Cientista da Computação | WEB | JavaScript

SP - Brazil

Adrian Sieber ad-si
CEO @Airsequel | Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Rust

@Airsequel Frankfurt am Main

Guillermo Calleja guillermocalleja
Senior Software Developer working with JavaScript, ServiceNow, React, NEXT.js and Angular

ICS Group Berlin, Germany

Fedor Tkachenko Pulko

Klarna Bank AB Hamburg

練氣士 hongfaqiu
TypeScript / React, Rust

ZJU Hangzhou

yunus zhaoyii
a dev


Jason Quaglia jquaglia
Software Engineer | Inquisitor

Software Developer @ FileOpen Systems Seattle, WA

Suuuy suuuy

Coding Shenzhen Guangzhou China

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Edinson Jim edinsonjim
Founder | Software Architect | Problem Solver

@iDesoftSystems Milan - Italy

Mahmoud ElNaggar lenaggar
Frontend tools & Rust 😍

@DataSnipper Amsterdam

takahiro koide taaaaakahiro
Backend Engineer 2021/1 ~ #golang #Python #AWS #Terraform #Rust #React #Typescript
Naexy Nanagalaxy
Student in computer science at the IUT of Vannes


Miraculous Owonubi miraclx
./reality: SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Calimero Network /dev/null