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Ishmam The Dumb ishmam-br10
Noob level tends to infinity :3

BRAC University Dhaka

Ekke ekkekuru2

Tokyo Metropolitan Hibiya Highschool Japan

Zeinu Kedir SUBANUM63
I love coding so much and enjoy it a lot

Ethiopian Electric Power Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

SMSPool smspool
SMSPool's official repository for plugins

SMSPool Netherlands

Full-Stack .NET and React Developer who likes writing software and lifting weights.

Looking for job Poland

Dou Du dou-du

EPFL Laussane, Switzerland

Saeed Noori saeeddda
Web developer; PHP and C# language programmer. Developer of WordPress themes and plugins. Laravel framework developer and software design based on core


Michael Morris noddynz
Battle Tested

NoddyCo New Zealand

Ame ameknite
「ART • Software」
Iftekhar iiiiftekhar
Exploring the realm of codes💡


Eduardo Guastay eguastay08
Philanthropist, Playboy, Software Development and Software Engineer.

@devsoftec Quito, Ecuador.

Adarsh zs0c131y
A non-political citizen. Currently @TelegramMessenger. Working my way into web development and cybersecurity.

@TelegramMessenger India

Tácio Mendes tdpmendes
Fixing code and people wherever i go :)
Arya Ashouri AryaAshouri
Developer who loves creativity and tries to solve problems through ways which are not very common

Tehran, Iran

Natsuki Maehara Natsukingdom
乳糖不耐症 よく寝る


Erivan Luciano EriSL
Systems Analyst and Linux Evangelist

Brazil, Salvador, Bahia

Gregory Kulp Hello-GregKulp
eCommerce Operations Specialist & Aspiring Full-Stack Developer | Innovating in LRS Technology | Founder of Dumpling Nut & Creator of 'Failing Fathers 📈💻

Richmond, VA

Joshua Sing joshuasing
Hi, I'm a Software Engineer from Victoria, Australia.

Victoria, Australia

Christian Staudt clstaudt
freelance data scientist / machine learning engineer



Adequation Lyon

stormliu lioulei1317
Android xiao cai liao

Isaac Hernán Isaaker
Spanish 🇪🇸 |  Apple Developer | 💻 Owner of | 🌐 Open Source | ❤️ Linux and MacOS | Python 🐍 | Cibersecurity 🛡️| Cloud ☁️

@Ramshackle-code España / Spain

harkati yassin yassinsisino
42 Paris student

42 paris france

Alex Bates bates64
Software engineer and web platform advocate. Helped decompile the Paper Mario (2000, Nintendo 64) game, now working on modernising the engine.

DX @LeaningTech Leeds, United KIngdom

Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World