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JenniferJuan chentingjuan
Graphics Engineer / Frontend Engineer


Ricky Chon RickyC0626
🛠️ I build stuff and hope it works

Earth New York City

Agus Made agusmade

Jakarta, Indonesia

Vladyslav vlady5lav
Science & Tech Enthusiast

Hobbyist Developer & System Administrator Andromeda Galaxy, Local Group, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster

David Lapointe Gilbert davidwebca
I'm a web developer with an accidental background in design and branding. / Développeur web avec un parcours accidentel en design et image de marque.

guimauve-creative Quebec city

牛さん wayou

tencent chengdu, disney resort ,china


Warsaw, Poland

Adrian Barsan axbarsan
Product Engineer @ Stacker

Vienna, Austria

Vineeth S technophilic
Technical Product Owner @AgoraIO Bangalore, India

Mohamed Awnallah mohamedawnallah
Open Source Data Engineer exploring new frontiers and touching the stars with the power of data. ✨ GPG key: 3AB41BED6DC9C9188A65C5965D55706029E9B87E

Open to remote data engineering opprtunities Remote

Cătălin George Feștilă catafest
I was born in 1976. I like programming. You can find me on the internet with nicknames: catafest and mythcat.

freelancer Fălticeni , Romania

Guido Schmidt guidoschmidt
Creative programmer from Heidelberg, Germany Heidelberg, Germany

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
kosl90 kosl90

Hubei, Wuhan, China

Monty Anderson montyanderson
code + sounds. founder @prodialabs.

@prodialabs 🇬🇧 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

Mark Aksarov MarkAk91
Frontend developer
"Building the future, one line of code at a time and Creating solutions, one commit at a time"
Yan Qiu shinnqy

@Microsoft, @Alipay Shanghai

Gennaro Schiano gschian0

Schiano Research MIami,FL:

Francis Brito francisbrito

@blenderbox Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Adnan Wahab adnanwahab
MLops + Three.js for zoox


rico trebeljahr
programmer, traveler, photographer. not necessarily in that order.

Self-Employed Berlin

Computational Design + Architecture / Design Director @pbarch + Living Architecture Systems Group

@pbarch Toronto, ON

Zouyingjun allan852

XiaoChaun Beijing, China

I am ne zha / Jeskson webVueBlog

Shenzhen, Guangdong

Emma Johnson chouvenlee
A passionate student with a knack for creativity and problem-solving. Always seeking new challenges and eager to make a positive impact.
Prince This-Is-Prince
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Punjab India

Glenn Lewis gmlewis
Glenn is a software developer currently intrigued by IRMF, A-Frame, Wasm, Rust, and Go. Contact him via

Orlando, FL