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顺鑫集团 beijing

renwenlong renwenlong-github


Jiefeng Chen chenjiefeng2001
The Philosophy is the most important things of programming.

Beijing University of Science and Technology 30 College Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China

Keven Fesperman sjkcdpc
Enthusiastic about programming, I, Keven Fesperman, shine in Golang, Rust, and PHP, attending hackathons to influence the technology landscape.
Mustang Kong mustang2247
No money No fredom

PayBlock BeiJing

Sam Chan DataScientistSamChan
engineer based in ShenZhen, China.

Tencent ShenZhen, China

Paul Yao yaoper
📚 ML | Java | Backend | BigData | K8S 📌 The Beginner Of Artificial Intelligence 🏃 Running | Swimming 🏊‍♂️

Beijing, China

Zipeng Dai superboySB
Crazy Boy, from BIT

Beijing Institute of Technology China

Erich Bouch G7b9
As a passionate coding enthusiast, I, Erich Bouch, excel in Python. I eagerly participate in competitions and aspire to make an impact in the tech world.
K likw99
Let's make things happen.
boring life,boring coding,boring everything
Ma Qiang alvin-up
Software Developer.
