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CyberAstraa CyberAstraa
Learner new here,Future Pentester
Nikita NikitaRana07

New Delhi, India

Lab Rat rootCircle
In a deep debate with my compiler ;-)

@remediIn India

Alexandre GUIOT--VALENTIN alexandregv
Tech Lead @42Paris (@42School), Alumni @42Paris

@42Paris Paris, France

Uri Carrasquilla Uriel-Carrasquilla
Capacity Planner and Data Scientist with a PhD in AI and an MBA.
Beatriz Rezener beatrizrezener
Software Engineer

Cobbler Earth

Derrick Ding dykderrick

@hotstar <- @microsoft <- @amzn

Rohan rohankumardubey
if (brain != empty) { keepCoding(); } else { orderCoffee(); }

Pokerstars India

Josue Alexander Ibarra ibarrajo
senior software engineer

@Uber Seattle, Washington

Marangely Rosas MarangelyRosas
FSW Developer passionate about problem solving. Professional/Organized, Great Communication/Leadership Skills, Helpful, and Reliable.

@Pursuit New York, NY

Shivam Sood shivamsood123
Hi there! I am Shivam Sood Currently pursuing Btech CSE from Lovely professional university. I am data science enthusiast 💻


Harjinder Singh harjinder24
On a journey to become an elite Data Scientist.
Alan Flores Rodriguez Zillth
Software, web, databases and mobile developer.