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Doulat Meah iamdoulat

Doulat Meah Dhaka, Bangladesh

ColorFilter romantech
Better than Yesterday

simon le serve geosynapse
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Student Cosmos

Parimal ArchProtios
Hey , myself Parimal Srivastava a technical enthusiast ....

North Carolina

Digi-Angler digiangler
𝔇𝔦𝔤𝔦-𝔄𝔫𝔤𝔩𝔢𝔯 という、フルスタックのフリーランス開発者。主に TypeScript、React、Next.js、Python、PostgreSQL、Docker が大好きです。Web3 など最新技術のトレンドもリサーチしたり、アプリを作成して勉強しています。無類のコーヒー愛好家。

Freelance Japan

Dika dikako

Stockbit Jakarta

Victor Cabral victorcabral182
Hello! Pleasure to meet you! I'm Front-end Developer.

Globalsys Vila Velha/ ES, Brasil

Nazar Kornienko blefnk
Front-end developer, focusing on Next.js, and UI designer. Open to freelance projects and full/remote work.


JcStack Jcstack


Eduardo Faria eduardofaria
Web Developer & Designer UI/UX | Freelancer as Design Ninja | Systems Analysis and Development student | 👨‍🍳🎧 | ✡ Bnei Noach / בני נח

Design Ninja Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Coding is how we create and manage a world that’s out of control with rules. Create your own with simplicity in your design.
Rhythrosa Labs RhythrosaLabs
We develop intuitive, AI-driven tools that streamline the creative process for artists and businesses.

Rhythrosa Labs

Gilson Oliveira juninhokaponne
Passionate coder exploring the digital universe one commit at a time. If you want building complex features but easy way, let me know.

Provider-It Brazil, Minas Gerais

Brian Roach itsbrex
Technical PM + LLM Model collector 💅 curr. exploring ML Audio with ONNX + Deno/Bun, and local AI via @ollama ♥️

San Diego

Gabriel Del gabriel-del
JAMstack developer and Biomedical Engineer, with skills in machine learning, image processing and systems administration.


Sergej Bopp lunarkbot

Deutschland, Baden-Württemberg

raypenha raypenha
Fullstack Developer | Jamstack | Next.js | React | React Native | Linux Administrator.

Free Lancer Br

flumpus flumpus-dev
flumpin around town

somewhere out there

Jeremy Blake JBTitan

Tillner Tech Jacksonville Fl

AnonniX AnonniX
I'm an Anon Superuser that likes everything Unix/Linux & FOSS related - in addition to all other things in life that are cool.

AnonniX Bahamas

Augusto coodyme
Always deliver more than expected.

@crm-services Brazil

Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

Lovely Solutions LLC New York, NY

Leandro Williams leandrowilliams
💻 Desenvolvedor Full Stack Jr.


Rafael Lüder rlueder
Software Engineer and Designer at Levels; prev. frog (NY), Gogo/Intelsat, (Chicago), Cognizant (London) and Dell (Brazil). RTFM.

Levels Chicago, IL

Nikita Govorov NikGovorov

Wallaby.js Australia, Gold Coast

Ravindra Vairagi vaishnavravi33
FullStack Developer. Expert in JQuery, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Angular, ASP.NET, CSharp and SQL. Intermediate in Cross Plateform Application Development.