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Carlo a67793581
Born in a predicament, died of happiness

AiJuYuLe BeiJing

Edanur Gürgen Runadee
I'm a Software Developer dedicated to lifelong learning and self-improvement.
Matthew Waldron waldronmatt

New York City Metropolitan Area, USA

ho huxiaosheng
Zafer Zmote
A software-engineer, artist, writer and composer with varying degrees of proficiency in each of them. I love all things related to story-telling.


Culture.Support CultureSupport
Works for Sri Lanka

Culture.Support Culture.Support

Jonathan 'J5' Harris jony5
I'm Jonathan 'J5' Harris, a web professional living in ATL, GA. In my free time, I jump head-first into web development, email marketing, & drum-n-bass music!

eVifweb Atlanta, GA

Shotaro Nakamura nakasyou
14 y/o, Junior High School, Japanese 中3男子/受験生

@Ablaze-MIRAI, @Liberluna, Tokyo, Japan

Nilesh Prajapati nileshprajapati
Digital Designer, Traveler, Tech Observer. Crafting beautiful digital experience by combining minimalist design and functional approach.

Leicester, UK

Andrea F AndreaFan123
Junior Frontend Developer.


Fontaneria Beltran Valencia lunaroco33
Fontanería Beltran Valencia somos especialistas en ofrecer un servicio técnico de instalación, reparación y mantenimiento de todo tipo de aparatos de agua
Jared Van Valkengoed MarketingPip
Team member / founder of @MarketingPipeline


afei gfafei
what ever will be , will be


Sarp Eren EGILMEZ Segilmez06
Just another open source developer.
Gab celias
Byte my bits.

Comet ☄️ Philadelphia, PA

Kobibank Exkaleburx
geleceğin mantıksal coin güvenlik birimleri

João Fernando Apel Miguel joaoapel
Engenheiro Agrícola tentando programar

Cascavel - PR

Mahmoud Mohamed Mohamed Hussein's Boxter187 02001013016003 02001070284362

Giza, Cairo Egypt.

Felix DUSENGIMANA felixdusengimana


Clarisse Ribeiro clar5z
Front-end developer

Recife - PE / Brazil

Al-Khawarizmi khawarizmus
conquering JavaScript one stack at a time. const learner= true; let failure= 0; if(learner) failure++; console.log(`failed ${failure} stood up ${failure+1}.`);

Zaman Milky Way

Sara Soueidan SaraSoueidan
Inlclusive UI/design engineer, author, speaker, trainer. Creator of Practical Accessibility video course:

Freelancer Lebanon

Walter Rudametkin rudametw
Full professeur at the University of Rennes since 2022. Was previously at the University of Lille.

University of Rennes / IRISA / ESIR Rennes and Lille, France

Egor Didenko egordidenko
Frontend engineer

Uploadcare Toronto, Canada

xwan99 xwan99
Frontend developer. Learning React


Aaron Paterson MayCXC
[object Object]’s **est �
FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC
