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Xiaonan Cui xiaonancui
Coder | Designer | Writer | AI Researcher

inBit Xi'an | Shenzhen

Mehdi Hoseini Mehdi-Hp
👾 Random developer

Tehran, Iran

:Roger! icarusgk
⌬ software dev || rn on web dev - en/es -
Etienne Lacoursiere etiennelacoursiere
Developer @rum-and-code

@rum-and-code Shawinigan, QC, Canada

Caleb Zamalloa ecaleb97
"👨‍💻 Full-stack developer | 📚 Lifelong learner. Student at @42School

Madrid, Spain

Wei Huang yiyidhuang
Software Engineer


ENKR | Jing Hui PANG | 彭竞辉 enkr1
Software Engineer @ ByteDance - "Code with clarity, design with purpose."

@bytedance Singapore

Berge Maxim GraphtyLove
Code eater. AI coach at

@becodeorg Bruxelles

FMSmedia Activeleds
Application and Technical Engineering

Faith Management Solutions Inc Chicago

Philipp wpp
I like big bugs
Rishikesh Nighot rvnighot
Software Designer

San Francisco, CA

Lohen lohenyumnam
Crafting code, shaping the future.

Imphal, Manipur

Karthik Kamalakannan imkarthikk
Founder of @skcript. Building

@skcript Dubai

valentineejk valentineejk
Software Engineer • Nextjs • React Native • Nodejs • Golang

rille lekki, Lagos.

Ezatullah Ghafoori ezatullah-ghafoori
Front-end Developer | Specialist in ReactJS, NextJS, TailwindCSS, Express & Andular | Continuous learner

Herat Afghanistan

Rohit Jain Rohit19060
Building Desktop, Web & Mobile Projects, & gain a lot of expertise in them. I enjoy indulging my creative side in UI/UX. Eager to work on innovative solutions.

@king-technologies Rajgarh, Rajasthan, INDIA

DamonXue damonxue
神即是道(规律), 道法自然, 如来

@Apache Earth

sambit soulsam480
small engineer, vue, react, node, @revenuehero

@revenuehero @billbird-dev Namma Bengaluru

Rodrigo Rocha rodi38
Full-Stack Developer

Fortaleza - CE - Brasil

Jimmy Morris jimmymorris
I push pixels and make design systems

Zillow Group Virginia

Myeonggyu Choi mygychoi

Tridge Seoul, Korea

Four OnlyF0uR
"I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble."

@CodedSnow @AlphynxIT Netherlands

Juan Zurita juan-zv
I am a Computer Science student at BYU-Idaho.

Rexburg, ID

foontzoot foontzoot
I write code.

@11593501 Stoney Creek, ON

Rajan Chaudhari rajanchaudhari08
Full Stack Web Developer

@bryka Mumbai, Maharashtra

vomw vomw
quiet quitting


Bruno Carvalho brunoocrv
Frontend Developer

Maringa - Brazil

Giorgio Azzinnaro borgoat
Principal Engineer @yeekatee

@yeekatee Switzerland

Muratcan Şentürk snturk

Özgür Yazılım A.Ş Ankara, Turkey

Luis Vázquez luisvwxyz
Maker of stuff, fixer of things.
Daniel Bayley danielbayley
Animotion/graphic designer and full stack developer hybrid. Prolific open source hacker. Long Web3, short banks.


Yann Leflour yleflour
Engineer and maker at 💜 - Redefining software craftsmanship with AI @ - Writing about it @

pAIrprog Paris, France

Linh Doan Minh Nhat linhdmn
Senior Software Engineer at BlueSG Build complex things from simple things. Create automation things from manual things.

BlueSG 16 Science Park Drive, #04-01 DNV GL Technology Centre, Singapore, 118227, Singapore