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Installation error with "RefreshExtendCacheMigration" with version 4.1.0 #349

beltran-rubo opened this issue Feb 10, 2020 · 26 comments


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Bitnami developer here. We are releasing the new OroCRM 4.1.0 and we got the error below in our tests after running the "php console oro:install" script. All the previous checks were OK.

   ERROR: The command terminated with an exit code: 1.
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Migration\UpdateEntityConfigMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\EntitySerializedFieldsBundle\Migration\SerializedDataMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\UpdateExtendConfigMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\ActivityContactBundle\Migration\ActivityContactMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\ActivityListBundle\Migration\ActivityListMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\UpdateExtendIndicesMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Migration\WarmUpEntityConfigCacheMigration - skipped

In MigrationExecutor.php line 116:
  Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\RefreshExtendCac  

Steps to reproduce
Install OroCRM in Linux (Ubuntu 18.04)

Actual Result
Error posted above

Expected Result
No error

Details about your environment

  • OroCRM version: x.y.z
  • PHP version: x.y.z
  • Database (MySQL, PostgreSQL) version

Additional information

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anyt commented Feb 10, 2020

Hi @beltran-rubo,
Please share the full installation log, there should be an SQL error message somewhere above the message, you've shared.

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Yes sorry:

   In NativeFileSessionHandler.php line 52:

      Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session mod  
  ule's ini settings at this time                                              

    oro:entity-extend:update-config [--update-custom] [--skip-origin [SKIP-ORIGIN]] [--initial-state-path [INITIAL-STATE-PATH]] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--disabled-listeners DISABLED-LISTENERS] [--current-user CURRENT-USER] [--current-organization CURRENT-ORGANIZATION] [--] <command>

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anyt commented Feb 10, 2020

OK, it's not the error, I was expected to see.
Then, please, fill the Details about your environment in an issue template, so we can make sure the new environment meets the system requirements.

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beltran-rubo commented Feb 10, 2020

This is a temporary link to the Linux installer we are working on (valid for 24h), please download it on your own and you can reproduce it in any Linux machine:

$ wget -O '' ''

The same installation process works properly for previous OroCRM versions. Let me know if you need more info to reproduce it.

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anyt commented Feb 10, 2020

We have changed the system requirements since the previous version, at least you have to update PHP to 7.3.13, see .

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Right, the installer already ships the requirements, it ships PHP 7.3.14 and the all the validations from OroCRM are OK.

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hi @anyt did you have a chance to test it? thanks

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anyt commented Feb 17, 2020

Hi @beltran-rubo ,
Sorry, I had no Linux OS to test it. Just installed Fedora on another notebook. Can you share the image again?

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wget -O '' ''

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Any progress on this? thanks

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anyt commented Feb 19, 2020

I get a 403 response by that link.

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It is a temporarily link for 24 hours, please try to download it again

wget -O '' ''

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Any progress on this? thanks

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ping @anyt, let me know if we should upload the installer again

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There is a new 4.1.1 version available, do you know if there were any changes that could address this issue?

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anyt commented Mar 16, 2020

Hi @beltran-rubo,
I tried to set up the stack with the above installer on clean ubuntu 19.10 but got other errors. It's definitely an environmental issue because the stack is not enough isolated from the host machine. But as I can't reproduce the above error and I don't see the way to debug an installation it's hard to say what is the cause.
4.1.1 release doesn't address this issue because there is nothing to do in an application. The application works fine with all the services installed when they meet the system requirements on a host machine or in a docker environment, but not in the Bitnami stack. I don't have enough time to play with that and it's not clear how to debug with the graphic installation.

Can you share more host environment details and the installation stack trace? Thank you.

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This is the full log

Check system requirements
| Check   | Mandatory requirements                                                                                                                            |
| OK      | Vendor libraries must be installed                                                                                                                |
| OK      | app/cache/ or var/cache/ directory must be writable                                                                                               |
| OK      | app/logs/ or var/logs/ directory must be writable                                                                                                 |
| OK      | Configured default timezone "UTC" must be supported by your installation of PHP                                                                   |
| OK      | iconv() must be available                                                                                                                         |
| OK      | json_encode() must be available                                                                                                                   |
| OK      | session_start() must be available                                                                                                                 |
| OK      | ctype_alpha() must be available                                                                                                                   |
| OK      | token_get_all() must be available                                                                                                                 |
| OK      | simplexml_import_dom() must be available                                                                                                          |
| OK      | PCRE extension must be available                                                                                                                  |
| OK      | /tmp (sys_get_temp_dir()) directory must be writable                                                                                              |
| OK      | Maximum supported filename length must be greater or equal 242 characters. Make sure that the cache folder is not inside the encrypted directory. |
| Check   | PHP settings                               |
| OK      | detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini |
| OK      | string functions should not be overloaded  |
| OK      | memory_limit should be at least 512M       |
| Check   | Oro specific requirements                                                    |
| OK      | PHP version must be at least 7.3.13 (7.3.14 installed)                       |
| OK      | GD extension must be at least 2.0                                            |
| OK      | cURL extension must be at least 7.0                                          |
| OK      | openssl_encrypt() should be available                                        |
| OK      | iconv() must not return the false result on converting string "check string" |
| OK      | intl extension should be available                                           |
| OK      | zip extension should be installed                                            |
| OK      | NodeJS is installed                                                          |
| OK      | NodeJS ">=12.0" version must be installed.                                   |
| OK      | NPM is installed                                                             |
| OK      | public/uploads/ directory must be writable                                   |
| OK      | public/media/ directory must be writable                                     |
| OK      | public/bundles/ directory must be writable                                   |
| OK      | var/attachment/ directory must be writable                                   |
| OK      | var/import_export/ directory must be writable                                |
| OK      | public/js directory must be writable                                         |
| OK      | public directory must be writable                                            |
| OK      | config/parameters.yml file must be writable                                  |
| Check   | Optional recommendations                                                                                         |
| OK      | Vendors should be installed in order to check all requirements.                                                  |
| OK      | PCRE extension should be at least version 8.0 (10.32 installed)                                                  |
| OK      | PHP-DOM and PHP-XML modules should be installed                                                                  |
| OK      | mb_strlen() should be available                                                                                  |
| OK      | utf8_decode() should be available                                                                                |
| OK      | filter_var() should be available                                                                                 |
| OK      | posix_isatty() should be available                                                                               |
| OK      | intl extension should be available                                                                               |
| OK      | intl extension should be correctly configured                                                                    |
| OK      | intl ICU version should be at least 4+                                                                           |
| OK      | intl.error_level should be 0 in php.ini                                                                          |
| OK      | a PHP accelerator should be installed                                                                            |
| OK      | short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini                                                                     |
| OK      | magic_quotes_gpc should be disabled in php.ini                                                                   |
| OK      | register_globals should be disabled in php.ini                                                                   |
| OK      | session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini                                                                 |
| OK      | PDO should be installed                                                                                          |
| OK      | PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: mysql, sqlite)                                      |
| OK      | SOAP extension should be installed (API calls)                                                                   |
| OK      | Tidy extension should be installed to make sure that any HTML is correctly converted into a text representation. |
| WARNING | Disable Phar extension to reduce the risk of PHP unserialization vulnerability.                                  |
| OK      | IMAP extension should be installed for valid email processing on IMAP sync.                                      |
The application meets all mandatory requirements
Drop schema.
Setting up database.
This script is running with a memory_limit of 800M. to learn more about how to change this setting.
Process migrations...
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\LoadEntityConfigStateMigration
  > Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Migration\CreateMigrationTableMigration
  > Oro\Bundle\PlatformBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroPlatformBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ScopeBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroScopeBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\OrganizationBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroOrganizationBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\LoggerBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroLoggerBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroSecurityBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\AttachmentBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroAttachmentBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\OroMessageQueueBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroMessageQueueBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\EmailBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroEmailBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\CronBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroCronBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\UserBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroUserBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\DataGridBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroDataGridBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\SSOBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroSSOBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\TranslationBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroTranslationBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\DraftBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroDraftBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroEntityBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\LocaleBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroLocaleBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroEntityConfigBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroEntityExtendBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\DigitalAssetBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroDigitalAssetBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\IntegrationBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroIntegrationBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ImportExportBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroImportExportBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\NotificationBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroNotificationBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ActivityBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroActivityBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ActivityContactBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroActivityContactBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ActivityListBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroActivityListBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\AddressBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroAddressBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\BatchBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroBatchBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ConfigBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroConfigBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\DataAuditBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroDataAuditBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\EmbeddedFormBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroEmbeddedFormBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ImapBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroImapBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\InstallerBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroInstallerBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroMigrationBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\NoteBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroNoteBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ReportBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroReportBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\SearchBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroSearchBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\SegmentBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroSegmentBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\SidebarBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroSidebarBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\TagBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroTagBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\WindowsBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroWindowsBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\WorkflowBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroWorkflowBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\CommentBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroCommentBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\CRMBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroCRMBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\DashboardBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroDashboardBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\CalendarBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroCalendarBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\HangoutsCallBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroHangoutsCallBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ContactBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroContactBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\CurrencyBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroCurrencyBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\NavigationBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroNavigationBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\MarketingListBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroMarketingListBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\TrackingBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroTrackingBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\AccountBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroAccountBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\CallBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroCallBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\CampaignBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroCampaignBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ChannelBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroChannelBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\MagentoContactUsBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroMagentoContactUsBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ReminderBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroReminderBundleBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\TaskBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroTaskBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\AnalyticsBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroAnalyticsBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\MarketingActivityBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroMarketingActivityBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\SalesBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroSalesBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ContactUsBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroContactUsBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\MagentoBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroMagentoBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bridge\MarketingCRM\Migrations\Schema\OroMarketingCRMBridgeBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\CaseBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroCaseBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\EntitySerializedFieldsBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroEntitySerializedFieldsBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bridge\CalendarCRM\Migrations\Schema\OroCalendarCRMBridgeBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\ZendeskBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroZendeskBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bridge\CallCRM\Migrations\Schema\OroCallCRMBridgeBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bridge\TaskCRM\Migrations\Schema\OroTaskCRMBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\DotmailerBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroDotmailerBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\OAuth2ServerBundle\Migrations\Schema\OroOAuth2ServerBundleInstaller
  > Oro\Bundle\MigrationBundle\Migration\UpdateBundleVersionMigration
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\RefreshExtendCacheMigration

    In NativeFileSessionHandler.php line 52:

  Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session mod  
  ule's ini settings at this time                                              

    oro:entity-extend:update-config [--update-custom] [--skip-origin [SKIP-ORIGIN]] [--initial-state-path [INITIAL-STATE-PATH]] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--disabled-listeners DISABLED-LISTENERS] [--current-user CURRENT-USER] [--current-organization CURRENT-ORGANIZATION] [--] <command>

    ERROR: The command terminated with an exit code: 1.
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Migration\UpdateEntityConfigMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\EntitySerializedFieldsBundle\Migration\SerializedDataMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\UpdateExtendConfigMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\ActivityContactBundle\Migration\ActivityContactMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\ActivityListBundle\Migration\ActivityListMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\UpdateExtendIndicesMigration - skipped
  > Oro\Bundle\EntityConfigBundle\Migration\WarmUpEntityConfigCacheMigration - skipped

In MigrationExecutor.php line 116:
  Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendBundle\Migration\RefreshExtendCac  

oro:migration:load [--force] [--dry-run] [--show-queries] [--bundles [BUNDLES]] [--exclude [EXCLUDE]] [--timeout [TIMEOUT]] [-h|--help] [-q|--quiet] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-V|--version] [--ansi] [--no-ansi] [-n|--no-interaction] [-e|--env ENV] [--no-debug] [--disabled-listeners DISABLED-LISTENERS] [--current-user CURRENT-USER] [--current-organization CURRENT-ORGANIZATION] [--] <command>

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anyt commented Mar 19, 2020

Unfortunately, this output is not informative enough, can you also share the var/logs/prod.log file?

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[2020-03-19 14:01:43] console.ERROR: An error occurred while running command "'oro:entity-extend:update-config' --env=prod --no-debug". Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot 
change the session module's ini settings at this time {"exit_code":1,"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session 
module's ini settings at this time at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/Handler/NativeFileSessionHa
ndler.php:52)","arguments":{"command":"oro:entity-extend:update-config"},"options":{"env":"prod","no-debug":true}} []
[2020-03-19 14:01:43] console.ERROR: Error thrown while running command "oro:entity-extend:update-config --env=prod --no-debug". Message: "Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cann
ot change the session module's ini settings at this time" {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's i
ni settings at this time at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/Handler/NativeFileSessionHandler.php:
52)","command":"oro:entity-extend:update-config --env=prod --no-debug","message":"Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time"
} []
[2020-03-19 14:01:43] console.ERROR: An error occurred while running command "'oro:migration:load' --force --timeout=3600 --env=prod --no-debug". Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendB
undle\Migration\RefreshExtendCacheMigration. {"exit_code":1,"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCac
heMigration. at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/MigrationBundle/Migration/MigrationExecutor.php:116)","arguments":{"command":"oro:migratio
n:load"},"options":{"force":true,"timeout":"3600","env":"prod","no-debug":true}} []
[2020-03-19 14:01:43] console.ERROR: Error thrown while running command "oro:migration:load --force --timeout=3600 --env=prod --no-debug". Message: "Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\EntityExte
ndBundle\Migration\RefreshExtendCacheMigration." {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCacheMigratio
n. at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/MigrationBundle/Migration/MigrationExecutor.php:116)","command":"oro:migration:load --force --timeou
t=3600 --env=prod --no-debug","message":"Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCacheMigration."} []
[2020-03-19 14:03:05] console.ERROR: An error occurred while running command "'oro:install' --application-url 'http://localhost:8080/orocrm/' --organization-name OroCRM --user-name user --u
ser-email '' --user-firstname UserName --user-lastname ' LastName' --user-password asdfasdf --language en --formatting-code en --sample-data n --env prod --timeout 3600 --dr
op-database -skip-download-translations --no-debug -q -n". The "-s" option does not exist. {"exit_code":1,"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Exception\\RuntimeException(cod
e: 0): The \"-s\" option does not exist. at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Console/Input/ArgvInput.php:120)","arguments":{"comm
"user-lastname":" LastName","user-password":"asdfasdf","language":"en","formatting-code":"en","sample-data":"n","env":"prod","timeout":"3600","drop-database":true}} []
[2020-03-19 14:03:05] console.ERROR: Error thrown while running command "oro:install --application-url 'http://localhost:8080/orocrm/' --organization-name OroCRM --user-name user --user-ema
il '' --user-firstname UserName --user-lastname ' LastName' --user-password asdfasdf --language en --formatting-code en --sample-data n --env prod --timeout 3600 --drop-data
base -skip-download-translations --no-debug -q -n". Message: "The "-s" option does not exist." {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Exception\\RuntimeException(code: 0): The
 \"-s\" option does not exist. at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Console/Input/ArgvInput.php:120)","command":"oro:install --app
lication-url 'http://localhost:8080/orocrm/' --organization-name OroCRM --user-name user --user-email '' --user-firstname UserName --user-lastname ' LastName' --user-passwor
d asdfasdf --language en --formatting-code en --sample-data n --env prod --timeout 3600 --drop-database -skip-download-translations --no-debug -q -n","message":"The \"-s\" option does not e
xist."} []
[2020-03-19 14:04:39] console.ERROR: An error occurred while running command "'oro:entity-extend:update-config' --env=prod --no-debug". Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot 
change the session module's ini settings at this time {"exit_code":1,"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session 
module's ini settings at this time at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/Handler/NativeFileSessionHa
ndler.php:52)","arguments":{"command":"oro:entity-extend:update-config"},"options":{"env":"prod","no-debug":true}} []
[2020-03-19 14:04:39] console.ERROR: Error thrown while running command "oro:entity-extend:update-config --env=prod --no-debug". Message: "Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cann
ot change the session module's ini settings at this time" {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's i
ni settings at this time at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/Handler/NativeFileSessionHandler.php:
52)","command":"oro:entity-extend:update-config --env=prod --no-debug","message":"Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time"
} []
[2020-03-19 14:04:39] console.ERROR: An error occurred while running command "'oro:migration:load' --force --timeout=3600 --env=prod --no-debug". Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendB
undle\Migration\RefreshExtendCacheMigration. {"exit_code":1,"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCac
heMigration. at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/MigrationBundle/Migration/MigrationExecutor.php:116)","arguments":{"command":"oro:migratio
n:load"},"options":{"force":true,"timeout":"3600","env":"prod","no-debug":true}} []
[2020-03-19 14:04:39] console.ERROR: Error thrown while running command "oro:migration:load --force --timeout=3600 --env=prod --no-debug". Message: "Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\EntityExte
ndBundle\Migration\RefreshExtendCacheMigration." {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCacheMigratio
n. at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/MigrationBundle/Migration/MigrationExecutor.php:116)","command":"oro:migration:load --force --timeou
t=3600 --env=prod --no-debug","message":"Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCacheMigration."} []

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anyt commented Mar 19, 2020

The error log says that you have a typo in the oro:install command.

-skip-download-translations should be changed to --skip-download-translations

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@beltran-rubo not related to this error, but please use en_US value for the --formatting-code option instead of just en. It doesn't have to be en_US necessarily, en_GB or any other variation will work as well, as long as it's country specific.

PS. 2-letter code for the --language option is okay, no need to change there.

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@anyt that was the first try, please check the rest of the log. See below the log with same action without that typo:

[2020-03-20 07:33:15] console.ERROR: An error occurred while running command "'oro:entity-extend:update-config' --env=prod --no-debug". Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot 
change the session module's ini settings at this time {"exit_code":1,"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session 
module's ini settings at this time at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/Handler/NativeFileSessionHa
ndler.php:52)","arguments":{"command":"oro:entity-extend:update-config"},"options":{"env":"prod","no-debug":true}} []
[2020-03-20 07:33:15] console.ERROR: Error thrown while running command "oro:entity-extend:update-config --env=prod --no-debug". Message: "Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cann
ot change the session module's ini settings at this time" {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's i
ni settings at this time at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Session/Storage/Handler/NativeFileSessionHandler.php:
52)","command":"oro:entity-extend:update-config --env=prod --no-debug","message":"Warning: ini_set(): Headers already sent. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time"
} []
[2020-03-20 07:33:15] console.ERROR: An error occurred while running command "'oro:migration:load' --force --timeout=3600 --env=prod --no-debug". Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\EntityExtendB
undle\Migration\RefreshExtendCacheMigration. {"exit_code":1,"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCac
heMigration. at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/MigrationBundle/Migration/MigrationExecutor.php:116)","arguments":{"command":"oro:migratio
n:load"},"options":{"force":true,"timeout":"3600","env":"prod","no-debug":true}} []
[2020-03-20 07:33:15] console.ERROR: Error thrown while running command "oro:migration:load --force --timeout=3600 --env=prod --no-debug". Message: "Failed migrations: Oro\Bundle\EntityExte
ndBundle\Migration\RefreshExtendCacheMigration." {"exception":"[object] (RuntimeException(code: 0): Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCacheMigratio
n. at /home/bitnami/orocrm-4.1.0-0/apps/orocrm/htdocs/vendor/oro/platform/src/Oro/Bundle/MigrationBundle/Migration/MigrationExecutor.php:116)","command":"oro:migration:load --force --timeou
t=3600 --env=prod --no-debug","message":"Failed migrations: Oro\\Bundle\\EntityExtendBundle\\Migration\\RefreshExtendCacheMigration."} []

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Thanks @mbessolov we will change that option.

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Any thoughts about the possible issue?

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Did you have a chance to test it or to try to reproduce it?

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@beltran-rubo please contact me by email - it's michael@ on any of our domains (,, we'll see how we can accelerate this.

@mbessolov mbessolov self-assigned this Mar 30, 2020
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