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Adobe Air Engine


Example Source


Forge TV on Razer Forums

AIR Forums

Flash Player Forums





When compiling FlashDevelop, Flex, and the AdobeAirSDK you'll want to increase your Java Virtual Machine memory size. Normally the default is 384MB but you can increase to 1GB or higher java.args=-Xmx1024m.

There are several locations where the jvm.config is configured.

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\sdks\3.6.0\bin\jvm.config
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\sdks\4.6.0\bin\jvm.config

Building ANE

ANE Extensions wrap Java libraries so they can be invoked from Adobe Air ActionScript.

Build JAR

The Java JAR needs to be compiled first before it can be wrapped in an ANE Extension.

Gradle will compile the Java Extension code into AirOuyaPlugin.jar.

gradlew clean build copyJar copyNativeArmeabi copyNativeArmeabiV7a copyNativeArmeabiX86

The AirOuyaPlugin.jar will output to the jar extension folder.

The jar folder also contains FlashRuntimeExtensions.jar (from the AdobeAirSDK download) and ouya-sdk.jar (from the ODK).

ANE Extension Interface

The extension interface is the piece between Java and ActionScript and was created using a FlashBuilder project.

After the builder project has imported, Adobe Builder will auto compile the SWC file which is needed any time ActionScript is changed in the ANE.


  1. In Flash Builder choose the File->Import Flash Builder Project menu item.


  1. Choose Project Folder, browse to the AdobeAir/OuyaNativeExtension/lib folder, and click OK.


  1. After making changes to ActionScript switch back to Flash Builder which will auto-generate a new SWC file.

  2. Building the ANE from script will embed the SWC file.

Build ANE

build_ane.cmd will package the OuyaNativeExtension.ane on Windows. Be sure to customize the paths for JDK and AIR_SDK pointing at the AdobeAirSDK in the build script.

Using ANE

The OuyaNativeExtension.ane should be used as a library after placing in the following folders in a FlashDevelop project.


For the debug extension folder, extract the contents of OuyaNativeExtension.ane into a subfolder named OuyaNativeExtension.ane.


Edit application.xml

Add the OuyaNativeExtension.ane extension to your application's extensions.


Add the ANE extension's MainActivity within the application section of the application.xml. This will be a second activity after the existing Activity block.

		<activity android:name="tv.ouya.sdk.MainActivity"

OUYA Native Extension

Import the packages to use the OUYA Native Extension.

import tv.ouya.console.api.OuyaController;
import tv.ouya.sdk.OuyaNativeInterface;


Initialize the OuyaNativeInterface to use OUYA-Everywhere Input. The OuyaNativeExtension.ane extension must be added to your project.

trace( "Initialize OUYA Extension..." );
var ouyaNativeInterface:OuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();


IsAnyConnected will return true if any controllers are connected, otherwise false.

var anyConnected:Boolean = ouyaNativeInterface.IsAnyConnected();


IsConnected will return true if the playerNum controller is connected.

var playerNum:int = 0;
var isConnected:Boolean = ouyaNativeInterface.IsConnected(playerNum);


GetAxis will return the Number value for the supplied playerNum controller and axis.

var playerNum:int = 0;
var axis:int = OuyaController.AXIS_LS_X;
var val:Number = ouyaNativeInterface.GetAxis(playerNum, axis);

The supported axis values are below.



GetAnyButton will return true if any controller is pressing the button.

var button:int = OuyaController.BUTTON_O;
var pressed:Boolean = ouyaNativeInterface.GetAnyButton(button);

The supported button values are below.


BUTTON_MENU should only be used with ButtonDown and ButtonUp events.


GetAnyButtonDown will return true if any controller detected a pressed event on the last frame for the button.

var button:int = OuyaController.BUTTON_O;
var pressed:Boolean = ouyaNativeInterface.GetAnyButtonDown(button);


GetAnyButtonUp will return true if any controller detected a released event on the last frame for the button.

var button:int = OuyaController.BUTTON_O;
var released:Boolean = ouyaNativeInterface.GetAnyButtonUp(button);


GetButton will return true if the playerNum controller is pressing the button.

var playerNum:int = 0;
var button:int = OuyaController.BUTTON_O;
var pressed:Boolean = ouyaNativeInterface.GetButton(playerNum, button);


GetButtonDown will return true if the playerNum controller detected a pressed event on the last frame for the button.

var playerNum:int = 0;
var button:int = OuyaController.BUTTON_O;
var pressed:Boolean = ouyaNativeInterface.GetButtonDown(playerNum, button);


GetButtonUp will return true if the playerNum controller detected a released event on the last frame for the button.

var playerNum:int = 0;
var button:int = OuyaController.BUTTON_O;
var released:Boolean = ouyaNativeInterface.GetButtonUp(playerNum, button);


ClearButtonStatesPressedReleased will clear the detected pressed and released states to allow detection for the next update frame.




The following steps setup the ActionScript file to load at start-up to initialize the OUYA native extension.

  1. Switch to the selection tool and left-click on the stage to select the document.


  1. In the Property window change the Class field to Main to reference the

  2. Also set the document size to 1920x1080.

  3. To the right of the Class field there's an edit button to open the existing or use the file menu to create a new action script document.

  4. Create a bare-bones Main class. When the application starts, the first thing that will be called is the Main constructor.

    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public class Main extends MovieClip
        public function Main()
  1. Add code to load the OUYA native extension and save a reference to the native interface.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import tv.ouya.sdk.OuyaNativeInterface;

    public class Main extends MovieClip
		// reference to the native interface
		var _mOuyaNativeInterface: OuyaNativeInterface;

        public function Main()
			// create the native interface and initialize the OUYA native extension
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();

			// initialize the OUYA plugin
  1. Open the File->Air 17.0 for Android Settings menu item.


  1. On the Deployment tab, the Certificate field must be set. You can either browse to an existing p12 certificate or create one with the Create button. This field must be set before clicking the Publish button. If Remember password for this session is set you can publish directly from the File->Publish menu item. Publishing will produce an APK file which can be installed on the command-line. All the Flash examples use android for the certificate password.

adb install -r application.apk


  1. On the General tab, the App ID field should match the package identifier that was created in the developer portal. Notice that Adobe-Air apps are always prefixed with air.


  1. Select the ARM processor and click the + button to browse to the OuyaNativeExtension.ane copied to your project folder and click OK.

  2. When publishing, the extensions section will automatically appear in your project's ApplicationName-app.xml file and that section cannot be edited manually.

  1. Edit your project's ApplicationName-app.xml to add the following manifest additions.
<application xmlns="">
					<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
								<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
								<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
								<category android:name="tv.ouya.intent.category.GAME"/>
						<activity android:name="tv.ouya.sdk.MainActivity"
								<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
  1. Open the File->Open ActionScript Settings menu item.


  1. On the Library Path tab, click the Browse to Native Extension button to select the OuyaNativeExtension.ane file in the project folder.


  1. With the OuyaNativeExtension.ane added to the library path, click OK. This setting uses an absolute path and if the path is different then the path will need to be reset in order to publish.


Flash Virtual Controller

The Flash Virtual Controller example shows 4 images of the OUYA Controller which moves axises and highlights buttons when the physical controller is manipulated.


  1. The Virtual Controller example modifies the ActionScript to add an update event that will later control sprite visibility.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import tv.ouya.sdk.OuyaNativeInterface;

    public class Main extends MovieClip
		// reference to the native interface
		var _mOuyaNativeInterface: OuyaNativeInterface;

		// frame event listener
		private function fl_EnterFrameHandler_1(event:Event):void

        public function Main()
			// create the native interface and initialize the OUYA native extension
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();

			// initialize the OUYA plugin

			// add an event listener for each frame
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_EnterFrameHandler_1);
  1. In the update event, ClearButtonStatesPressedReleased will clear the button pressed and release states each update frame.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import tv.ouya.sdk.OuyaNativeInterface;

    public class Main extends MovieClip
		// reference to the native interface
		var _mOuyaNativeInterface: OuyaNativeInterface;

		// frame event listener
		private function fl_EnterFrameHandler_1(event:Event):void
			// clear the button pressed and released states each frame

        public function Main()
			// create the native interface and initialize the OUYA native extension
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();

			// initialize the OUYA plugin

			// add an event listener for each frame
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_EnterFrameHandler_1);
  1. The update event can fire hundreds of times per second, where the input can be checked far less often. Use a time limitor to throttle-down checking input.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import tv.ouya.sdk.OuyaNativeInterface;

    public class Main extends MovieClip
		// the amount of time to wait in milliseconds between checking input
		var INTERVAL_MS_INPUT:Number = 10;

		// reference to the native interface
		var _mOuyaNativeInterface: OuyaNativeInterface;

		// a timer to throttle checking input
		var _mInputTimer:Number = 0;

		// frame event listener
		private function fl_EnterFrameHandler_1(event:Event):void
			// use the date to access time
			var date:Date = new Date();

			// check the time interval
			if (_mInputTimer < date.getTime())
				// add an input delay
				_mInputTimer = date.getTime() + INTERVAL_MS_INPUT;

				// clear the button pressed and released states each frame

        public function Main()
			// create the native interface and initialize the OUYA native extension
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();

			// initialize the OUYA plugin

			// add an event listener for each frame
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_EnterFrameHandler_1);
  1. The VirtualController object is used to create sprites for each of the virtual controllers on screen.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import tv.ouya.sdk.OuyaNativeInterface;

    public class Main extends MovieClip
		// the amount of time to wait in milliseconds between checking input
		var INTERVAL_MS_INPUT:Number = 10;

		// reference to the native interface
		var _mOuyaNativeInterface: OuyaNativeInterface;

		// a timer to throttle checking input
		var _mInputTimer:Number = 0;

		// Virtual controller references
		var _mVirtualController1: VirtualController;
		var _mVirtualController2: VirtualController;
		var _mVirtualController3: VirtualController;
		var _mVirtualController4: VirtualController;

		// frame event listener
		private function fl_EnterFrameHandler_1(event:Event):void
			// use the date to access time
			var date:Date = new Date();

			// check the time interval
			if (_mInputTimer < date.getTime())
				// add an input delay
				_mInputTimer = date.getTime() + INTERVAL_MS_INPUT;

				// update the virtual controller sprites each frame

				// clear the button pressed and released states each frame

        public function Main()
			// create the native interface and initialize the OUYA native extension
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();

			// initialize the OUYA plugin

			// create the virtual controller sprites on start and specify the playerNum along with where to place on screen
			_mVirtualController1 = new VirtualController(this, _mOuyaNativeInterface, 0, 15.65, -75.1);
			_mVirtualController2 = new VirtualController(this, _mOuyaNativeInterface, 1, 1232.55, -75.1);
			_mVirtualController3 = new VirtualController(this, _mOuyaNativeInterface, 2, 15.65, 495.75);
			_mVirtualController4 = new VirtualController(this, _mOuyaNativeInterface, 3, 1232.55, 495.75);

			// add an event listener for each frame
			addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, fl_EnterFrameHandler_1);
  1. The VirtualController object uses the native interface in the Update method to access axis and button values for the controller.
		public function Update():void
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonO, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_O));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonU, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_U));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonY, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_Y));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonA, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_A));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonL1, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_L1));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonL3, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_L3));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonLS, !_mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_L3));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonR1, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_R1));			
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonR3, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_R3));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonRS, !_mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_R3));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonDpadDown, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonDpadLeft, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonDpadRight, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT));
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonDpadUp, _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButton(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_UP));
			var date:Date = new Date();
			if (_mOuyaNativeInterface.GetButtonUp(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.BUTTON_MENU))
				_mMenuTimer = date.getTime() + 1000;
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonMenu, date.getTime() < _mMenuTimer);
			var lsX = _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetAxis(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.AXIS_LS_X);
			var lsY = _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetAxis(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.AXIS_LS_Y);
			var rsX = _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetAxis(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.AXIS_RS_X);
			var rsY = _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetAxis(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.AXIS_RS_Y);
			var l2 = _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetAxis(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.AXIS_L2);
			var r2 = _mOuyaNativeInterface.GetAxis(_mPlayerNum, OuyaController.AXIS_R2);
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonL2, l2 > DEADZONE);
			UpdateVisibility(_mButtonR2, r2 > DEADZONE);
			//rotate input by N degrees to match image
			var degrees:Number = 135;
			var radians:Number = degrees / 180.0 * 3.14;
			var cos:Number = Math.cos(radians);
			var sin:Number = Math.sin(radians);
			MoveBitmap(_mButtonL3, AXIS_SCALAR * (lsX * cos - lsY * sin), AXIS_SCALAR * (lsX * sin + lsY * cos));
			MoveBitmap(_mButtonLS, AXIS_SCALAR * (lsX * cos - lsY * sin), AXIS_SCALAR * (lsX * sin + lsY * cos));
			MoveBitmap(_mButtonR3, AXIS_SCALAR * (rsX * cos - rsY * sin), AXIS_SCALAR * (rsX * sin + rsY * cos));
			MoveBitmap(_mButtonRS, AXIS_SCALAR * (rsX * cos - rsY * sin), AXIS_SCALAR * (rsX * sin + rsY * cos));	
  1. The sprites used by the example are first imported to the library from PNG files. Use the File->Import->Import to Library menu item to select the images in the project folder.


  1. Switch to the library tab and right-click the imported images to select Properties....


  1. Switch the the ActionScript tab and enable Export for ActionScript and Export in frame 1. Set the Class field to a name and be sure to capitalize the first letter by convention. Click OK. Repeat for all of the image sprites.


  1. The VirtualController constructor keeps a reference to the Main object and the OuyaNativeInterface object. The Main object is needed to dynamically add children to the stage document. The PlayerNum argument corresponds to the OUYA controller number. The x and y parameter indicates where to instantiate the Bitmap objects on the stage.
	import flash.display.Bitmap;
	import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
	import flash.display.PixelSnapping;
	import flash.geom.Matrix;
	import tv.ouya.console.api.OuyaController;
	import tv.ouya.sdk.OuyaNativeInterface;

    public class VirtualController extends MovieClip
		// reference to the Main document
		var _mMain: Main;

		// reference to the native interface
		var _mOuyaNativeInterface: OuyaNativeInterface;
		// player number for the virtual controller sprite collection
		var _mPlayerNum:int = 0;
		// X-position for the sprite controller
		var _mX:Number = 0;

		// Y-position for the sprite controller
		var _mY:Number = 0;

		// constructor for the Virtual Controller
		public function VirtualController(main:Main, ane:OuyaNativeInterface, playerNum:int, x:Number, y:Number)
			_mMain = main;
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = ane;
			_mPlayerNum = playerNum;
			_mX = x;
			_mY = y;
  1. The VirtualController constructor uses a helper method to add scaled sprites to the stage document.
		private function AddBitmap(bitmap : Bitmap) : Bitmap
			var scale:Number = 2;
			var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
			matrix.scale(scale, scale);

			var resizedBitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(bitmap.width * scale, bitmap.height * scale, true, 0x000000);
			resizedBitmapData.draw(bitmap, matrix, null, null, null, true);

			var resizedBitmap = new Bitmap(resizedBitmapData, PixelSnapping.NEVER, true);
			resizedBitmap.x = _mX;
			resizedBitmap.y = _mY;
			return resizedBitmap;
  1. The VirtualController constructor instantiates the sprite objects from the library.
		// sprite references
		var _mController:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonO:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonU:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonY:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonA:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonL1:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonL2:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonL3:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonR1:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonR2:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonR3:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonLS:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonRS:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonDpadDown:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonDpadLeft:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonDpadRight:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonDpadUp:Bitmap;
		var _mButtonMenu:Bitmap;

		public function VirtualController(main:Main, ane:OuyaNativeInterface, playerNum:int, x:Number, y:Number)
			_mMain = main;
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = ane;
			_mPlayerNum = playerNum;
			_mX = x;
			_mY = y;

			_mController = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageController()));
			_mButtonO = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageO()));
			_mButtonU = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageU()));
			_mButtonY = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageY()));
			_mButtonA = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageA()));		
			_mButtonL1 = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageL1()));
			_mButtonL2 = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageL2()));
			_mButtonL3 = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageL3()));
			_mButtonR1 = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageR1()));
			_mButtonR2 = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageR2()));
			_mButtonR3 = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageR3()));
			_mButtonLS = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageLS()));
			_mButtonRS = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageRS()));
			_mButtonDpadDown = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageDpadDown()));
			_mButtonDpadLeft = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageDpadLeft()));
			_mButtonDpadRight = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageDpadRight()));
			_mButtonDpadUp = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageDpadUp()));
			_mButtonMenu = AddBitmap(new Bitmap(new ImageMenu()));
  1. The Update method uses a helper method to update Bitmap visibility.
		private function UpdateVisibility(bitmap:Bitmap, show:Boolean) : void
			if (show)
				bitmap.alpha = 1;
				bitmap.alpha = 0;
  1. The Update method uses a helper method to move the left and right stick sprites.
		private function MoveBitmap(bitmap : Bitmap, offsetX : Number, offsetY : Number) : void
			bitmap.x = _mX + offsetX;
			bitmap.y = _mY + offsetY;


The In-App-Purchases example uses the ODK to access gamer info, purchasing, and receipts.


  1. Log into the developer portal to record your developer UUID to configure in-app-purchases.


  1. In the Games section of the developer portal create an entry matching your package name matching the air prefix. Download the signing key for the game entry into your Flash project folder.

  2. Use the File->AIR Android Settings.. menu item to add the signing key.


  1. On the General tab click the + button to add the key.der to the included files to reference the signing key. And then click OK.


  1. The IAP example modifies the ActionScript to add an update event that will control the stage text content. The Main constructor initializes the ANE interface and initializes the ANE.
	// Import the MovieClip namespace
    import flash.display.MovieClip;

	// The OuyaController keycodes are used by input events
	import tv.ouya.console.api.OuyaController;

	// Import the namespace for the ANE
	import tv.ouya.sdk.OuyaNativeInterface;

	// The Main document extends from MovieClip 
    public class Main extends MovieClip
		// The developer id displays when you log into the developer portal
		static var DEVLEOPER_ID:String = "310a8f51-4d6e-4ae5-bda0-b93878e5f5d0";

		// save a reference to the ANE interface
		var _mOuyaNativeInterface: OuyaNativeInterface;

		// The main constructor
        public function Main()
			// create an instance of the ANE interface
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();

			// Initialize the ANE by passing your developer id
  1. In order to receive IAP extents, use the ANE interface context to add a listener to get status events.
		// callback for context status events
		private function onStatusEvent( _event : StatusEvent ) : void 
			// status events have a String code
			_mOuyaNativeInterface.LogInfo("Code: " + _event.code );

			// status events have a String level
			_mOuyaNativeInterface.LogInfo("Level: " + _event.level );

		// The main constructor
        public function Main()
			// create an instance of the ANE interface
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();

			// Initialize the ANE by passing your developer id

			// Add a status event listener on the ANE context
			_mOuyaNativeInterface.GetExtensionContext().addEventListener( StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatusEvent );
  1. Context status events provide IAP callbacks and latency free input. The event code indicates the type of event. And the event level was used to pass a JSON string with the data for the event. The example includes all the parsing logic for the JSON responses.
		private function onStatusEvent( _event : StatusEvent ) : void 
			if (_event.code == "Axis") {
			} else if (_event.code == "ButtonDown") {
			} else if (_event.code == "ButtonUp") {
			// Display status events in the example label
			LblStatus.text = "STATUS: "+_event.code;
			if (_event.code == "RequestGamerInfoOnSuccess") {
			} else if (_event.code == "RequestGamerInfoError" ||
				_event.code == "RequestProductsError" ||
				_event.code == "RequestPurchaseError" ||
				_event.code == "RequestReceiptsError" ||
				_event.code == "RequestGamerInfoOnFailure" ||
				_event.code == "RequestProductsOnFailure" ||
				_event.code == "RequestPurchaseOnFailure" ||
				_event.code == "RequestReceiptsOnFailure" ||
				_event.code == "RequestGamerInfoOnCancel" ||
				_event.code == "RequestProductsOnCancel" ||
				_event.code == "RequestPurchaseOnCancel" ||
				_event.code == "RequestReceiptsOnCancel") {
				OnGenericError(_event.code, _event.level);
			} else if (_event.code == "RequestProductsOnSuccess") {
			} else if (_event.code == "RequestPurchaseOnSuccess") {
			} else if (_event.code == "RequestReceiptsOnSuccess") {
			} else {
				_mOuyaNativeInterface.LogInfo("Code: " + _event.code );
				_mOuyaNativeInterface.LogInfo("Level: " + _event.level );


IAP methods use the reference to the ANE interface and the context status events to get responses.


RequestProducts takes a JSONArray of String product identifiers to get the details about the entitlement or consumable.

var jsonData:String = "[\"long_sword\",\"sharp_axe\",\"__DECLINED__THIS_PURCHASE\"]";


RequestPurchase takes a String identifier for the entitlement or consumable being purchased.

var identifier:String = "long_sword";


RequestReceipts takes no arguments and the callback gets a list of receipts that the logged in gamer has purchased associated with the package.



RequestGamerInfo gets the GamerInfo for the logged in gamer. The GamerInfo holds the gamer UUID and Username.



Shutdown cleanly shuts down the ANE interface before exiting.

Import the NativeApplication namespace to get access to the singleton and exit method.

import flash.desktop.NativeApplication;

Shutdown the ANE interface before exiting the application.



Adobe Scout

Adobe Scout is a free profiling tool from Adobe Creative Cloud that allows you to find memory issues and performance bottlenecks in your Air apps running on Android.


  1. You will need to sideload Adobe Scout on to the Forge TV to install the profiler.

  2. The sideloaded Adobe Scout will appear in Settings->Apps->Downloaded apps.


  1. You will need to plug in a USB mouse into the Forge TV in order to navigate the Adobe Scout application.

  2. Use the mouse to check the box next to Enable.


  1. You will need to manually enter the IP Address of your desktop/laptop running Adobe Scout which should be running.

  2. In Flash use the File->Publish Settings menu item.


  1. On Publish->Flash (.swf) be sure to enable the Enable detailed telemetry and click OK.


  1. Republish and sideload the application and upon launch Adobe Scout will auto connect.

Fast Input

Using the profiler, it turns out that using the ANE interface to check axis and button states negatively affected performance. ANE calls have a whole lifecycle triggered by each call. And requesting all the axis and buttons for 4 controllers added 36 millisecond of lag each update frame. The lag introduced bad frame rates and input queueing. Instead, a context status event was added to provide latency free axis and button events. The following JSON response parsing can be used for input without any lag.

  1. Add the context status event in the Main constructor.
        public function Main()
			// create an instance of the ANE interface
			_mOuyaNativeInterface = new OuyaNativeInterface();

			// initialize the ANE

			// Add the status event
			_mOuyaNativeInterface.GetExtensionContext().addEventListener( StatusEvent.STATUS, onStatusEvent );
  1. Add the status event handler.
		private function onStatusEvent( _event : StatusEvent ) : void 
			if (_event.code == "Axis") {
			} else if (_event.code == "ButtonDown") {
			} else if (_event.code == "ButtonUp") {
  1. Add JSON parsing methods for input.
		private function Axis(jsonData:String):void
			var json:Object = JSON.parse(jsonData);
			var playerNum:int = json.playerNum;
			var axis:int = json.axis;
			var val:Number = json.value;

			// logs the input event, comment out this logging in your actual game
			_mOuyaNativeInterface.LogInfo("Axis: playerNum:"+playerNum+" axis:"+axis+" value:"+val);

			if (axis == OuyaController.AXIS_LS_X) {
			} else if (axis == OuyaController.AXIS_LS_Y) {
			} else if (axis == OuyaController.AXIS_RS_X) {
			} else if (axis == OuyaController.AXIS_RS_Y) {
			} else if (axis == OuyaController.AXIS_L2) {
			} else if (axis == OuyaController.AXIS_R2) {
		private function ButtonDown(jsonData:String):void
			var json:Object = JSON.parse(jsonData);
			var playerNum:int = json.playerNum;
			var button:int = json.button;

			// logs the input event, comment out this logging in your actual game
			_mOuyaNativeInterface.LogInfo("ButtonDown: playerNum:"+playerNum+" button:"+button);

			if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_O) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_U) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_Y) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_A) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_L1) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_L3) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_R1) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_R3) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_UP) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_MENU) {
		private function ButtonUp(jsonData:String):void
			var json:Object = JSON.parse(jsonData);
			var playerNum:int = json.playerNum;
			var button:int = json.button;

			// logs the input event, comment out this logging in your actual game
			_mOuyaNativeInterface.LogInfo("ButtonUp: playerNum:"+playerNum+" button:"+button);

			if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_O) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_U) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_Y) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_A) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_L1) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_L3) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_R1) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_R3) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_DPAD_UP) {
			} else if (button == OuyaController.BUTTON_MENU) {