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417 lines (403 loc) · 32.7 KB

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417 lines (403 loc) · 32.7 KB

1.3.4 (2022-10-17)

  • php 8.2 compatibility fixes #12
  • php 8.1 compatibility fixes #11

1.3.3 (2022-10-04)

  • php 8.0 compatibility fixes #8
  • migrate test runs from travis to github actions #10

1.3.2 (2020-08-13)

  • fixed Doctrine_Validator_HtmlColor class name to match the filename and fix compatibility with psr-0 autoloading

1.3.1 (2019-11-16)

  • fixed MySQL8 compatibility issue - row_number is now a reserved word #5

1.3.0 (2019-05-29)

  • php 7.3 and mysql 5.7 compatible
  • [BC BREAK] modified doctrine collection & record serialization - store less data in cache, but losing the feature of keeping state of modified data
  • [BC BREAK] [OV1] fixed orderBy handling in relations - for ordering m2m relations by columns in refClass use refOrderBy!
  • replaced array_diff with Doctrine_Lib::arrayDiffSimple
  • fixed DC-651: Doctrine_Record::option('orderBy', ...) of join's right side being applied to refTable in m2m relationship
  • fixed DC-1056: Doctrine is not compatible with PHP 5.4 due to change in serialize() behaviour.
  • fixed DC-815 (link unavailable): Model's default sorting breaks subqueries
  • throw an exception when variable passed to Doctrine_Collection::compareRecords is not an object
  • set max varchar length to 65535 for mysql (mysql supports it since 5.0.3)
  • fix for Doctrine_Relation_Nest - fix non-equal nested relations, which have orderBy by refClass's column defined, in case that records related to current record have relations between them + modified DC-302 test case to accept the change
  • fix handling quoteIdentifier in relations orderBy
  • added --case CLI param (usage: php run.php --case Doctrine_Ticket_1044_TestCase)
  • fixed weird conditions in _buildSqlFromPart
  • check for non-specified 'ASC' order in automatic orderBy to avoid duplicates
  • fixed DC-797 (link unavailable) - Record hydrated as dirty if optional relation is empty doctrine/doctrine1#8 - fix for Doctrine_Record::_isValueModified
  • fix for Doctrine_Record::getMutators()
  • [OV2] refactored link/unlink methods in Doctrine_Record - now they do not load whole relations before linking/unlinking
  • [OV3] toArray should consider custom accessors also for mapped values
  • [OV4] added postRelatedSave hook in Record to be called on save, after all relations are also saved (original postSave method is called before any relation is saved)
  • [OV5] do not set queryComponents by reference to a subquery - what happens in subquery, stays in subquery
  • [OV6] Added Doctrine_Query_Abstract::getDqlWithParams - returns the DQL query that is represented by this query object, with interpolated param values, and modified Doctrine_Connection to use PDO::quote for quoting string whenever possible
  • [OV7] mysql should also use limit subquery in the same format as pgsql
  • [OV8] queryCache modifications:
    • hook it in getSqlQuery method instead of execute method only
    • added rootAlias, sqlParts (without offset or limit), isLimitSubqueryUsed and limitSubquery to cache
    • always prequery the query in getSqlQuery to call dql callbacks before any sql is generated, not only on execute(), so that cache hash is always calculated properly, and that this method always returns actual end-query incl. any modifications from dql callbacks
    • added isQueryCacheEnabled() method
  • [OV9] cache queries without limit and offset (to save less cache records)
    • added Doctrine_Core::ATTR_QUERY_CACHE_NO_OFFSET_LIMIT - set to true to enable the feature
  • [OV10] Params duplicates for subquery should be inserted in correct place in params array - proper fix for DC-962 (Broken logic when doctrine translates limit's into subqueries, with joins.)
  • [OV11] added parent query components for subqueries, to indicate subquery context - changing cache hash
  • [OV12] Doctrine_Table::columnCount was not refreshed if behaviors added in Doctrine_Record::setUp added some columns causing Doctrine_Record::isInProxyState to break
  • [OV13] change the way DQL is generated for array params in WHERE IN clause - keep single "?" and process it only after query cache is saved/restored
  • [OV14] Limit subquery
    • added order by fields to select clause also for mysql, since it needs it since 5.7 (with ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY enabled by default in sql-mode)
    • add aliases to selected columns to avoid duplicate column error
    • remember added columns to avoid duplicates + little refactor for optimization
    • distinct with join and order by on joined column is not determinate, it must be wrapped with another subquery (and not only in oracle)
    • changed alias - added _wrap_ to avoid conflicts with limit subquery ordered by joined column
    • fix _isOrderedByJoinedColumn for identifier quoting
    • ids returned by the limit subquery are ordered. The order must be kept while filtering duplicates out in mysql - otherwise limit would be executed after ids are reordered by distinct / group by, and that order cannot be determined.
  • [OV15] do not auto-add primary key fields when group by is used (conform with mysql 5.7 default settings - all non-aggregated columns must be also in group by clause)
  • [OV16] fixed parsing of "set" clause in update queries, improved checks for whether table alias should be used
  • [OV17] Query: remember dependences on table aliases for sql parts, remember dependences on join
    • Other: optimizations, refactorings, commenting out unused code
  • [OV19] Doctrine_Import_Builder handling namespaced classes (e.g. for i18n behavior)
  • [OV20] let the Doctrine_Query::parseFunctionExpression be forgivable if a closing bracket is omitted
  • [OV21] trim strings before converting them into a regex pattern Doctrine_Query_Tokenizer::getSplitRegExpFromArray - in order to match all non-word characters instead of spaces only in e.g. " OR " delimiter - it will be then converted to "\WOR\W"
  • [OV23] wrap count query with another query, if "having" is used not only on expressions, but on fields as well, and when there is no "group by" in the query
  • [OV24] fix double-quoting of selected column names when manually selecting from a joined table
  • changed @Internal comment to @comment to remove a strikethrough on a method in *storm IDE
  • various php 7.x compatibility fixes - in the library and tests


Last official release.


 * [r6827] [1.2] Releasing 1.2.0 stable
 * [r6834] [1.2][DC-302] Fixing issue with relationship ordering
 * [r6835] [1.2][DC-306] Fixes issue with oracle adapter statement using wrong constant
 * [r6836] [1.2][DC-304] Fixing issue with sfYaml autoload not returning true
 * [r6837] [1.2][DC-305] Fixes issue with oracle adapte close cursor
 * [r6838] [1.2][DC-307] Fixing issue with oracle adapter and errmode
 * [r6839] [1.2][DC-298] Fixes issue with array cache driver and deleting
 * [r6840] [1.2][DC-308] Fixed thrown Exceptions to be package-level
  Ticket: 308
 * [r6842] [1.2] Fixes issue with $length in migrations addColumn
 * [r6859] [1.2] fixed misplaced paren when parsing join condition
 * [r6883] [1.2][DC-330] Added empty init() method implementation to avoid method does not exist error
 * [r6886] [1.2][DC-316] Updating upgrade file with information about modelsAutoload()
 * [r6888] [1.2][DC-292] Added coverage for issue
 * [r6889] [1.2][DC-317] Fixing issue with nested set createRoot() method and string root column
 * [r6891] [1.2] Fixing sandbox
 * [r6893] [1.2][DC-333] Adding _cleanup() call to start of migrations diff to make sure directory is clean


 * [r6799] [1.2] Fixing issue where queries have connection passed when they should not
 * [r6800] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-283] Fixes issue with wrong class property referenced
 * [r6801] [1.2][DC-282] Fixing issue with memory leak and dql callbacks
 * [r6802] [1.2][DC-281] Fix to generating yaml/models from db and relationship names
 * [r6804] [1.2][DC-233] Adding alias to relationship name for Versionable in the same way I18n does
 * [r6805] [1.2][DC-275] Fixing issue with importing from mysql and decimal types
 * [r6806] [1.2][DC-271] Fixing issue with object access
 * [r6819] [1.2][DC-299] Fixing issue with loadModels() including invalid classes in returned array
 * [r6820] [1.2][DC-295] Added class prefix attribute for easier configuration
 * [r6821] [1.2][DC-298] Updating api doc blocks
 * [r6822] [1.2][DC-288] Moving location of sfYaml external
 * [r6823] [1.2][DC-286] Fixed issue with loadModels dir contains a trailing directory separator
 * [r6824] [1.2][DC-295] Fixing mistake with last commit for this ticket
 * [r6825] [1.2] Changing order of searchable columns so keyword is first


 * [r6735] [1.2] Releasing Doctrine 1.2.0-BETA3
 * [r6736] [1.2] Fixes issue with load data and append option
 * [r6740] [1.2][DC-241] Code changes towards possible fix
 * [r6741] [1.2][DC-236] Adding test coverage
 * [r6742] [1.2][DC-241] Adding test coverage
 * [r6743] [1.2][DC-240] Fixes issue with relationship orderBy on m2m refclass
 * [r6744] [1.2][DC-244] Adding some missing event methods
 * [r6745] [1.2][DC-243] Fixing issue with generating models from db not using model builder options
 * [r6746] [1.2][DC-242][DC-228][DC-189] Fixes issue with link(), unlink(), fromArray() and synchronizeWithArray()
 * [r6747] [1.2][DC-238] Making count() use result cache
 * [r6748] [1.2][DC-241] Fixes issue with limit subquery being invoked with dql callbacks and when running count()
 * [r6749] [1.2] Added static method hasConnection(). It's an accessor method for $isConnected.
 * [r6750] [1.2][DC-62] Fixing mysql to map float, decimal and double properly
 * [r6751] [1.2] Adding only-failed option to test suite
 * [r6752] [1.2][DC-140] Fixed generated sql for oracle limit clause
 * [r6758] [1.2][DC-252] Fixing issue with mysql ignoring unique option on integers
 * [r6759] [1.2][DC-253] Adding missing data types for mssql
 * [r6760] [1.2][DC-252] Fixing mysql integer unique issue again
 * [r6763] [1.2] Fixing closeConnection() to only change the current connection if we close the current one
 * [r6764] [1.2][DC-254] Updating getLimitSubquery() to include all orderby parts
 * [r6765] [1.2][DC-255] Fixing issue with xml parser not exporting data in utf8
 * [r6768] [1.2][DC-256] Fixing issue with id quoting and generated subqueries
 * [r6769] [1.2][DC-257] Adding missing identifier quoting for oracle
 * [r6770] [1.2] Removing behavior nesting example as it still does not properly work
 * [r6775] [1.2][DC-266] Fixing generators to inherit table name from parent
 * [r6776] [1.2][DC-267] Fixing hydrator to put aliased fields in relationship if it exists
 * [r6777] [1.2][DC-263] Fixing pgsql type import for varchar
 * [r6778] [1.2][DC-261] Fixes issue with bound query overriding passed query
 * [r6779] [1.2][DC-255] Fixing arrayToXml so charset is passed recursively
 * [r6780] [1.2][DC-198] Fixing refreshRelated() for good
 * [r6781] [1.2] Adding missing tests
 * [r6782] [1.2] fixed issue: when second parameter ($params) of andWhereIn() or orWhereIn() is NULL, the exception('You must pass at least one parameter when using an IN()') was not thrown
 * [r6783] [1.2] added testExceptionIsThrownWhenParameterIsNull() to Query/WhereTestCase.php
 * [r6792] [1.2][DC-276] Fixes issue with having not parsing dql table aliases
 * [r6793] [1.2][DC-260] Fixes issue with oracle integers
 * [r6794] [1.2][DC-274] Fixing issue with use of sfYaml
 * [r6795] [1.2][DC-37][DC-279] Fixes issue with mssql modifyLimitQuery()
 * [r6796] [1.2][DC-277] Fixing loadModels() for pear style model loading
 * [r6797] [1.2] Fixing r6748 to be isConnected() instead of static method


 * [r6699] [1.2] Releasing Doctrine 1.2.0-BETA2
 * [r6709] [1.2] moved property along with method moved in r6462
 * [r6710] [1.2] removed manipulation of load references attribute in hydrators
 * [r6711] [1.2] fixed convenience migration method for dropping a primary key
 * [r6712] [1.2][DC-222] Fixed reference to Doctrine:: instead of Doctrine_Core::
 * [r6713] [1.2][DC-223] Fixes issue with cloning queries and the hydrator
 * [r6714] [1.2][DC-224] Fixes issue with pear style model loading and underscores in the directory path
 * [r6715] [1.2][DC-225][DC-210] Fixes issue with classPrefix and pearStyle to model builder
 * [r6716] [1.2][DC-211] Fixes issue with phpDoc relations not including classPrefix
 * [r6717] [1.2][DC-221] Fixes issue with loading migrations from the same directory twice
 * [r6718] [1.2][DC-209] Fixing compiler to only compile Doctrine dir
 * [r6719] [1.2][DC-213] Fixing global options to work more like inheritance should work
 * [r6720] [1.2][DC-194] Fixing SQL for oracle dropDatabase()
 * [r6721] [1.2][DC-187] Fix to unique() to allow disabling of unique index and ability to specify options for unique validator
 * [r6722] [1.2] Updating document
 * [r6729] [1.2][DC-235] Fixes issue with cache deleteByPrefix()
 * [r6730] [1.2][DC-232] Adding missing hasMappedValue() method
 * [r6731] [1.2][DC-183] Another fix for getting correct max varchar length
 * [r6732] [1.2][DC-212] Fixing issue with nested set hasParent() method
 * [r6733] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2] Fixing small regression in importer from database for the generated class names
 * [r6734] [1.2][DC-236] Fixes issue with Doctrine_Collection::toHierarchy()


 * [r6648] [1.1] Releasing Doctrine 1.2.0-BETA1
 * [r6655] [1.2][DC-165] Shouldn't attempt implicit autoloading of sfYaml through class_exists() call. Handled already by the require_once's.
 * [r6659] [1.2][DC-67] Fixing having for limit subquery
 * [r6661] [1.2] Increased the index number for bound parameters. This solves the problem that occured after changeset r6568 in which parameters started to be bound from index 1.
 * [r6666] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-183] Fixes issue with non existant constant in sqlite datadict
 * [r6667] [1.2][DC-184] Fixing strict standards notice
 * [r6668] [1.2][DC-180] Fixing issue with unique index names
 * [r6669] [1.2][DC-179] Fixing decimal length validator when decimal point is something other than "."
 * [r6670] [1.2][DC-178] Fixes issue with default table class name and the model builder
 * [r6673] [1.2][DC-186] Fix to correct CLI tests
 * [r6689] [1.2][DC-205] Fix to sequences not being set on inserts
 * [r6690] [1.2][DC-207] Fixing situation where real exception is masked. Forcing connection on saveGraph() before try catch
 * [r6691] [1.2][DC-204] Fixing issue with clone and reference to old hydrator
 * [r6692] [1.2][DC-201] Fixes issue with oracle and level keyword
 * [r6693] [1.2][DC-191] Fixes issue with loading migration classes from a directory twice
 * [r6694] [1.2][DC-190] Fixing issue with Doctrine_Manager::reset()
 * [r6696] [1.2][DC-198] Another attempt at fixing hasOne relationships with refreshRelated
 * [r6697] [1.2][DC-197] Fix to new orderBy functionality with UPDATE and DELETE DQL queries
 * [r6698] [1.2][DC-192] Fixes issue with class prefix and relation aliases


 * [r6549] [1.2] Releasing Doctrine 1.2 ALPHA3
 * [r6559] [1.2][DC-131][DC-134] Small refactoring to match cache drivers of D2 and fixed a few bugs
 * [r6560] [1.2][DC-136] Fixes issue with modified properties not being reset when hydration overrides local changes
 * [r6561] [1.2][DC-115] Last bit of CLI refactorings
 * [r6568] [1.2][DC-132] Fixes issue with file handles and BLOB fields not using LOB mode
 * [r6581] [1.2] Removing some left over code from hydration refactorings and fixing a few issues
 * [r6586] [1.2][DC-146] Fixing generated migrations to use right changeColumn() argument order
 * [r6587] [1.2][DC-87] Fixing import/export to include connection name
 * [r6588] [1.2][DC-132][DC-141] Fixing issue with r6568
 * [r6589] [1.2][DC-151] Improved loadRelated() to handle empty collections and other scenarios
 * [r6590] [1.2][DC-73] Fixing issue with identity map and test suite
 * [r6591] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-93] Fixes issue with refreshRelated() causing hasOne records to be created
 * [r6592] [1.2][DC-103] Change to get table from relation instead of value
 * [r6611] [1.2][DC-39][DC-69] Fixes to synchronizeWithArray(), link() and unlink()
 * [r6612] [1.2][DC-172] Fixing issue with previous commit
 * [r6613] [1.2][DC-74] Fix to check proxy state dynamically
 * [r6614] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-116] Fixing issue with nested set getParent() method
 * [r6616] [1.2][DC-137] Fixing autoloading for record generator models
 * [r6617] [1.2][DC-127] Fix to model loading for models with a prefix
 * [r6618] [1.2][DC-128] Fix to searchable using wrong connection
 * [r6619] [1.1, 1.2][DC-152] Fixing isModified($deep = true) issue when only deep objects are modified
 * [r6620] [1.2] Fixing test case that can fail sometimes.
 * [r6621] [1.2][DC-158] Fixing postgresql import for composite primary keys
 * [r6622] [1.2] Fixing test case that has some output when it shouldn't
 * [r6623] [1.2][DC-165] Making sfYaml a svn external
 * [r6624] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-110] Fixes issue with Doctrine_Export_Mysql::createIndexSql()
 * [r6625] [1.2][DC-114] Fix to auto generated cache keys for queries with pending join conditions
 * [r6626] [1.2] Fixing yaml parser to dump with expanded code
 * [r6627] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-130] Fix to relationship generating with quoted table names for pgsql
 * [r6628] [1.2][DC-153] Fixing core code to operate without a current connection set
 * [r6629] [1.2][DC-144] Fix for getConnectionForComponent() to use modelsAutoload() instead of autoload()
 * [r6630] [1.2][DC-147] Adding test coverage
 * [r6631] [1.2] Reversing accidential commit
 * [r6632] [1.2][DC-153] Fixing missing piece of code
 * [r6633] [1.2][DC-148] Adding invoking sql query to rethrown pdo exceptions
 * [r6634] [1.2][DC-167] Fixes uniqueBy when using a fk or relationship name
 * [r6635] [1.2][DC-169] Improving replace() to work more like update() and insert()
 * [r6636] [1.2][DC-171] Adding hardDelete() method to SoftDelete
 * [r6638] [1.2][DC-96] Adding support for MySQL SET type
 * [r6642] [1.2][DC-175] Fixing hardDelete() issue
 * [r6643] [1.2] Adding docs for most recent changes


 * [r6440] [1.2] Release Doctrine 1.2 ALPHA2
 * [r6462] [1.2] moved hydration method to parent for easier use in custom hydrators
 * [r6465] [1.2][DC-95] Added better support for PEAR style naming convention when generating and loading models
 * [r6466] [1.2][DC-63] Added new setColumnValidators() method for specifying mapping information
 * [r6467] [2.0][DC-90] Renaming setColumnValidators() to setColumnOptions() and setColumnOption()
 * [r6468] [1.2][DC-88] Fixing consistancy of the validators
 * [r6469] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-89] Fixing issue with setColumn() string parsing
 * [r6470] [1.2] Fixing bad tests that could cause other fails
 * [r6471] [1.2][DC-76] Updating record listener interface
 * [r6472] [1.2][DC-79] Fix to not save any foreign keys or m2m associations if parent record validation fails
 * [r6473] [1.2] Adding methods to reset Doctrine_Manager static instance
 * [r6474] [1.2] Fixing sandbox
 * [r6475] [2.0][DC-78] CLI refactorings to allow you to register a task
 * [r6476] [1.2] Removing unncessary is_object
 * [r6477] [1.2] One more tweak to ErrorStack::add()
 * [r6478] [1.2] Fixing exception class
 * [r6479] [1.2] Removing unused function
 * [r6480] [1.2] Fixing __toString() to return class name if it does not start with Doctrine_Validator_
 * [r6483] [1.2] Adding functionality to convert nested set structures to a hierarchical structure
 * [r6484] [1.2] Moving Doctrine to Doctrine_Core to fix autoloaders issue
 * [r6485] [1.2][DC-102] Fixes issue with model builder class prefixes
 * [r6486] [1.2] Fix for cti
 * [r6487] [1.2][DC-99] Formatting the name of foreign key constraint
 * [r6489] [1.2] Changing require to require_once
 * [r6490] [1.2] Adding to upgrade file about Doctrine_Core
 * [r6491] [1.2] Fix to mysql drop database to disable foreign key checks
 * [r6492] [1.2][DC-101] Added support for foreignKeyName in relationship setup.
 * [r6493] [1.2] Fix for behavior nesting and php 5.3 limit subquery orderby
 * [r6494] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-92] Fixes issue with pgsql boolean default on import
 * [r6495] [1.2][DC-84] Fix to migration automation functionality executing in wrong order when migrating down
 * [r6496] [1.2] Added provider option for Sluggable behavior
 * [r6497] [1.2][DC-86] Fixing sqlite now() expression
 * [r6498] [1.2][DC-82] Adding support for conditional unique validator for pgsql
 * [r6499] [1.2] Adding missing test case files
 * [r6501] [1.2] Adding exception trace to rethrown exception
 * [r6502] [1.2] Fixed changeColumn() argument order and added createPrimaryKey() and dropPrimaryKey() convenience methods
 * [r6503] [1.2] Documenting previous commits
 * [r6504] [1.2] Change so version table is not created until needed
 * [r6505] [1.2] Fix so that if migration connection is changed the processor will use it
 * [r6506] [1.2] Reverting r6493 in prep for a new version of the patch which is BC
 * [r6507] [1.2] Fixing nesting behaviors for good
 * [r6508] [1.2] Added ability for relationships to specify a default order by with the "orderBy" configuration option
 * [r6509] [1.2] Fixing parse error
 * [r6510] [1.2] Fixing typo again
 * [r6511] [1.2] Updating upgrade doc for nesting behavior changes
 * [r6512] [1.2] Fixing wrong code block name
 * [r6513] [1.2] moved the schema importer's array of global definition keys to a static var so it can be used elsewhere
 * [r6514] [1.2] added missing array
 * [r6516] [1.2] A little refactoring
 * [r6517] [1.2][DC-105] Fix to mssql export for notnull false
 * [r6528] [1.2] Fixing issue with spaces in join condition dql
 * [r6529] [1.2] Commenting out test temporarily
 * [r6532] [1.2] Enhancing default order by functionality and enhancing result set cache to allow you to set the cache key/hash for storing entries.
 * [r6537] [1.2][DC-113] Fix for sequences. Thanks for suggested patch
 * [r6538] [1.2] Another fix for sequences.
 * [r6540] [1.2][DC-117] Added support to migrations default options. Thanks Dan Bettles for patch
 * [r6543] [1.2][DC-124] Removing use of tabs in Doctrine_Inflector
 * [r6544] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-125] Fixes issue with memory leak in batchUpdateIndex() for Searchable behavior
 * [r6545] [1.2][DC-112] Initial entry of functionality for deleting cache entries by regular expressions
 * [r6546] [1.2][DC-112] Adding documentation for deleteByRegex()
 * [r6547] [1.2] Removing unused file.
 * [r6548] [1.2][DC-112] More refactorings on cache drivers for improved delete functionality


 * [r6384] [1.2] Releasing Doctrine 1.2.0-ALPHA1
 * [r6393] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2] Fixed typo in PostgreSQL Export driver
 * [r6394] [1.2][DC-1] fixed regression introduced in r6357 when a column aggregation subclass is referenced
 * [r6396] [1.2][DC-26] Fixed wrong behavior of query conditions (lack of parenthesis). Since this changes the generated SQL a lot, we are still validating if we will backport to 1.0 and 1.1
 * [r6398] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2] Fized issue with Unique validator. Fixes #2356
 * [r6399] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2] Fized issue with length validator. Fixes #2310
 * [r6400] [1.1, 1.2][DC-28] Fixes issue with pending join conditions not being properly cleared
 * [r6402] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-56] Fixes issue with Geographical behavior and customized column names
 * [r6403] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-57] Fixes issue with validation and timestamp columns
 * [r6404] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-46] Fixed wrong code that was not throwing exception if whereIn was passed without any parameter argument (empty array)
 * [r6405] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-58] Fixed not so verbose exception thrown when using findBy. Fixes #2458 which is the original report
 * [r6406] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-59] Fixed issue with mysql attributes. Fixes #2449, the original ticket reference
 * [r6407] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-25] Fixed issue with multiple join to same alias generated wrong SQL.
 * [r6409] [1.2] optimized collection of class names for flush tree in data import
 * [r6410] [1.2] Removing tabs from generated migration classes
 * [r6438] [1.2][DC-66] Fixing validation for expressions
 * [r6439] [1.0, 1.1, 1.2][DC-80] Fixing pgsql importing issue with varchars that have a default value


 * [r5285] [1.2] Updating UPGRADE file to document the changes to SoftDelete.
 * [r5900] [1.2] Creating 1.2 branch
 * [r5901] [1.2] Massive cleanup before new development begins
 * [r5902] [1.2] Fixing tests related to limit subquery not maintaining orderby anymore.
 * [r5903] [1.2] Added ability to configure the class generated Doctrine_Table classes extend from
 * [r5904] [1.2] Added ability to configure a query class by use of the attribute Doctrine::ATTR_QUERY_CLASS
 * [r5905] [1.2] Changed arrayToXml() to be static (closes #1673)
 * [r5906] [1.2] Fixing converting to xml in the file parser (closes #1674)
 * [r5907] [1.2] Refactored migrations to allow you to specify the connection it should use.
 * [r5908] [1.2] Splitting getSqlQuery() in to 2 methods by adding buildSqlQuery()
 * [r5910] [1.2] Adding configuration to turn off cascading saves by default (closes #1623)
 * [r5911] [1.2] Removing unused methods related to string attribute support
 * [r5919] [1.2] Making setAttribute() slightly dumber to improve performance
 * [r5920] [1.2] Adding Doctrine::setPath() method
 * [r5921] [1.2] Added new methods for checking related records existence for and clearing related records.
 * [r5922] [1.2] Allowing unknown column types to be reverse engineered. Simply defaults to string if we can't map it to a Doctrine type
 * [r5923] [1.2] Updating Doctrine_Adapter_Oracle to allow persistent connections (closes #2195)
 * [r5924] [1.2] Making generated base classes call parent::setUp() to allow base classes to add global setup (closes #2239)
 * [r5925] [1.2] Added new option to not add class prefixes to file names when generating models (closes #2250)
 * [r5926] [1.2] Performance patch for events and profiler
 * [r5927] [1.2] Removing commented code
 * [r5928] [1.2] Adding Doctrine::VALIDATE_USER attribute
 * [r5929] [1.2] Making findBy() and findOneBy() public methods
 * [r5930] [1.2] Expanded support for magic table finders
 * [r5932] [1.2] Refactoring output of tests
 * [r5933] [1.2] Fixing sandbox config
 * [r5934] [1.2] Added ability to configure a custom child Doctrine_Collection class instead of having it hardcoded inside Doctrine
 * [r5936] [1.2] Refactoring hydration methods to drivers and adding ability to register custom drivers
 * [r5938] [1.2] Fixes #1592: Oracle integers are compatible with INT types from MySQL or Postgresql
 * [r5939] [1.2] More hydration refactoring.
 * [r5942] [1.2] Starting refactoring of connection code to allow custom connection/adapters
 * [r5943] [1.2] Excluding failing ticket test case
 * [r5946] [1.2] Initial entry of extensions system
 * [r5948] [1.2] Enhancing sandbox to have support for extensions
 * [r5949] [1.2] Updating UPGRADE file to include information about extensions
 * [r5950] [1.2] Adding directory structure of Sortable behavior as an example
 * [r5956] [1.2] Updating readme to show example using new hydration type
 * [r5957] [1.2] Updating path to Sortable
 * [r5959] [1.2] Adding documentation about custom connection drivers
 * [r5960] [1.2] Removing some more code related to attribute string support
 * [r5968] [1.2] Possibility to avoid exporting table and relations to it by setting ATTR_EXPORT to EXPORT_NONE at a table level.
 * [r5969] [1.2] Added ability to drop/create db using the Doctrine_Oracle_Adapter, moved varchar2_max_length from property to params to allow user change it.
 * [r5971] [1.2] Fixed unpredictable ordering of resultset. This fixes the last remaining PHP 5.3 related issue we found until now.
 * [r5972] [1.2] Commented known to fail ticket #2015 . Test cases that are known to fail should be only uncommented when patch is applied, otherwise Continuous Integration server keeps
 * [r6002] [1.2] Fix for html vs cli output
 * [r6008] [1.2] Reversing change to remove order by from limit subquery
 * [r6010] [1.2] Fixing failing tests related to reversing a bug fix related to limit subquery orderby
 * [r6016] [1.2] Fixing mistake in upgrade doc (closes #2319)
 * [r6054] [1.2] Fixing failing test case and fixing test suite issue where messages are not reported to you
 * [r6057] [1.2] Adding exception message to fail
 * [r6064] [1.2] Fixed various tokenizer issues. This patch closes #671, #1885, #2104, #2107, #2111, #2298
 * [r6065] [1.2] Uncomment needed code to get DATE(u.created_at, INTERVAL '-1 month') to work.
 * [r6075] [1.2] Fixed author credits on Tokenizer class.
 * [r6122] [1.2] Fixes for oracle connecting using adapter, and the drop/create db functionality (closes #2359)
 * [r6126] [1.2] Changed skipOperation behavior on preSave() event to skip the entire operation and not just the insert()/update() calls (closes #2325)
 * [r6128] [1.2] Removing try, catch and rethrow from Doctrine_Export (closes #2285)
 * [r6131] [1.2] Fixes issue with previous commit and oracle create/drop db functionality
 * [r6132] [1.2] Fixes issue with importing from existing database and unsigned flag as well as other flags (closes #2354)
 * [r6136] [1.2] Added option to allow configuration of cascading delete operations on generators (closes #2367)
 * [r6149] [1.2] Fixes mistake in previous commit (addresses #2367)
 * [r6204] [1.2] Fixed #2398. Thanks to Russ Flynn.
 * [r6218] [1.2] optimized logic in autoload so only doctrine classes are handled
 * [r6244] [1.0][1.1][1.2] Fixed E_STRICT notice on PHP
 * [r6345] [1.2] Mssql now supports renaming tables, columns, altering tables. Exporting Mssql SQL automatically turn all primary keys to "NOT NULL".
 * [r6346] [1.2] Fixed #2487. Patch provided by Stefan Klug.
 * [r6349] [1.2] Fixed minor issues which was breaking unit test suite under certain environments
 * [r6350] [1.2] Semi-reverted my previous commit since it reveals a hidden bug and it's now bugging CI server. Need to do more efforts to effectively fix all related issues of my previous
 * [r6357] [1.2][DC-1] Fixes issue with data fixtures import keys being overriden
 * [r6362] [1.2] Fixed a couple of issues that were preventing Unit Test Suite to run in certain situations
 * [r6363] [1.2] Fix for class_exists
 * [r6365] [1.2][DC-12] Added Doctrine::ATTR_TABLE_CLASS
 * [r6366] [1.2][DC-14] Fixes issue with DQL parser and NOT BETWEEN where conditions
 * [r6367] [1.2][DC-12] Updating doc block for Doctrine_Migration_Base::changeColumn()
 * [r6368] [1.2][DC-10] Fixed exception catching and rethrowing from CLI
 * [r6370] [1.2][DC-7] Implementing first draft of ON DEMAND hydration
 * [r6371] [1.2][DC-5] Automatically indexing column aggregation inheritance type column
 * [r6372] [1.2][DC-17] Removing exception suppressing for dropping and creating databases
 * [r6373] [1.2][DC-9] Modified yaml schema parser to allow comment on table and fields
 * [r6376] [1.2][DC-32] Making change so non portable types are passed through instead of throwing exceptions
 * [r6377] [1.2][DC-23] Fixed issue with referencing fixtures more than 1 level deep and self referencing fixtures
 * [r6378] [1.2] Cleaning up on demand hydration so it is much simpler and just a hydration mode. No more policies.
 * [r6379] [1.2] Updating upgrade file
 * [r6381] [1.2][DC-24] Removing deprecated aggregate values in relationships when hydrating
 * [r6382] [1.2][DC-24] Updating upgrade file for previous changeset