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Releases: peter-evans/create-pull-request

Create Pull Request v2.0.0

03 Jan 05:22
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v2 major version release 🚀

Breaking changes

  • v2 now expects repositories to be checked out with actions/checkout@v2

    To use actions/checkout@v1 the following step to checkout the branch is necessary.

        - uses: actions/checkout@v1
        - name: Checkout branch
          run: git checkout "${GITHUB_REF:11}"
  • The two branch naming strategies have been swapped. Fixed branch naming strategy is now the default. i.e. branch-suffix: none is now the default and should be removed from configuration if set.

  • author-name, author-email, committer-name, committer-email have been removed in favour of author and committer.
    They can both be set in the format Display Name <>

    If neither author or committer are set the action will default to making commits as the GitHub Actions bot user.

New features

  • Unpushed commits made during the workflow before the action runs will now be considered as changes to be raised in the pull request. See Controlling commits for details.
  • New commits made to the pull request base will now be taken into account when pull requests are updated.
  • If an updated pull request no longer differs from its base it will automatically be closed and the pull request branch deleted.

Create Pull Request v1.9.1

08 Dec 07:33
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  • Minor refactor to avoid setting configuration that persists after the action finishes

Create Pull Request v1.9.0

06 Dec 10:19
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  • Adds inputs for committer-name and committer-email

Create Pull Request v1.8.0

24 Nov 00:07
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  • Added a feature to create project cards for pull requests. See inputs project and project-column.

Create Pull Request v1.7.4

16 Nov 00:36
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  • Added a warning and graceful failure when the checked out ref specified by GITHUB_REF is not a valid base for a pull request.

Create Pull Request v1.7.3

13 Nov 15:04
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  • Added logging with clearer messages about what the action is doing
  • Gracefully handles pull request events triggered by forks and issues a warning in the log
  • Published a v1 branch so the major version can be followed

Create Pull Request v1.7.2

10 Nov 09:15
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  • Fixes a bug with filtering when updating pull requests

Create Pull Request v1.7.1

10 Nov 07:58
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  • Fixes a bug when updating a pull request in fixed branch name strategy

Create Pull Request v1.7.0

09 Nov 14:07
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  • Converted the action to a hybrid javascript/Python action that works on all platforms.
  • Inputs to the action can now be specified with with: in addition to env:.
  • Added the step output pr_number

Create Pull Request v1.6.1

04 Nov 02:11
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  • Improvements to updating pull requests in fixed branch strategy 98ee7d6