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1753 lines (1065 loc) Β· 69.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1753 lines (1065 loc) Β· 69.3 KB



Patch Changes

  • pnpm setup should create shell rc files for pnpm path configuration if no such file exists prior #4027.
  • The postinstall scripts of dependencies should be executed after the root dependencies of the project are symlinked #4018.
  • pnpm dlx will now support version specifiers for packages. E.g. pnpm dlx create-svelte@next #4023.


Minor Changes

  • New setting added: scripts-prepend-node-path. This setting can be true, false, or warn-only.

    When true, the path to the node executable with which pnpm executed is prepended to the PATH of the scripts.

    When warn-only, pnpm will print a warning if the scripts run with a node binary that differs from the node binary executing the pnpm CLI.

Patch Changes

  • The path to the node executable that executes pnpm should not be added to the PATH, when running scripts.
  • pnpm env use should download the right Node.js tarball on Raspberry Pi #4007.
  • HTTP requests should be retried when the server responds with on of 408, 409, 420, 429 status codes.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm exec should exit with the exit code of the child process. This fixes a regression introduced in pnpm v6.20.4 via #3951.
  • node-gyp from the dependencies should be preferred over the node-gyp that is bundled with pnpm, when running scripts #2135.
  • pnpm dlx pnpm should not break the globally installed pnpm CLI.


Patch Changes

  • Downgrading p-memoize to v4.0.1. pnpm v6.22.0 started to print the next warning #3989:

    (node:132923) TimeoutOverflowWarning: Infinity does not fit into a 32-bit signed integer.


Minor Changes

  • Added --reverse option support to pnpm exec #3984.

    Usage example:

    pnpm --reverse -r exec pwd

Patch Changes

  • peerDependencies ranges should be compared loosely #3753.
  • Don't fail if a linked directory is not found. Just print a warning about it #3746.


Patch Changes

  • When the store location is a relative location, pick the store location relative to the workspace root directory location #3976.
  • Don't crash if a bin file cannot be created because the source files could not be found.
  • Use the system default Node.js version to check package compatibility #3785.


Minor Changes

  • Support async hooks #3955.
  • Added support for a new lifecycle script: pnpm:devPreinstall. This script works only in the root package.json file, only during local development, and runs before installation happens #3968.

Patch Changes

  • Installing a workspace project with an injected dependency from a non-root directory should not fail #3970.
  • Escape the arguments that are passed to the scripts #3907.


Patch Changes

  • Do not index the project directory if it should not be hard linked to any other project #3949.
  • The CLI should not exit before all the output is printed #3526.


Patch Changes

  • All the dependenciesMeta fields should be duplicated to the lockfile.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm import should be able to import a workspace lockfile #3908.
  • Don't run pre/post scripts by default with recursive run commands #3903.
  • pnpm env use should use the network/proxy settings to make HTTP requests #3942.
  • It should be possible to install a git-hosted package that has a port in its URL #3944.
  • pnpm create and pnpm dlx should work with scoped packages #3916.


Patch Changes

  • Fix broken artifacts of @pnpm/exe. This doesn't affect the pnpm package.

    Related issue: #3937. This was a bug introduced by #3896.


Minor Changes

  • New property supported via the dependenciesMeta field of package.json: injected. When injected is set to true, the package will be hard linked to node_modules, not symlinked #3915.

    For instance, the following package.json in a workspace will create a symlink to bar in the node_modules directory of foo:

      "name": "foo",
      "dependencies": {
        "bar": "workspace:1.0.0"

    But what if bar has react in its peer dependencies? If all projects in the monorepo use the same version of react, then no problem. But what if bar is required by foo that uses react 16 and qar with react 17? In the past, you'd have to choose a single version of react and install it as dev dependency of bar. But now with the injected field you can inject bar to a package, and bar will be installed with the react version of that package.

    So this will be the package.json of foo:

      "name": "foo",
      "dependencies": {
        "bar": "workspace:1.0.0",
        "react": "16"
      "dependenciesMeta": {
        "bar": {
          "injected": true

    bar will be hard linked into the dependencies of foo, and react 16 will be linked to the dependencies of foo/node_modules/bar.

    And this will be the package.json of qar:

      "name": "qar",
      "dependencies": {
        "bar": "workspace:1.0.0",
        "react": "17"
      "dependenciesMeta": {
        "bar": {
          "injected": true

    bar will be hard linked into the dependencies of qar, and react 17 will be linked to the dependencies of qar/node_modules/bar.

Patch Changes

  • Buffer warnings fixed #3932.


Patch Changes

  • Proxy URLs with special characters in credentials should work #3925.
  • Don't print info message about conflicting command names #3912.


Minor Changes

  • Package scope is optional when filtering by package name #3485.

    So the next two commands will both find @pnpm/core:

    pnpm test --filter core
    pnpm test --filter @pnpm/core

    However, if the workspace contains @types/core and @pnpm/core, --filter=core will not work.

  • Allow a system's package manager to override pnpm's default settings

Patch Changes

  • pnpm install --global should link global packages to specific Node.js versions only if Node.js was installed by pnpm #3910.
  • It should be possible to alias a workspace package that has a name with a scope #3899.
  • pnpm store path added to the output of pnpm store.


Minor Changes

  • pnpm env use:
    • allow to install the latest Node.js release #3879:
      pnpm env use -g latest
    • allow to install prerelease versions of Node.js #3892:
      pnpm env use -g 16.0.0-rc.0
      pnpm env use -g nightly
      pnpm env use -g nightly/16
  • maxsockets: a new setting to configure the maximum number of connections to use per origin (protocol/host/post combination) #3889.

Patch Changes

  • Installing Git-hosted dependencies should work using URLs with colon. For instance, pnpm add ssh:// #3882.
  • Autofix command files with Windows line endings on the shebang line #3887.


Patch Changes

  • Dedupe dependencies when adding new ones or updating existing ones #2222.
  • Only check for CLI updates when pnpm install or pnpm add is executed #3874.
  • Use a single global config file (at ~/.config/pnpm/npmrc) for all npm versions, when npm is installed via pnpm env use #3873.
  • Add information about the --force option into pnpm install --help #3878.
  • Allow to pass the --cache-dir and --save-prefix CLI options.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm env use should create a symlink to the Node.js executable, not a command shim #3869.
  • Attach the globally installed packages to the system default Node.js executable #3870.
  • The .pnpm-debug.log file is not written when pnpm CLI exits with an expected non-zero exit code. For instance, when vulnerabilities are found by the pnpm audit command #3832.
  • Suggest pnpm install --force to refetch modified packages #3867.


Minor Changes

  • New hook supported for filtering out info and warning logs: filterLog(log) => boolean #3802.
  • New command added: pnpm create is similar to yarn create #3829.
  • pnpm dlx supports the --silent option #3839.

Patch Changes

  • Add link to the docs to the help output of the dlx, exec, root, and bin commands #3838.
  • Don't print anything except the JSON output, when the --json option is used #3844.


Patch Changes

  • Installation should not fail if the installed package has no package.json #3782.
  • Hoisting should work when the dependencies of only a subset of workspace projects are installed #3806.
  • Upgraded ansi-regex to v5.0.1 in order to fix a security vulnerability CVE-2021-3807.


Minor Changes

  • New setting added: changed-files-ignore-pattern. It allows to ignore changed files by glob patterns when filtering for changed projects since the specified commit/branch #3797.
  • New setting added: extend-node-path. When it is set to false, pnpm does not set the NODE_PATH environment variable in the command shims #3799.

Patch Changes

  • Pick the right extension for command files. It is important to write files with .CMD extension on case sensitive Windows drives #3804.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm add --global <pkg> should use an exact path to the Node.js executable to create the command shim. This way, the globally install package will work even if the system-wide Node.js is switched to another version #3780.
  • pnpm install --fix-lockfile should not ignore the dependencies field in the existing lockfile #3774.
  • When use-beta-cli is true, the global packages directory is inside the pnpm home directory #3781.
  • pnpm install --frozen-lockfile should not fail if a project has a local directory dependency that has no manifest (package.json file) #3793.
  • Don't override the bin files of direct dependencies with the bin files of hoisted dependencies #3795.


Patch Changes

  • A security vulnerabity fixed. When commands are executed on Windows, they should not be searched for in the current working directory.
  • pnpm import should never run scripts #3750.


Minor Changes

  • pnpm install --fix-lockfile allows to fix a broken lockfile #3729.
  • New setting supported: global-bin-dir. global-bin-dir allows to set the target directory for the bin files of globally installed packages #3762.

Patch Changes

  • The pnpm CLI should not silently exit on bad HTTPS requests #3768.


Patch Changes

  • Use correct GitLab tarball URL #3643.
  • Accept gzip and deflate encoding from the registry #3745.
  • Print error codes in error messages #3748.
  • Allow the $ sign to be a command name #3679.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm setup should add pnpm to the PATH on Windows #3734.
  • pnpm env should not create PowerShell command shims to fix issues on Windows #3711.
  • overrides should work with selectors that specify the parent package with a version range #3732.


Patch Changes

  • A broken package.json should not make pnpm exit without any message #3705.
  • pnpm dlx should allow to pass multiple packages for installation #3710.
  • The pnpm home directory should be always prefered when searching for a global bin directory #3723.
  • pnpm setup should not remove the pnpm CLI executable, just copy it to the pnpm home directory #3724.
  • It should be possible to set cache-dir and state-dir through config files #3727.


Patch Changes

  • Downgrade @yarnpkg/parsers to v2.3.0 from v2.4.0 to fix a regression in script running, when shell-emulator is true #3700.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm setup prints an info message that suggests to open a new terminal #3698.
  • pnpm env use -g <version> links npm as well, when installing Node.js #3696.


Patch Changes

  • Don't crash on unsupported packages that are only dependencies of skipped optional dependencies #3640.
  • Allow to symlink a directory that has no package.json #3691.


Minor Changes

  • pnpm import can convert a yarn.lock to a pnpm-lock.yaml #3655.
  • Backward-compatible change to the lockfile format. Optional dependencies will always have the requiresBuild field set to true. This change is needed to allow skipping optional dependency downloads, when the optional dependency is not compatible with the target system #2038

Patch Changes

  • Those optional dependencies that don't support the target system should not be downloaded from the registry #2038.


Minor Changes

  • New command added for running packages in a tempory environment: pnpm dlx <command> ... #3652.

Patch Changes

  • Link the package's own binaries before running its lifecycle scripts #3662.
  • Resolve peer dependencies from the root of the workspace when adding a new dependency or updating #3667.
  • Ignore empty shasum in entries in package metadata #3666.
  • Throw a meaningful error if a package has invalid shasum in its metadata #3666.
  • Add run to NO_SCRIPT error example #3660.


Patch Changes

  • Fix a regression introduced in v6.12.0: --workspace-root optional should not be ignored.


Minor Changes

  • A new command added for installing Node.js: pnpm env use --global <version>.

    You may install Node.js using an exact version, version range, LTS, or LTS name (e.g. argon).


    pnpm env use --global 16.5.0
    pnpm env use --global 16
    pnpm env use --global lts
    pnpm env use --global argon

    Related PR: #3620.

  • Exclude the root package, when running pnpm exec|run|add. This change is only active when use-beta-cli is set to true #3647.

  • When --workspace-root is used, the workspace root package is selected even if the command is executed with filters #3647.

    For example: pnpm --workspace-root --filter=foo run lint

Patch Changes

  • Avoid too many open files error #3637.
  • pnpm audit --fix should not add overrides for packages with vulnerabilities that do not have fixes #3649.
  • When a peer dependency issue happens, the warning should contain the path to the project with the issue #3650.


Minor Changes

  • New package.json setting added: publishConfig.executableFiles. By default, for portability reasons, no files except those listed in the bin field will be marked as executable in the resulting package archive. The executableFiles field lets you declare additional fields that must have the executable flag (+x) set even if they aren't directly accessible through the bin field.

      "publishConfig": {
        "executableFiles": [


Patch Changes

  • Fix a regression introduced in v6.11.0 #3627.


Patch Changes

  • Print a warning when a lifecycle script is skipped #3619.


Minor Changes

  • New command added: pnpm audit --fix. This command adds overrides to package.json that force versions of packages that do not have the vulnerabilities #3598.
  • Own implementation of pnpm pack is added. It is not passed through to npm pack anymore #3608.
  • When pnpm add pkg is executed in a workspace and pkg is already in the dependencies of one of the workspace projects, pnpm uses that already present version range to add the new dependency #3614.

Patch Changes

  • Don't collapse warnings when --reporter append-only is used.


Patch Changes

  • Overriding packages by parent package and no range. Fixes a regression introduced in v6.10.2


Patch Changes

  • pnpm exec should work outside of Node.js projects #3597.
  • Overriding should work when the range selector contains >.


Patch Changes

  • A trailing newline should always be added to the output #3565.
  • pnpm link --global should not break global dependencies #3462.


Minor Changes

  • New command added: pnpm store path #3571.
  • New setting added: cache-dir. cache-dir is the location of the package metadata cache. Previously this cache was stored in the store directory. By default, the cache directory is created in the XDG_CACHE_HOME directory #3578.
  • New setting added: state-dir. state-dir is the directory where pnpm creates the pnpm-state.json file that is currently used only by the update checker. By default, the state directory is created in the XDG_STATE_HOME directory #3580.
  • workspace-concurrency is based on CPU cores amount, when set to 0 or a negative number. The concurrency limit is set as max((amount of cores) - abs(workspace-concurrency), 1) #3574.

Patch Changes

  • Never do full resolution when package manifest is ignored #3576.
  • An error is thrown if pnpm link is executed. pnpm link needs at least one argument or option #3590.


Patch Changes

  • Dependencies from the root workspace package should be used to resolve peer dependencies of any projects in the workspace.


Minor Changes

  • A new optional field added to the pnpm section of package.json: packageExtensions. The packageExtensions fields offer a way to extend the existing package definitions with additional information. For example, if react-redux should have react-dom in its peerDependencies but it has not, it is possible to patch react-redux using packageExtensions:

      "pnpm": {
        "packageExtensions": {
          "react-redux": {
            "peerDependencies": {
              "react-dom": "*"

    The keys in packageExtensions are package names or package names and semver ranges, to it is possible to patch only some versions of a package:

      "pnpm": {
        "packageExtensions": {
          "react-redux@1": {
            "peerDependencies": {
              "react-dom": "*"

    The following fields may be extended using packageExtensions: dependencies, optionalDependencies, peerDependencies, and peerDependenciesMeta.

    A bigger example:

      "pnpm": {
        "packageExtensions": {
          "express@1": {
            "optionalDependencies": {
              "typescript": "2"
          "fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin": {
            "dependencies": {
              "@babel/core": "1"
            "peerDependencies": {
              "eslint": ">= 6"
            "peerDependenciesMeta": {
              "eslint": {
                "optional": true


Minor Changes

  • When use-beta-cli is true, filtering by directories supports globs #3521.

Patch Changes

  • The pnpm remove and pnpm update commands do not fail when the dev, production, or optional settings are set.
  • Use the real package names of the peer dependencies when creating the paths in the virtual store #3545.
  • The lockfile should not break on peer dependencies that have underscores in their name #3546.
  • Resolve peer dependencies from the dependencies of the root project of the workspace #3549.


Patch Changes

  • Generate a correct command shim on Windows if pnpm is installed to a directory with spaces in its name #3519.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm exec should run the command in the right directory, when executed inside a workspace #3514.


Patch Changes

  • When publishing in a workspace, pass the .npmrc file from the root of the workspace to npm #3511.


Patch Changes

  • It should be possible to install a Git-hosted package that uses a default branch other than "master" #3506.
  • It should be possible to install a Git-hosted package by using only part of the Git commit hash #3507.


Minor Changes

  • Support the field in package.json #3490.
  • There is no need to escape the command shell with --, when using the exec command. So just pnpm exec rm -rf dir instead of pnpm exec -- rm -rf dir #3492.
  • pnpm audit supports a new option: --ignore-registry-errors. pnpm audit --ignore-registry-errors exits with exit code 0, when the registry responds with a non-200 status code #3472.

Patch Changes

  • Mention pnpm exec in the generic help.
  • pnpm outdated should read the value of the strict-ssl setting #3493.
  • New lines in engine field should not break the lockfile #3491.


Patch Changes

  • a1a03d145: Import only the required functions from ramda.


Minor Changes

  • When pnpm is executed with an unknown command, it is considered a shell command that needs to be executed in the context of the project. So you can do things like pnpm eslint, when eslint is in the dependencies. It is kind of similar to pnpx eslint but unlink pnpx, pnpm eslint will not install eslint, when not present #3478.


Minor Changes

  • New setting added: use-node-version. When set, pnpm will install the specified version of Node.js and use it for running any lifecycle scripts #3459.
  • New experimental command added: pnpm setup. This command adds the path to the pnpm bin to the active shell of the user. So it modifies the bash, zsh, or fish config file #3456.
  • pnpm publish -r supports a new option: --report-summary. When it is used, pnpm publish -r --report-summary will save the summary of published packages to pnpm-publish-summary.json #3461.
  • New CLI option added: --use-stderr. When set, all the output is written to stderr #3463.
  • pnpm now reads the value of the NPM_CONFIG_WORKSPACE_DIR env variable to find the directory that contains the workspace manifest file. By default pnpm will look in all parent directories for this file #3464.

Patch Changes

  • Do not retry requests, when checking for new versions of pnpm #3465.


Minor Changes

  • Added support for type and imports in publishConfig field of the package.json manifest #3315.

Patch Changes

  • Do not print a warning if a skipped optional dependency cannot be hoisted #3454.
  • The second argument to readPackage hook should always be the context object #3455.


Minor Changes

  • pnpm list -r --json returns the locations of workspace projects via the path field #3432.

Patch Changes

  • save-prefix should be respected, when it is set to empty #3414.
  • skip resolution, when lockfile is up-to-date, even if some packages in the workspace are referenced through relative path #3422.
  • pnpm why: do not incorrectly include linked deps in search results #3428.


Patch Changes

  • Do not crash when linking two dependencies with the same name #3308.
  • The temp pnpx directory should be created inside the pnpm store.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm should not fail with an EMFILE error on a big workspace with many projects #3381.


Patch Changes

  • Fixing a regression introduced in v6.2.2 #3407.
  • The child-concurrency setting should not be ignored when installing in a project with up-to-date lockfile #3399.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm audit should not receive a 502 error from the registry #2848.
  • When installing Git-hosted dependencies that have a prepare script, pnpm should install their devDependencies for a successfull build #855.
  • preinstall scripts should run after installing the dependencies #3395.
  • Sorting workspace projects should work correctly when the workspace dependencies use workspace:~ or workspace:^ #3400


Minor Changes

  • New CLI option: --filter-prod. --filter-prod acts the same as --filter, but it omits devDependencies when selecting dependency projects from the workspace #3372.
  • New types of workspace ranges added #3116:
    • workspace:~ means that the version of the workspace project should be added using the ~ prefix. For instance: ~1.0.0 (if the version of the referenced project is 1.0.0 in the workspace).
    • workspace:^ means that the version of the workspace project should be added using the ^ prefix. For instance: ^1.0.0.
  • New setting: fetch-timeout. Sets the maximum amount of time to wait for HTTP requests to complete. By default, the value is 60000 (1 minute) #3390.

Patch Changes

  • Don't skip lifecycle scripts of projects when doing a filtered installation #3251.
  • No deprecation warning about rmdir() usage should appear when running pnpm on Node.js 16.
  • Link overrides should work on non-root workspace projects #3388.
  • pnpm should not fail with an EMFILE error on a big workspace with many projects #3381.


Minor Changes

  • New option added: enable-pre-post-scripts. When it is set to true, lifecycle scripts with pre/post prefixes are automatically executed by pnpm #3348.


Bug Fixes

  • pnpm publish: lifecycle scripts should not be executed twice when the globally installed npm version is 7 #3340.
  • pnpm list: hoisted dependencies are not listed as unsaved dependencies #3339.
  • pnpm.overrides should override direct dev dependencies #3327.
  • Commands from the root of the workspace should be in the PATH even when there is no lockfile in the workspace root #2086.


Bug Fixes

  • Use + instead of # in directory names inside the virtual store directory (node_modules/.pnpm). # causes issues with Webpack and Vite #3314.


Major Changes

  • Node.js v10 support is dropped. At least Node.js v12.17 is required for the package to work.

  • Arbitrary pre/post hooks for user-defined scripts (such as prestart) are not executed automatically.

  • The lockfile version is bumped to v5.3. Changes in the new format:

    • Blank lines added between package/project entries to improve readability and decrease merge issues.
    • The resolution, engines, os, and cpu fields are now always written in a single lines, as the first keys of the package objects.
    • A new field is added to the package objects: transitivePeerDependencies.
  • The layout of the virtual store directory has changed (node_modules/.pnpm) to allow keeping cache in it:

    • All packages inside the virtual store directory are on the same depth. Instead of subdirectories, one directory is used with # instead of slashes.
    • New setting added: modules-cache-max-age. The default value of the setting is 10080 (7 days in minutes). modules-cache-max-age is the time in minutes after which pnpm should remove the orphan packages from node_modules.
  • pnpx does not automatically install packages. A prompt asks the user if a package should be installed, if it is not present.

    pnpx --yes tells pnpx to install any missing package.

    pnpx --no makes pnpx fail if the called packages is not installed.

  • pnpmfile.js renamed to .pnpmfile.cjs in order to force CommonJS.

  • .pnp.js renamed to .pnp.cjs in order to force CommonJS.

  • The pnpm-prefix setting is removed. Use global-dir to specify a custom location for the globally installed packages.

  • The default depth of an update is Infinity, not 0.

  • The --global option should be used when linking from/to the global modules directory.

    Linking a package to the global directory:

    • pnpm v5: pnpm link
    • pnpm v6: pnpm link --global

    Linking a package from the global directory:

    • pnpm v5: pnpm link foo
    • pnpm v6: pnpm link --global foo
  • pnpm's command file's extension changed to .cjs (bin/pnpm.js=>bin/pnpm.cjs).

  • node-gyp updated to v8.

  • prepublish is not executed on a local pnpm install. Use prepare instead.

Minor Changes

  • A new command added: pnpm fetch.

    Fetch packages from a lockfile into virtual store, package manifest is ignored. This command is specifically designed to boost building a docker image.

  • Overrides match dependencies by checking if the target range is a subset of the specified range, instead of making an exact match.

    For example, the following override will replace any version of foo that has a subrange on v2:

    "pnpm": {
      "overrides": {
        "foo@2": "2.1.0"

    This will override foo@2.2.0 and foo@^2.3.0 to foo@2.1.0 as both 2.2.0 and ^2.3.0 are subranges of 2.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm store status should look for the integrity.json file at the right place (#2597).
  • Allow --https-proxy, --proxy, and --noproxy CLI options with the install, add, update commands (#3274).


Patch Changes

  • Installation of packages that have bin directories with subdirectories should not fail (#3263).
  • The value of the noproxy setting should be read (#3258).
  • An empty node_modules directory should not be created just to save a .pnpm-debug.log file to it.


Patch Changes

  • Proxying through socks:// should work (#3241).
  • Non-directories should not be added to NODE_PATH in command shims (#3156).


Patch Changes

  • Escape invalid charachters in file names, when linking packages from the store (#3232).
  • Link to the compatibility page fixed.


Patch Changes

  • Verify the name and version of the package before linking it from the store (PR #3224, issue #3188).
  • The lockfile should be autofixed if it contains broken integrity checksums (PR #3228, issue #3137).


Patch Changes

  • Links to docs updated. The docs now lead to the versioned 5.x docs, not the current ones.
  • The command prompts should work when selecting shell target in pnpm install-completion #3221.


Patch Changes

  • Broken lockfiles are ignore unless pnpm install --frozen-lockfile is used #1395.
  • Fixed occasional "Too many open file" error on pnpm store status #3185.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm audit should work with the --no-optional, --dev, and --prod options #3152.


Patch Changes

  • The ID of a tarball dependency should not contain colons, when the URL has a port. The colon should be escaped with a plus sign#3182.


Minor Changes

  • pnpm publish -r --force should try to publish packages even if their current version is already in the registry.


Patch Changes

  • Turn off warnings about settings.
  • The -P/-D shorthand options should work with the pnpm why command.
  • pnpm add --global pnpm does not create PowerShell command shims for the pnpm CLI.


Patch Changes

  • Only display unknown settings warning, when pnpm install is executed #3130.
  • Update help for the filter option. Some of the filtering patterns should be escaped in Zsh.
  • Audit output should always have a new line at the end #3134.
  • Return the correct registry for an aliased scoped dependency #3103.


Minor Changes

  • New '--reverse' CLI option added for reversing the order of package executions during pnpm -r run #2985.


Patch Changes

  • Remove redundant empty lines when run pnpm why --parseable #3101.
  • pnpm publish --publish-branch=<branch> does not fail #2996.
  • Don't print warnings when .npmrc contains empty lines with whitespaces #3105.


Minor Changes

  • Allow to ignore the builds of specific dependencies #3080.

    The list of dependencies that should never be built, is specified through the pnpm.neverBuiltDependencies of package.json. For instance:

      "pnpm": {
        "neverBuiltDependencies": ["fsevents", "level"]
  • Print warnings if unknown settings are found in .npmrc #3074.

  • pnpm can now be executed using its single bundled CLI file #3096.

  • When pnpm crashes because the Node.js version is unsupported, the error message will now contain a link to the compatibility page of the pnpm documentation website.

  • pnpm pubish -r prints an info message if there are no pending packages to be published.


Patch Changes

  • A failing optional dependency should not cause a crash of headless installation #3090.
  • npx pnpm install --global pnpm should not install pnpm to the temporary directory of npx #2873.


Patch Changes

  • The lockfile's content should not "flicker" if some dependency's version is specified with build metadata #2928.
  • If pnpm.overrides were modified, the resolution stage may never be skipped #3079.
  • The pnpm section of options is not included in the published version of a package.json #3081.
  • Fix the error message that happens when trying to add a new dependency to the root of a workspace #3082.


Patch Changes

  • Finding the global directory location should not fail when one of the possible locations is in a read-only filesystem #2794.

  • Don't ask for confirmation, when publishing happens on a branch name "main" #2995.

  • Highlight the project names in the output of the pnpm list command #3024.

  • It should be possible to use the workspace protocol with version specs inside pnpm.overrides #3029.

    For instance:

      "pnpm": {
        "overrides": {
          "foo": "workspace:*"


Minor Changes

  • Allow to specify the shell target when configuring autocompletion with pnpm install-completion. For instance: pnpm install-completion zsh.
  • New option added: enable-modules-dir. When false, pnpm will not write any files to the modules directory (node_modules). This is useful for when the modules directory is mounted with filesystem in userspace (FUSE). There is an experimental CLI that allows to mount a modules directory with FUSE: @pnpm/mount-modules.

Patch Changes

  • Fixed a performance regression that was caused by #3032 and shipped in pnpm v5.13.7

    The performance of repeat pnpm install execution was in some cases significantly slower.

  • Don't create broken symlinks to skipped optional dependencies, when hoisting. This issue was already fixed in pnpm v5.13.7 for the case when the lockfile is up-to-date. This fixes the same issue for cases when the lockfile needs updates. For instance, when adding a new package.


Patch Changes

  • Fixed an issue with installing peer dependencies. In some rare cases, when installing a new peer dependency, the other existing dependencies were removed #3057


Patch Changes

  • Linking dependencies by absolute path should work. For instance: pnpm link C:\src\foo #3025


Minor Changes

  • New option added: test-pattern. test-pattern allows to detect whether the modified files are related to tests. If they are, the dependent packages of such modified packages are not included.

    This option is useful with the "changed since" filter. For instance, the next command will run tests in all changed packages, and if the changes are in source code of the package, tests will run in the dependent packages as well:

    pnpm --filter=...[origin/master] --test-pattern=test/* test
  • An exception is thrown if the workspace manifest is created with the wrong extension: pnpm-workspace.yml instead of pnpm-workspace.yaml.

Patch Changes

  • --no-bail should work with non-recursive commands #3036.


Patch Changes

  • Broken symlinks are not created to skipped optional dependencies, when hoisting.


Patch Changes

  • Regression in pnpm install-completion fixed.
  • Throw a meaningful error on malformed registry metadata.


Patch Changes

  • Include dependencies of dependents, when using --filter ...pkg... #2917.
  • Fix hanging requests issue. The number of max open sockets increased #2998.


Patch Changes

  • Issue with Homebrew fixed [#2993]#2993).


  • Fix regression with node-gyp that was introduced in v5.13.2 #2988.


Patch Changes

  • The pnpm CLI is bundled for faster startup.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm should not leave empty temporary directories in the root of the partition #2749.


Minor Changes

  • New setting added: prefer-workspace-packages #2136.

    When prefer-workspace-packages is set to true, local packages from the workspace are preferred over packages from the registry, even if there is a newer version of that package in the registry.

    This setting is only useful if the workspace doesn't use save-workspace-protocol=true.


Minor Changes

  • Workspace packages now can be referenced through aliases #2970.

    For instance, the package in the workspace may be named foo. Usually, you would reference it as { "foo": "workspace:*" }. If you want to use a different alias, the next syntax will work now: { "bar": "workspace:foo@*" }.

    Before publish, aliases are converted to regular aliased dependencies. The above example will become: { "bar": "npm:foo@1.0.0" }.

  • Workspace packages now can be referenced through relative path #2959.

    For example, in a workspace with 2 packages:

    + packages
      + foo
      + bar

    bar may have foo in its dependencies declared as { "foo": "workspace:../foo" }. Before publish, these specs are converted to regular version specs supported by all package managers.

  • For better compatibility with prettier, two new default patterns added to public-hoist-pattern:

    • @prettier/plugin-*
    • *prettier-plugin-*


Patch Changes

  • Retry metadata download if the received JSON is broken #2949.


Minor Changes

  • Conflicts in pnpm-lock.yaml are automatically fixed by pnpm install #2965.


Patch Changes

  • Don't ignore the overrides field of the root project, when the scope of the command doesn't include the root project.


Patch Changes

  • When extracting packages to the store, file duplicates are skipped.
  • When creating a hard link fails, fall back to copying only if the target file does not exist.


Minor Changes

  • A "pnpm"."overrides" field may be used to override version ranges of dependencies. The overrides field can be specified only in the root project's package.json.

    An example of the "pnpm"."overrides" field:

      "pnpm": {
        "overrides": {
          "foo": "^1.0.0",
          "bar@^2.1.0": "3.0.0",
          "qar@1>zoo": "2"

    You may specify the package to which the overriden dependency belongs by separating the package selector from the dependency selector with a ">", for example qar@1>zoo will only override the zoo dependency of any qar@1 dependency.

  • A new setting added for specifying the shell to use, when running scripts: script-shell #2942

  • When some of the dependencies of a package have the package as a peer depenendency, don't make the dependency a peer depenendency of itself.

  • Lockfile version bumped to 5.2


Patch Changes

  • Fixes a regression with CLI commands inside a workspace introduced in v5.9.0 #2925


Patch Changes

  • Fixed multiple issues with inconsistent lockfile generation #2919


Minor Changes

  • Plug'n'Play support added #2902

    To use Plug'n'Play in a project, create a .npmrc file in its root with the following content:

    ; Setting symlink to false is optional.

    All the commands will work, when executed through pnpm run. However, directly executing a .js file with Node.js will fail. Node's resolver should be patched with .pnp.js. So instead of node index.js, you should run: node --require=./.pnp.js index.js

  • New setting: symlink #2900

    When symlink is set to false, pnpm creates a virtual store directory (node_modules/.pnpm) without any symlinks.

Patch Changes

  • Fixed some edge cases with resolving peer dependencies #2919.
  • Installation should fail if there are references to a project that has been removed from the workspace #2905.
  • pnpm should not suggest to update pnpm to a newer version, when the installed version is bigger than latest.


Minor Changes

  • New setting: shell-emulator #2621

    When shell-emulator is true, pnpm will use a shell emulator to execute scripts. So things like FOO=1 pnpm run foo and other simple bash syntax will work on Windows.

    pnpm uses the shell emulator that was developed for Yarn v2: @yarnpkg/shell.

  • Exluding projects using --filter=!<selector> #2804

    Packages may be excluded from a command's scope, using "!" at the beginning of the selector.

    For instance, this will run tests in all projects except foo:

    pnpm --filter=!foo test

    And this one will run tests in all projects that are not under the lib directory:

    pnpm --filter=!./lib test

Patch Changes

  • When searching for a global bin directory, also look for symlinked commands #2888.
  • Don’t remove non‑pnpm .dot_files from node_modules #2833.
  • During publish, check the active branch name after checking if the branch is clean.
  • The INIT_CWD env variable is always set to the lockfile directory for scripts of dependencies #2897.
  • When a package is both a dev dependency and a prod dependency, the package should be linked when installing prod dependencies only. This was an issue only when a lockfile was not present during installation #2882.


Minor Changes

  • Performance improvements:
    • If a file in the store was never modified, we are not checking its integrity (#2876).
    • All directories in the virtual store are created before symlinking and importing packages starts (#2875).


Patch Changes

  • Fixing a regression introduced in v5.5.13. Installation should never fail during automatic importing method selection (#2869).


Minor Changes

  • --workspace-root, -w: a new option that allows to focus on the root workspace project.

    E.g., the following command runs the lint script of the root package.json from anywhere in the monorepo:

    pnpm -w lint

    PR #2866

  • The progress indicator also shows the number of dependencies that are being added to the modules direcotory (#2832).

  • Don't report scope, when only one workspace package is selected (#2855).

  • If a script is not found in the current project but is present in the root project of the workspace, notify the user about it in the hint of the error (#2859).

  • Publicly hoist anything that has "types" in the name. Packages like @babel/types are publicly hoisted by default (#2865).

Patch Changes

  • When no matching version is found, report the actually specified version spec in the error message (not the normalized one) (#1314).


Patch Changes

  • When package-import-method is set to auto, cloning is only tried once. If it fails, it is not retried for other packages.
  • More information added to the Git check errors and prompt.
  • Report an info log instead of a warning when some binaries cannot be linked.


Patch Changes

  • In some rare cases, pnpm install --no-prefer-frozen-lockfile didn't link the direct dependencies to the root node_modules. This was happening when the direct dependency was also resolving some peer dependencies.


Patch Changes

  • Sometimes, when installing new dependencies that rely on many peer dependencies, or when running installation on a huge monorepo, there will be hundreds or thousands of warnings. Printing many messages to the terminal is expensive and reduces speed, so pnpm will only print a few warnings and report the total number of the unprinted warnings.
  • pnpm outdated --long should print details about the outdated commands.


Patch Changes

  • Fixing a regression that was shipped with pnpm v5.5.6. Cyclic dependencies that have peer dependencies were not symlinked to the root of node_modules, when they were direct dependencies.


Patch Changes

  • Always try to resolve optional peer dependencies. Fixes a regression introduced in pnpm v5.5.8


Patch Changes

  • "Heap out of memory" error fixed, which happened on some huge projects with big amount of peer dependencies, since pnpm v3.4.0 (#2339).


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • "Heap out of memory" error fixed, which happened on some huge projects with big amount of peer dependencies, since pnpm v3.4.0 (#2339).
  • pnpm add --global <pkg> should not break the global package, when the save setting is set to false (#2261).
  • pnpm test|start|stop should allow the same options as pnpm run test|start|stop (#2814).
  • Improve the error message on 404 errors. Include authorization details (#2818).


Patch Changes

  • Generate a valid lockfile, when the same dependency is specified both in devDependencies and optionalDependencies (#2807).
  • It should be possible to set the fetch related options through CLI options (#2810).
  • Fix a regression introduced to pnpm run --parallel <script> in pnpm v5.5.4.


Patch Changes

  • Any ESLint related dependencies are publicly hoisted by default (#2799).

  • pnpm install -r should recreate the modules directory if the hoisting patterns were updated in a local config file. The hoisting patterns are configured via the hoist-pattern and public-hoist-pattern settings (#2802).

  • The same code should run when running some command inside a project directory, or when using --filter to select a specific workspace project (#2805).

    This fixes an issue that was happening when running pnpm add pkg inside a workspace. The issue was not reproducible when running pnpm add pkg --filter project (#2798).


Patch Changes

  • pnpm should not always suggest to reinstall the modules directory, when public-hoist-pattern is set to nothing (#2783).
  • When searching for a suitable directory for the global executables, search for node, npm, pnpm files only, not directories (#2793).


Patch Changes

  • pnpm publish -r does not publish packages with the temporary pnpm-temp distribution tag (#2686).
  • Print the authorization settings (with hidden private info), when an authorization error happens during fetch (#2774).


Patch Changes

  • Stop looking for project root not only when package.json or node_modules is found but also on package.json5 and package.yaml.


Minor Changes

  • Allow unknown options that are prefixed with config.

    pnpm install --foo would fail with an unknown option error.

    pnpm install will work fine, setting the npm_config_foo environment variable for child lifecycle events.

Patch Changes

  • Don't leave empty temp directories in home directory (#2749).
  • Reunpack the contents of a modified tarball dependency (#2747).
  • pnpm list -r should print the legend only once.
  • Don't read the .npmrc file that is outside the workspace.
  • Hoisting should work in a workspace that has no root project.


Patch Changes

  • Fixing regression of v5.4.5: the pnpm update command should update the direct dependencies of the project.


Patch Changes

  • Fixing regression of v5.4.10: a warning during package.json save.


Patch Changes

  • Don't add a trailing new line to package.json if no trailing new line was present in it (#2716).
  • Installing a new dependency with a trailing @ (#2737).
  • Ignore files in the modules directory (#2730).


Patch Changes

  • Get the right package name of a package resolved from GitHub registry (#2734).
  • Registry set in lockfile resolution should not be ignored (#2733).
  • Workspace range prefix should be removed from peerDependencies before publish (#2467).
  • Use the same versions of dependencies across the pnpm monorepo.
  • Fix lockfile not updated when remove dependency in project with readPackage hook (#2726).


Patch Changes

  • pnpm audit --audit-level high should not error if the found vulnerabilities are low and/or moderate (#2721).
  • When purging an incompatible modules directory, don't remove the actual directory, just the contents of it (#2720).


Patch Changes

  • pnpm outdated should exit with exit code 1, when there are outdated dependencies.
  • pnpm audit should exit with exit code 1, when vulnerabilities are found.
  • pnpm install --prod --frozen-lockfile should not fail if there are dev dependencies used as peer dependencies of prod dependencies (#2711).


Patch Changes

  • pnpm root -g should not fail if pnpm has no write access to the global bin directory (#2700).


Patch Changes

  • pnpm update dep --depth Infinity should only update dep.
  • pnpm publish -r --dry-run should not publish anything to the registry.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm root -g should not fail if pnpm has no write access to the global bin directory (#2700).
  • Suggest to use pnpm to update pnpm.


Patch Changes

  • Should not print colored output when color is set to never. This was an issue in commands that don't use @pnpm/default-reporter. Commands like pnpm list, pnpm outdated.
  • Changes that are made by the readPackage hook are not saved to the package.json files of projects.
  • Allow the --registry option with the pnpm audit command.
  • Allow the --save-workspace-protocol option.
  • Don't use inversed colors to highlight search results in pnpm list, pnpm why.


Patch Changes

  • pnpm install should work as pnpm install --filter {.}..., when recursive-install is false.
  • On first install, print an info message about the package importing (hard linking, cloning, or copying) method and the location of the virtual store and the content-addressable store.


Minor Changes

  • Installation of private Git-hosted repositories via HTTPS using an auth token.

    pnpm add git+https://{token}
  • A new setting called recursive-install was added. When it is set to false, pnpm install will only install dependencies in current project, even when executed inside a monorepo.

    If recursive-install is false, you should explicitly run pnpm install -r in order to install all dependencies in all workspace projects.

  • Projects that don't have a "version" field may be installed as dependencies of other projects in the workspace, using the "workspace:0.0.0" specifier.

    So if there's foo in the repository that has no version field, bar may have it as a dependency:

    "dependencies": {
      "foo": "workspace:0.0.0"
  • By default, all ESLint plugin are hoisted to the root of node_modules.

    eslint-plugin-* added as one of the default patterns of public-hoist-pattern.

  • Improved error message on workspace range resolution error.

    Now the path to the project is printed, where the error originated.

Patch Changes

  • pnpm prune should accept the --no-optional and --no-dev options.


Minor Changes

  • Any unknown command is assumed to be a script. So pnpm foo becomes pnpm run foo.

Patch Changes

  • Fix installation of packages via repository URL. E.g., pnpm add


Patch Changes

  • run --silent <cmd> should only print output of the command and nothing from pnpm (#2660).
  • installing a new optional dependency that has an option dependency should not fail (#2663).


Patch Changes

  • Fixing some issues with finding the target directory for command files during global installation.


Patch Changes

  • Fixing some issues with finding the target directory for command files during global installation.


Patch Changes

  • Use the proxy settings not only during resolution but also when fetching tarballs.


Patch Changes

  • Fixing some regressions with global bin directory caused by v5.2.4.


Patch Changes

  • Find the proper directory for linking executables during global installation.
  • Fix pnpm list --long. This was a regression in pnpm v5.0.0.


Patch Changes

  • Own implementation of the pnpm bin command added (previously it was passed through to npm bin).
  • Read the correct PATH env variable on all systems, when running pnpx. One Windows the correct path name might be Path or other.
  • Install the pnpm bin executable to the directory of the globally installed pnpm executable, when running pnpm add -g pnpm.
  • pnpm store prune should not fail when the store has some foreign files.
  • pnpm unlink --global should unlink bin files from the global executables directory.


Patch Changes

  • Don't remove skipped optional dependencies from the current lockfile on partial installation.


Patch Changes

  • Hoisting should not fail if some of the aliases cannot be hoisted due to issues with the lockfile.


Minor Changes

  • Added a new setting: public-hoist-pattern. This setting can be overwritten by shamefully-hoist. The default value of public-hoist-pattern is types/*.

    If shamefully-hoist is true, public-hoist-pattern is set to *.

    If shamefully-hoist is false, public-hoist-pattern is set to nothing.

    public-hoist-pattern example configuration (through a .npmrc file):


    Related PR: #2631

  • Don't request the full metadata of package when running pnpm outdated or pnpm publish -r (#2633)


Patch Changes

  • Don't fail when the installed package's manifest (package.json) starts with a byte order mark (BOM). This is a fix for a regression that appeared in v5.0.0 (#2629).


Patch Changes

  • When link-workspace-packages is false, filtering by dependencies/dependents should ignore any packages that are not specified via workspace: ranges (#2625).
  • Print a "Did you mean" line under the unknown option error with any option that look similar to the typed one (#2603).


Patch Changes

  • It should be possible to install a tarball through a non-standard URL endpoint served via the registry domain.

    For instance, the configured registry is It should be possible to run pnpm add

    Related issue: #2549


Patch Changes

  • Print a warning when an HTTP request fails (#2615).
  • Perform headless installation when dependencies should not be linked from the workspace, and they are not indeed linked from the workspace (#2619).


Patch Changes

  • Fix too long file name issue during write to the content-addressable store (#2605).


Patch Changes

  • Don't remove authorization headers when redirecting requests to the same host (#2602).


Patch Changes

  • fix an issue with node-gyp failure. Downgrade uuid.


Patch Changes

  • 86d21759d: Print a meaningful error when pnpm is executed with Node.js v13.0-v13.6


Minor Changes

  • ffddf34a8: Add new global option called --stream. (#2595)

    When used, the output from child processes is streamed to the console immediately, prefixed with the originating package directory. This allows output from different packages to be interleaved.

  • The run and exec commands may use the --parallel option.

    --parallel completely disregards concurrency and topological sorting, running a given script immediately in all matching packages with prefixed streaming output. This is the preferred flag for long-running processes such as watch run over many packages.

    For example: pnpm run --parallel watch

    PR #2599

  • Color the child output prefixes (#2598)

Patch Changes

  • A recursive run should not rerun the same package script which started the lifecycle event (#2528).
  • Fixing a regression on Windows. Fall back to copying if linking fails (429c5a560b7a32b0261e471ece349ec136ab7f4d)


Patch Changes

  • 2f9c7ca85: Fix a regression introduced in pnpm v5.0.0. Create correct lockfile when the package tarball is hosted not under the registry domain.
  • 160975d62: This fixes a regression introduced in pnpm v5.0.0. Direct local tarball dependencies should always be reanalized on install.


Patch Changes

  • 81b537003: The usage of deprecated options should not crash the CLI. When a deprecated option is used (like pnpm install --no-lock), just print a warning.
  • 187615f87: Fix installation of git-hosted packages. This was a regression in v5.


Major Changes

  • πŸš€ 33% faster installation times vs pnpm v4.

    In some cases, 2 times faster than Yarn v1! (performance diff of pnpm v4 vs v5)

    action cache lockfile node_modules npm pnpm Yarn Yarn PnP
    install 43.3s 17.5s 36.7s 28.6s
    install βœ” βœ” βœ” 7s 1.5s 735ms n/a
    install βœ” βœ” 18.3s 7.8s 10.5s 1.8s
    install βœ” 24.8s 10.9s 22.2s 12.1s
    install βœ” 23.2s 15.2s 22.4s 13.4s
    install βœ” βœ” 6.4s 1.8s 17.1s n/a
    install βœ” βœ” 7.3s 1.5s 735ms n/a
    install βœ” 6.4s 3.1s 33.2s n/a
    update n/a n/a n/a 7s 14.5s 42.6s 27.6s

    All the benchmarks are here.

  • A content-addressable filesystem is used to store packages on the disk.

    pnpm v5 uses a content-addressable filesystem to store all files from all module directories on a disk. If you depend on different versions of lodash, only the files that differ are added to the store. If lodash has 100 files, and a new version has a change only in one of those files, pnpm update will only add 1 new file to the storage.

    For more info about the structure of this new store, you can check the GitHub issue about it.

    This change was inspired by dupe-krill and the content-addressable storage of Git.

  • Reduced directory nesting in the virtual store directory.

    In pnpm v4, if you installed foo@1.0.0, it was hard-linked into node_modules/.pnpm/

    In pnpm v5, it will be hard-linked into node_modules/.pnpm/foo@1.0.0/. This new structure of the virtual store directory drastically reduces the number of directories pnpm has to create. Hence, there are fewer filesystem operations, which improves speed.

  • pnpm store usages removed.

    This command was using information from the store.json files, which is not present in the new content-addressable storage anymore.

  • The independent-leaves setting has been removed.

    When hoisting was off, it was possible to set the independent-leaves setting to true. When true, leaf dependencies were symlinked directly from the global store. However, we turned hoisting on by default for pnpm v4, so this feature has no future at the moment.

  • The resolution-strategy setting has been removed.

    By default, the fewer-dependencies resolution strategy is used. It was possible to select a fast resolution strategy. This setting is deprecated to simplify future improvements to the resolution algorithm.

  • The store and the modules directory are not locked.

    We are not using directory locks anymore. So the --no-lock option will throw an error. Some users had issues with locking. We have confidence that pnpm will never leave either node_modules or the store in a broken state, so we removed locking.

  • git-checks is true by default.

    By default, pnpm publish will make some checks before actually publishing a new version of your package.

    The next checks will happen:

    • The current branch is your publish branch. The publish branch is master by default. This is configurable through the publish-branch setting.
    • Your working directory is clean (there are no uncommitted changes).
    • The branch is up-to-date.

    If you don't want this checks, run pnpm publish --no-git-checks or set this setting to false via a .npmrc file.

  • In case of a crash, the debug file will be written to node_modules/.pnpm-debug.log (not to pnpm-debug.log as in v4 and earlier).

Minor Changes

  • The link-workspace-packages setting may now be set to deep.

    When link-workspace-packages is set to deep, packages from the workspace will be linked even to subdependencies.