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Releases: pocketbase/pocketbase

v0.22.3 Release

06 Mar 14:56
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Fixed the z-index of the current admin dropdown on Safari (#4492).

  • Fixed OnAfterApiError debug log nil error reference (#4498).

  • Added the field name as part of the* join to handle the case when a collection has 2 or more relation fields pointing to the same place (#4500).

  • Updated Go deps and bumped the min Go version in the GitHub release action to Go 1.22.1 since it comes with some security fixes.

v0.22.2 Release

02 Mar 22:25
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Fixed a small regression introduced with v0.22.0 that was causing some missing unknown fields to always return an error instead of applying the specific nullifyMisingField resolver option to the query.

v0.22.1 Release

02 Mar 16:31
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Fixed Admin UI record and collection panels not reinitializing properly on browser back/forward navigation (#4462).

  • Initialize RecordAuthWithOAuth2Event.IsNewRecord for the OnRecordBeforeAuthWithOAuth2Request hook (#4437).

  • Added error checks to the autogenerated Go migrations (#4448).

v0.22.0 Release

26 Feb 17:37
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Added Planning Center OAuth2 provider (#4393; thanks @alxjsn).

  • Admin UI improvements:

    • Autosync collection changes across multiple open browser tabs.
    • Fixed vertical image popup preview scrolling.
    • Added options to export a subset of collections.
    • Added option to import a subset of collections without deleting the others (#3403).
  • Added support for back/indirect relation filter/sort (single and multiple).
    The syntax to reference back relation fields is yourCollection_via_yourRelField.*.
    ⚠️ To avoid excessive joins, the nested relations resolver is now limited to max 6 level depth (the same as expand).
    Note that in the future there will be also more advanced and granular options to specify a subset of the fields that are filterable/sortable.

  • Added support for multiple back/indirect relation expand and updated the keys to use the _via_ reference syntax (yourCollection_via_yourRelField).
    To minimize the breaking changes, the old parenthesis reference syntax (yourCollection(yourRelField)) will still continue to work but it is soft-deprecated and there will be a console log reminding you to change it to the new one.

  • ⚠️ Collections and fields are no longer allowed to have _via_ in their name to avoid collisions with the back/indirect relation reference syntax.

  • Added jsvm.Config.OnInit optional config function to allow registering custom Go bindings to the JSVM.

  • Added @request.context rule field that can be used to apply a different set of constraints based on the API rule execution context.
    For example, to disallow user creation by an OAuth2 auth, you could set for the users Create API rule @request.context != "oauth2".
    The currently supported @request.context values are:

  • Adjusted the cron.Start() to start the ticker at the 00 second of the cron interval (#4394).
    Note that the cron format has only minute granularity and there is still no guarantee that the scheduled job will be always executed at the 00 second.

  • Fixed auto backups cron not reloading properly after app settings change (#4431).

  • Upgraded to aws-sdk-go-v2 and added special handling for GCS to workaround the previous GCS headers signature issue that we had with v2.
    This should also fix the SVG/JSON zero response when using Cloudflare R2 (#4287, #2068, #2952).
    ⚠️ If you are using S3 for uploaded files or backups, please verify that you have a green check in the Admin UI for your S3 configuration (I've tested the new version with GCS, MinIO, Cloudflare R2 and Wasabi).

  • Added :each modifier support for file and relation type fields (previously it was supported only for select type fields).

  • Other minor improvements (updated the ghupdate plugin to use the configured executable name when printing to the console, fixed the error reporting of admin update/delete commands, etc.).

v0.21.3 Release

11 Feb 07:46
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Ignore the JS required validations for disabled OIDC providers (#4322).

  • Allow HEAD requests to the /api/health endpoint (#4310).

  • Fixed the editor field value when visualized inside the View collection preview panel.

  • Manually clear all TinyMCE events on editor removal (workaround for tinymce#9377).

v0.21.2 Release

07 Feb 18:34
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Fixed @request.auth.* initialization side-effect which caused the current authenticated user email to not being returned in the user auth response (#2173).
    The current authenticated user email should be accessible always no matter of the emailVisibility state.

  • Fixed RecordUpsert.RemoveFiles godoc example.

  • Bumped to NumCPU()+2 the concurrent thumbs generation limit as some users reported that it was too restrictive.

v0.21.1 Release

24 Jan 15:50
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Minor fix for the Admin UI related to the Settings > Sync menu not being visible even when the "Hide controls" toggle is off.

v0.21.0 Release

24 Jan 10:02
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

This is a small maintenance release and some of the previously planned features from the roadmap are pushed for the next one (sorry for this) to unblock the upcoming release of my other open source project.

  • Added Bitbucket OAuth2 provider (#3948; thanks @aabajyan).

  • Mark user as verified on confirm password reset (#4066).
    If the user email has changed after issuing the reset token (eg. updated by an admin), then the verified user state remains unchanged.

  • Added support for loading a serialized json payload for multipart/form-data requests using the special @jsonPayload key.
    This is intended to be used primarily by the SDKs to resolve js-sdk#274.

  • Added graceful OAuth2 redirect error handling (#4177).
    Previously on redirect error we were returning directly a standard json error response. Now on redirect error we'll redirect to a generic OAuth2 failure screen (similar to the success one) and will attempt to auto close the OAuth2 popup.
    The SDKs are also updated to handle the OAuth2 redirect error and it will be returned as Promise rejection of the authWithOAuth2() call.

  • Exposed $apis.gzip() and $apis.bodyLimit(bytes) middlewares to the JSVM.

  • Added TestMailer.SentMessages field that holds all sent test app emails until cleanup.

  • Optimized the cascade delete of records with multiple relation fields.

  • Updated the serve and admin commands error reporting.

  • Minor Admin UI improvements (reduced the min table row height, added option to duplicate fields, added new TinyMCE codesample plugin languages, hide the collection sync settings when the Settings.Meta.HideControls is enabled, etc.)

v0.20.7 Release

16 Jan 11:07
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Fixed the Admin UI auto indexes update when renaming fields with a common prefix (#4160).

v0.20.6 Release

13 Jan 09:54
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To update the prebuilt executable you can run ./pocketbase update.

  • Fixed JSVM types generation for functions with omitted arg types (#4145).

  • Updated Go deps.