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Migrating to @portabletext/svelte v1

This document outlines the breaking changes in @portabletext/svelte v1.0.0 with a guide on how to do the switch.

The goal of the changes is to make the module more ergonomic to use and better aligned with @portabletext/react. With a shared API and better portability between frameworks, we hope to get closer to PortableText's mission of being extremely portable and presentation-agnostic.

Minimum Svelte version: 3.47.0

This package makes usage of the svelte:element tag introduced in 3.47.0. It won't work with prior versions of Svelte.

PortableText is now a named import

// Before
import PortableText from '@portabletext/svelte'

// After (`^1.0.0`)
import {PortableText} from '@portabletext/svelte'

blocks renamed to value

This component renders any Portable Text content or custom object (such as codeBlock, mapLocation or callToAction). As blocks is tightly coupled to text blocks, we've renamed the main input to value.

<!-- From: -->
    /* ... */

<!-- ✅ To: -->
    /* ... */

serializers renamed to components

"Serializers" are now named "Components", which should make their role as custom renderers of content more understandable for Svelte developers.

<!-- From: -->
<PortableText {/* ... */} serializers={{
  marks: {/* ... */},
  types: {/* ... */},
  // ...
}} />

<!-- ✅ To: -->
<PortableText {/* ... */} components={{
  marks: {/* ... */},
  types: {/* ... */},
  // ...
}} />

blockStyles renamed to block

When customizing the rendering of text blocks according to their style, previously you'd add the custom components under the blockStyles. That property is now renamed to block:

<!-- From: -->
<PortableText {/* ... */} serializers={{
  blockStyles: {
    normal: CustomParagraph,
    blockquote: Quote,
  // ...
}} />

<!-- ✅ To: -->
<PortableText {/* ... */} components={{
  block: {
    normal: CustomParagraph,
    blockquote: Quote,
  // ...
}} />

💡 Bonus: block can also be a single Svelte component that is used for all text blocks regardless of their style. One example would be the DefaultBlock.svelte component this library uses - it handles all default block types.

Customization of lists' components moved to standalone object

Previously, you'd specify the rendering of lists & list items inside the blockStyles value (now named blocks). Now each have their own top-level property:

<!-- From: -->
<PortableText {/* ... */} serializers={{
  blockStyles: {
    list_bullet: UnorderedListWrapper,
    list_number: OrderedListWrapper,
    listItem_bullet: ListItem,
    listItem_number: ListItem,
  // ...
}} />

<!-- ✅ To: -->
<PortableText {/* ... */} components={{
  list: {
    // No more list_ prefix
    bullet: UnorderedListWrapper,
    number: OrderedListWrapper,
  listItem: {
    bullet: ListItem,
    number: ListItem,
  // ...
}} />

Support for custom list types

With the change above, you can also define components for custom lists:

  import {DefaultList} from '@portabletext/svelte'

<PortableText {/* ... */} components={{
  list: {
    checklist: DefaultList,
  listItem: {
    checklist: ChecklistItem,
  // ...
}} />

Hard breaks rendered properly

<br> tags weren't previously rendered when a block would be split between hard breaks stored through \n strings (see #2). That's now fixed in v1.

Default link mark renderer

For simple link mark annotations with an href, link or url value, the renderer now provides a simplified default renderer.

Underline marks are now rendered as styled spans

Before, we were rendering them as u elements, which have a different semantic meaning attached to them.

<!-- From: -->
<u>My rendered underline</u>

<!-- ✅ To: -->
<span style="text-decoration:underline;">My rendered underline</span>

Access to toPlainText utility

You can now use the provided toPlainText utility function to render PortableText in plain strings:

  import {toPlainText} from '@portabletext/svelte'

  <meta name="og:description" value={toPlainText(myPortableTextData)} />

[Typescript] New types for components' portableText prop

Previously, you'd use BlockProps and MarkProps for custom components in types and blockStyles (now named blocks). Now, we have 4 new prop types exposed:

  // From:
  import {BlockProps, MarkProps} from '@portabletext/svelte'

  // ✅ To:
  import {
  } from '@portabletext/svelte'

  // Example usage:
  export let portableText: CustomBlockComponentProps<{title: string; subtitle?: string}>

context and other properties shared across all components are now nested under global.

  // From:
  $: ({context} = portableText)

  // ✅ To:
  $: ({
    global: {context}
  } = portableText)

Refer to the example Footnote mark component for a reference of how it can be used.

Components' block|mark properties renamed to value.

Also extends to new list and listItem components.

  // Marks, Blocks & CustomBlocks now receive `value` in portableText
  export let portableText
  $: ({value} = portableText)

Keep in mind that decorators - purely visual marks without an attached markDef for custom data - won't have a value. Only annotations - marks with markDef - will.

Mark components' block property renamed to parentBlock.

Marks keep receiving their parent block as a prop, but now under the parentBlock key:

<!-- Example mark: internal link -->
  // From:
  import {MarkProps} from '@portabletext/svelte'

  export let portableText: MarkProps<{linkedPageSlug: string}>
  $: ({block} = portableText)

  // ✅ To:
  import {MarkComponentProps} from '@portabletext/svelte'

  export let portableText: MarkComponentProps<{linkedPageSlug: string}>
  $: ({parentBlock} = portableText)

  // Example usage:
  $: siblingLinks = parentBlock.markDefs.filter(
    (def) => def._type == 'internalLink' && def._key !== portableText.mark._key
  $: isSoleLinkInBlock = siblingLinks.length <= 0

This library now uses @portabletext/toolkit to handle its internals. One of the benefits of the toolkit is having

Mark components now have access to plainTextContent

Useful when you need to use the mark's text content for accessibility, custom displays, etc.

<!-- Example usage: link w/ custom accessibility title -->
  import {MarkComponentProps} from '@portabletext/svelte'

  export let portableText: MarkComponentProps<{linkedPageSlug: string}>
  $: ({value, plainTextContent} = portableText)

<a href={value.href} title={`Open "${plainTextContent}"`}>
  <slot />

These are all of the changes introduced by v1. If you have questions, suggestions or bug reports, please open a new issue in this repository.