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Portier project server configuration

This directory contains the NixOS configuration for the server run by the Portier project.

We use NixOS for several reasons:

  • The entire server configuration can be documented publically. This helps us build trust in our public broker, which is important for a security component like Portier.

  • Mutable state on the server is minimized. This benefits the above point about documentation and trust, but also means less surprises for admins.

  • NixOS has excellent sandboxing capabilities, which is important for a security component like Portier.

Note that the configuration here may not be out-of-the-box suitable to apply to your own server, but we do try to isolate installation-specific details in local-configuration.nix.

We run our server on Hetzner Cloud on a CX11 instance (smallest configuration) in the Nuremberg data center.

The procedure for setting up this server is:

  • Create the CX11 instance from the Hetzner Cloud console. Use any OS image for now, and leave the volume and network sections empty, but set a (temporary) SSH key-pair if you want. Also give it a descriptive name. (We prefer using the fully-qualified hostname.)

  • Update local-configuration.nix in the git repository, but don't commit or push these changes yet.

    You may need to log in to the server and take note of some settings generated by Hetzner, such as the IPv6 configuration.

  • Update DNS records for the broker and demo to point to the new server IPs.

  • In the Hetzner Cloud console, go to 'ISO Images' and mount NixOS.

  • Go to 'Power' and perform a power cycle.

  • Open the server console. The NixOS installer should have booted into a shell.

  • Use the server console to follow the regular NixOS installation steps. These are the commands from the manual summary near exactly:

    • When partitioning the disk, use MBR instead of GPT. Instead of the 8 GiB swap in the manual examples, use 2 GiB (of the 20 GiB disk).

    • Set the following options in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:

      boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
      services.openssh.enable = true;
      services.openssh.permitRootLogin = "yes";
      nix.settings.substituters = [ "" ];
      nix.settings.trusted-public-keys = [ "" ];
    • nixos-install will ask you to set a root password. This is a temporary password which will be unset by the end of these steps.

    • Instead of reboot, do poweroff.

  • Once powered off, use the Hetzner Cloud console to unmount the NixOS installer ISO. Then start the server again.

  • Check that you can SSH into the server as root, with the password you entered during nixos-install.

  • Update hardware-configuration.nix in the git repository from the server copy.

  • Commit and push changes in the git repository to start a build on GitHub.

  • Create a directory for credentials with mkdir -m 0700 /private. Only the directory itself needs to have these permissions, not the files within. We deliberately keep the contents outside the repository AND outside the world-readable Nix store.

  • Create /private/portier-mailer.toml containing just the mailer settings. For us, this is only postmark_token.

  • Create /private/github-token.txt containing just a GitHub personal access token. This token should have the repo scope in order to download artifacts and update deployment statuses.

  • Create /private/webhook-secret.txt containing a random secret (something like pwgen -s 64) used to protect the webhook calls for continuous deployment.

  • Configure a webhook on this GitHub repository:

    Only the deployment event is used. Set the URL to /webhook on the webhook virtual host you configured in local-configuration.nix. Use the secret from /private/webhook-secret.txt.

  • Find the latest build on GitHub Actions:

    In the 'Build' step, the very last line should contain a Nix store path like /nix/store/*-nixos-system-public-portier-*.

  • Download the build on the server: nix-store --realise <path>

  • Set the system profile: nix-env --profile /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set <path>

  • Prepare the build for next boot: /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot

  • Reboot the server.

  • Check that you can now login using your SSH key-pair as the admin user.

  • Check that all services are working properly.

The webhook will now autodeploy builds from this repository.