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192 lines (146 loc) · 5.57 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (146 loc) · 5.57 KB
  • #174 Provide pugjs_cache_check option
  • Add non-namespaced Pug class alias.
  • Enable shared variables/globals with pugjs engine.
  • Allow to require packages in templates when running with pugjs option ()via pug-cli).
  • Allow to enable any jstransformer package as filter by adding it to extra.npm section of composer.json.
  • Ask the user before installing pug-cli.
  • Allow to use require() inside templates when pugjs is true.


  • Drop PHP 5.3 and 5.4 support, pug-php require at least PHP 5.5 and support every version until PHP 7.2 (including HHVM 3).

  • Support complex JS expression everywhere thanks to js-phpize now used by default, example:

ul: each item in items.filter(function (i) { return i.indexOf('search') !== -1; })
  • In pug-php 2, ->render detected if you pass a file or a string. In pug-php 3, you must call explicitly ->renderFile to render a pug file using its path as first argument or ->render to render a pug string.

  • Drop pug-php engine to use phug, a new engine we develop with Talesoft to get common standard and extensible engine for both pug-php and tale-pug

    • yield can now be used only in includes and anonymous block only in mixins
    • whitespaces between inline tags and texts are now handled strictly
  • Drop Suhoshin custom support. Suhoshin is still supported but we no longer provide detection of missing settings for suhoshin. So if you use suhoshin, it's on your own to configure it correctly:

    • By default, we use eval to render our templates (it's not a security issue even if your locals contain user input until you allow your users to modify the pug code), so you have to enable eval in your php.ini: suhosin.executor.disable_eval = Off

    • If you use the stream adapter, you will need to whiltelist in your php.ini: suhosin.executor.include.whitelist =

  • Missing include throws exception now by default but you can still get the pug-php 2 behavior with the following option:

$pug->setOption('not_found_template', '.alert.alert-danger Page not found.');

This will output <div class="alert alert-danger">Page not found.</div> when you will try to include a file that does not exist.

  • New options:

    • pretty can be true (2 spaces), false (no indent) or a string used as indent string. New lines comes with consistent indent.
  • Following options are deprecated: prettyprint

  • Following options no longer exist:

    • indentChar, indentSize: see pretty instead.
    • phpSingleLine, singleQuote: see patterns instead.
    • restrictedScope: now variables from parent scope are always available:
mixin test

Supposing you pass it as locals: $pug->render($file, ['foo' => 'bar']), you will get:


But now you can create scoped variables inside expressions or codes with the let keyword:

mixin test
  p=let foo = 1
  p=let foo = 2
    p=let foo = 3

to get:

  • pugjs 2 dropped attribute string interpolation with the pug syntax, and so we dropped it. You can use simple concatenation instead:

The following code in pug-php 2:


Become this in pug-php 3:

a(href="?id=" +

But text interpolation is still valid and can be escaped or not:

- var danger = '<b>Yop</b>'
p #{danger}
p !{danger}

Output this in both pug-php 2 and 3:

  • attributes order are not guaranteed, for example, the class attribute came last in pug-php 2 and first in pug-php 3.

  • cache option is now only available for files, no longer for strings.

  • exceptions and errors have now different types, codes and messages, and in debug mode, provide information about the pug source line and offset that caused the error.

  • Drop \Pug\Parser::$includeNotFound and notFound option. Now use not_found_template option instead.

  • mixin keyword is now reserved for declaration, you no longer can call a mixin with mixin foo(), now the only way to call them is: +foo()

  • keepNullAttributes option no longer exists, now null and false attributes are just always removed like in pugjs.

  • terse no longer exists, now attribute format can be set via patterns or using the matching doctype.

  • Variables assignations like myVar = 'myValue' is no longer supported, use raw code instead: - myVar = 'myValue'

  • allowMixinOverride option no longer exists, instead you can use 'mixin_merge_mode' => 'replace' (default value and equivalent to 'allowMixinOverride' => true), or 'mixin_merge_mode' => 'ignore' (equivalent to 'allowMixinOverride' => false), or the new mode 'mixin_merge_mode' => 'fail' to throw an exception if a mixin is declared twice.

  • Methods setCustomOption and setCustomOptions are deprecated since setOption and setOptions now work with both system and custom options.

  • Syntax if condition: has been dropped.