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File metadata and controls

103 lines (86 loc) · 4.05 KB


In this lesson, we will add capability to mark a to-do item as complete.

To update an entry in the database, we use a put request. We already have the endpoint in our application.

app.put("/todos/:id/markAsCompleted", async (request, response) => {
  console.log("We have to update a todo with ID:",;
  const todo = await Todo.findByPk(;
  try {
    const updatedTodo = await todo.markAsCompleted();
    return response.json(updatedTodo);
  } catch (error) {
    return response.status(422).json(error);

To add this capability to the front end, let's open the todos.ejs file in the views folder. Now, we need to add capability to update completion status while clicking the checkbox.

We will first add an id to the checkbox. We will also add checked attribute if the item is completed.

<input id="todo-checkbox-<%= data[i].id %>" type="checkbox" <%=data[i].completed ? "checked" : "" %>

We would also want to complete the item when clicked on the lable text, so let's add a for attribute on the label.

<label for="todo-checkbox-<%= data[i].id %>" class="ml-2 text-sm text-gray-600 cursor-pointer">
<%= data[i].title %>
Then we will add a handler which will be invoked when an item is clicked.
Here, we also pass the id to `updateTodo` to identify which item was clicked.
  <li class="Todo-Item">
      class="flex items-center w-fit my-2 px-2 py-1 rounded hover:bg-purple-50"
      <input id="todo-checkbox-<%= data[i].id %>"
      type="checkbox"<%=data[i].completed ? "checked" : "" %>
      onclick="updateTodo(<%= data[i].id %>)" class="w-4 h-4 text-blue-600
      bg-gray-100 rounded border-gray-300">

        for="todo-checkbox-<%= data[i].id %>"
        class="ml-2 text-sm text-gray-600 cursor-pointer"
        <%= data[i].title %>
      <a href="#" class="hidden trash-icon ml-2">
          viewBox="0 0 24 24"
          class="w-4 h-4"
            d="M14.74 9l-.346 9m-4.788 0L9.26 9m9.968-3.21c.342.052.682.107 1.022.166m-1.022-.165L18.16 19.673a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.244 2.077H8.084a2.25 2.25 0 01-2.244-2.077L4.772 5.79m14.456 0a48.108 48.108 0 00-3.478-.397m-12 .562c.34-.059.68-.114 1.022-.165m0 0a48.11 48.11 0 013.478-.397m7.5 0v-.916c0-1.18-.91-2.164-2.09-2.201a51.964 51.964 0 00-3.32 0c-1.18.037-2.09 1.022-2.09 2.201v.916m7.5 0a48.667 48.667 0 00-7.5 0"

Now, we have to add the function updateTodo, which will send the data to server and marks an item as complete.

    function updateTodo(id) {
      fetch(`/todos/${id}/markAsCompleted`, {
        method: "put",
        headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
        .then((res) => {
        .catch((err) => console.error(err));

Here we used built in fetch to do a network request. fetch takes first argument as the url to which request is to be made. The second argument is a configuration object, which actually constructs the request. Here we specify to use put method and use { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } http request headers. You can read more about http headers here

The fetch returns a promise, on which we can

We had to use fetch request here because, the form element doesn't allow PUT submission. It only allows GET and POST method. You can read more about fetch here

Now, let's run the express server.

npm start

Open the browser and visit http://localhost:3000/ to view our todo application. Now we should be able to click on each todo item and mark it as complete.