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feat(types): add types for $eval (#6135)
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This pulls in the types (based on the DefinitelyTyped repo) for
`page.$eval` (and the `$eval` method on other classes). The `$eval`
method is quite hard to type due to the way we wrap and unwrap
ElementHandles that are passed to / returned from the `pageFunction`
that users provide.

Longer term we can improve the types by providing type overloads as
DefinitelyTyped does but I've deferred that for now (see the `TODO` in
the code for more details).
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jackfranklin committed Jul 2, 2020
1 parent 8370ec8 commit 6474edb
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Showing 22 changed files with 282 additions and 72 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions new-docs/
Expand Up @@ -11,20 +11,20 @@ If `pageFunction` returns a Promise, then `frame.$eval` would wait for the promi

$eval<ReturnType extends any>(selector: string, pageFunction: EvaluateFn | string, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<ReturnType>;
$eval<ReturnType>(selector: string, pageFunction: (element: Element, ...args: unknown[]) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>>;

## Parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| selector | string | |
| pageFunction | [EvaluateFn](./ \| string | |
| pageFunction | (element: Element, ...args: unknown\[\]) =&gt; ReturnType \| Promise&lt;ReturnType&gt; | |
| args | [SerializableOrJSHandle](./<!-- -->\[\] | |


Promise&lt;[WrapElementHandle](./<!-- -->&lt;ReturnType&gt;&gt;

## Example

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions new-docs/
Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@

asElement(): ElementHandle | null;
asElement(): ElementHandle<ElementType> | null;

[ElementHandle](./ \| null
[ElementHandle](./<!-- -->&lt;ElementType&gt; \| null

4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion new-docs/
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ElementHandle represents an in-page DOM element.

export declare class ElementHandle extends JSHandle
export declare class ElementHandle<ElementType extends Element = Element> extends JSHandle
<b>Extends:</b> [JSHandle](./
Expand All @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ ElementHandle prevents the DOM element from being garbage-collected unless the h
ElementHandle instances can be used as arguments in [Page.$eval()](./ and [Page.evaluate()](./ methods.
If you're using TypeScript, ElementHandle takes a generic argument that denotes the type of element the handle is holding within. For example, if you have a handle to a `<select>` element, you can type it as `ElementHandle<HTMLSelectElement>` and you get some nicer type checks.
The constructor for this class is marked as internal. Third-party code should not call the constructor directly or create subclasses that extend the `ElementHandle` class.
## Methods
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions new-docs/
Expand Up @@ -7,18 +7,18 @@

$eval<ReturnType extends any>(selector: string, pageFunction: EvaluateFn | string, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<ReturnType>;
$eval<ReturnType>(selector: string, pageFunction: (element: Element, ...args: unknown[]) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>>;

## Parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| selector | string | |
| pageFunction | [EvaluateFn](./ \| string | |
| pageFunction | (element: Element, ...args: unknown\[\]) =&gt; ReturnType \| Promise&lt;ReturnType&gt; | |
| args | [SerializableOrJSHandle](./<!-- -->\[\] | |


Promise&lt;[WrapElementHandle](./<!-- -->&lt;ReturnType&gt;&gt;

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion new-docs/
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This method passes this handle as the first argument to `pageFunction`<!-- -->.

evaluateHandle<HandleType extends JSHandle | ElementHandle = JSHandle>(pageFunction: EvaluateHandleFn, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<HandleType>;
evaluateHandle<HandleType extends JSHandle = JSHandle>(pageFunction: EvaluateHandleFn, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<HandleType>;
## Parameters
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions new-docs/
Expand Up @@ -89,4 +89,6 @@
| [PuppeteerErrors](./ | |
| [Serializable](./ | |
| [SerializableOrJSHandle](./ | |
| [UnwrapElementHandle](./ | Unwraps a DOM element out of an ElementHandle instance |
| [WrapElementHandle](./ | Wraps a DOM element into an ElementHandle instance |

54 changes: 49 additions & 5 deletions new-docs/
Expand Up @@ -4,21 +4,65 @@

## Page.$eval() method

This method runs `document.querySelector` within the page and passes the result as the first argument to the `pageFunction`<!-- -->.


$eval<ReturnType extends any>(selector: string, pageFunction: EvaluateFn | string, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<ReturnType>;
$eval<ReturnType>(selector: string, pageFunction: (element: Element, ...args: unknown[]) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>, ...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]): Promise<WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>>;

## Parameters

| Parameter | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| selector | string | |
| pageFunction | [EvaluateFn](./ \| string | |
| args | [SerializableOrJSHandle](./<!-- -->\[\] | |
| selector | string | the [selector]( to query for |
| pageFunction | (element: Element, ...args: unknown\[\]) =&gt; ReturnType \| Promise&lt;ReturnType&gt; | the function to be evaluated in the page context. Will be passed the result of <code>document.querySelector(selector)</code> as its first argument. |
| args | [SerializableOrJSHandle](./<!-- -->\[\] | any additional arguments to pass through to <code>pageFunction</code>. |


Promise&lt;[WrapElementHandle](./<!-- -->&lt;ReturnType&gt;&gt;

The result of calling `pageFunction`<!-- -->. If it returns an element it is wrapped in an [ElementHandle](./<!-- -->, else the raw value itself is returned.

## Remarks

If no element is found matching `selector`<!-- -->, the method will throw an error.

If `pageFunction` returns a promise `$eval` will wait for the promise to resolve and then return its value.

## Example 1

const searchValue = await page.$eval('#search', el => el.value);
const preloadHref = await page.$eval('link[rel=preload]', el => el.href);
const html = await page.$eval('.main-container', el => el.outerHTML);
If you are using TypeScript, you may have to provide an explicit type to the first argument of the `pageFunction`<!-- -->. By default it is typed as `Element`<!-- -->, but you may need to provide a more specific sub-type:

## Example 2

// if you don't provide HTMLInputElement here, TS will error
// as `value` is not on `Element`
const searchValue = await page.$eval('#search', (el: HTMLInputElement) => el.value);
The compiler should be able to infer the return type from the `pageFunction` you provide. If it is unable to, you can use the generic type to tell the compiler what return type you expect from `$eval`<!-- -->:

## Example 3

// The compiler can infer the return type in this case, but if it can't
// or if you want to be more explicit, provide it as the generic type.
const searchValue = await page.$eval<string>(
'#search', (el: HTMLInputElement) => el.value

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion new-docs/
Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@'request', logRequest);
| [$(selector)](./ | | Runs <code>document.querySelector</code> within the page. If no element matches the selector, the return value resolves to <code>null</code>. |
| [$$(selector)](./ | | |
| [$$eval(selector, pageFunction, args)](./ | | |
| [$eval(selector, pageFunction, args)](./ | | |
| [$eval(selector, pageFunction, args)](./ | | This method runs <code>document.querySelector</code> within the page and passes the result as the first argument to the <code>pageFunction</code>. |
| [$x(expression)](./ | | |
| [addScriptTag(options)](./ | | |
| [addStyleTag(options)](./ | | |
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions new-docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [puppeteer](./ &gt; [UnwrapElementHandle](./

## UnwrapElementHandle type

Unwraps a DOM element out of an ElementHandle instance


export declare type UnwrapElementHandle<X> = X extends ElementHandle<infer E> ? E : X;
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions new-docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
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[Home](./ &gt; [puppeteer](./ &gt; [WrapElementHandle](./

## WrapElementHandle type

Wraps a DOM element into an ElementHandle instance


export declare type WrapElementHandle<X> = X extends Element ? ElementHandle<X> : X;
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions src/common/DOMWorld.ts
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import {
} from './EvalTypes';
import { isNode } from '../environment';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,11 +154,14 @@ export class DOMWorld {
return value;

async $eval<ReturnType extends any>(
async $eval<ReturnType>(
selector: string,
pageFunction: EvaluateFn | string,
pageFunction: (
element: Element,
...args: unknown[]
) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>,
...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]
): Promise<ReturnType> {
): Promise<WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>> {
const document = await this._document();
return document.$eval<ReturnType>(selector, pageFunction, ...args);
Expand Down
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion src/common/EvalTypes.ts
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
* limitations under the License.

import { JSHandle } from './JSHandle';
import { JSHandle, ElementHandle } from './JSHandle';

* @public
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,3 +61,15 @@ export interface JSONObject {
* @public
export type SerializableOrJSHandle = Serializable | JSHandle;

* Wraps a DOM element into an ElementHandle instance
* @public
export type WrapElementHandle<X> = X extends Element ? ElementHandle<X> : X;

* Unwraps a DOM element out of an ElementHandle instance
* @public
export type UnwrapElementHandle<X> = X extends ElementHandle<infer E> ? E : X;
10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions src/common/FrameManager.ts
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import {
} from './EvalTypes';

const UTILITY_WORLD_NAME = '__puppeteer_utility_world__';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -457,11 +458,14 @@ export class Frame {
return this._mainWorld.$x(expression);

async $eval<ReturnType extends any>(
async $eval<ReturnType>(
selector: string,
pageFunction: EvaluateFn | string,
pageFunction: (
element: Element,
...args: unknown[]
) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>,
...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]
): Promise<ReturnType> {
): Promise<WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>> {
return this._mainWorld.$eval<ReturnType>(selector, pageFunction, ...args);

Expand Down
56 changes: 38 additions & 18 deletions src/common/JSHandle.ts
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import {
} from './EvalTypes';

export interface BoxModel {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ export class JSHandle {
* See {@link Page.evaluateHandle} for more details.
async evaluateHandle<HandleType extends JSHandle | ElementHandle = JSHandle>(
async evaluateHandle<HandleType extends JSHandle = JSHandle>(
pageFunction: EvaluateHandleFn,
...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]
): Promise<HandleType> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,9 +317,16 @@ export class JSHandle {
* ElementHandle instances can be used as arguments in {@link Page.$eval} and
* {@link Page.evaluate} methods.
* If you're using TypeScript, ElementHandle takes a generic argument that
* denotes the type of element the handle is holding within. For example, if you
* have a handle to a `<select>` element, you can type it as
* `ElementHandle<HTMLSelectElement>` and you get some nicer type checks.
* @public
export class ElementHandle extends JSHandle {
export class ElementHandle<
ElementType extends Element = Element
> extends JSHandle {
private _page: Page;
private _frameManager: FrameManager;

Expand All @@ -339,7 +347,7 @@ export class ElementHandle extends JSHandle {
this._frameManager = frameManager;

asElement(): ElementHandle | null {
asElement(): ElementHandle<ElementType> | null {
return this;

Expand All @@ -358,7 +366,7 @@ export class ElementHandle extends JSHandle {
private async _scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(): Promise<void> {
const error = await this.evaluate<
element: HTMLElement,
element: Element,
pageJavascriptEnabled: boolean
) => Promise<string | false>
>(async (element, pageJavascriptEnabled) => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -512,11 +520,9 @@ export class ElementHandle extends JSHandle {

/* TODO(jacktfranklin@): once ExecutionContext is TypeScript, and
* its evaluate function is properly typed with generics we can
* return here and remove the typecasting
return this.evaluate((element: HTMLSelectElement, values: string[]) => {
return this.evaluate<
(element: HTMLSelectElement, values: string[]) => string[]
>((element, values) => {
if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'select')
throw new Error('Element is not a <select> element.');

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,7 +588,7 @@ export class ElementHandle extends JSHandle {
// not actually update the files in that case, so the solution is to eval the element
// value to a new FileList directly.
if (files.length === 0) {
await this.evaluate((element: HTMLInputElement) => {
await this.evaluate<(element: HTMLInputElement) => void>((element) => {
element.files = new DataTransfer().files;

// Dispatch events for this case because it should behave akin to a user action.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -821,22 +827,36 @@ export class ElementHandle extends JSHandle {
* expect(await tweetHandle.$eval('.retweets', node => node.innerText)).toBe('10');
* ```
async $eval<ReturnType extends any>(
async $eval<ReturnType>(
selector: string,
pageFunction: EvaluateFn | string,
pageFunction: (
element: Element,
...args: unknown[]
) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>,
...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]
): Promise<ReturnType> {
): Promise<WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>> {
const elementHandle = await this.$(selector);
if (!elementHandle)
throw new Error(
`Error: failed to find element matching selector "${selector}"`
const result = await elementHandle.evaluate<(...args: any[]) => ReturnType>(
const result = await elementHandle.evaluate<
element: Element,
...args: SerializableOrJSHandle[]
) => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>
>(pageFunction, ...args);
await elementHandle.dispose();
return result;

* This as is a little unfortunate but helps TS understand the behavour of
* `elementHandle.evaluate`. If evalute returns an element it will return an
* ElementHandle instance, rather than the plain object. All the
* WrapElementHandle type does is wrap ReturnType into
* ElementHandle<ReturnType> if it is an ElementHandle, or leave it alone as
* ReturnType if it isn't.
return result as WrapElementHandle<ReturnType>;

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