diff --git a/doc/en/changelog.rst b/doc/en/changelog.rst index 19aa72be9ba..2630d95cf28 100644 --- a/doc/en/changelog.rst +++ b/doc/en/changelog.rst @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ Features - `#11871 `_: Added support for reading command line arguments from a file using the prefix character ``@``, like e.g.: ``pytest @tests.txt``. The file must have one argument per line. + See :ref:`Read arguments from file ` for details. + Improvements @@ -72,7 +74,7 @@ Improvements - `#11777 `_: Text is no longer truncated in the ``short test summary info`` section when ``-vv`` is given. -- `#12112 `_: Improve namespace packages detection when :confval:`consider_namespace_packages` is enabled, covering more situations (like editable installs). +- `#12112 `_: Improved namespace packages detection when :confval:`consider_namespace_packages` is enabled, covering more situations (like editable installs). - `#9502 `_: Added :envvar:`PYTEST_VERSION` environment variable which is defined at the start of the pytest session and undefined afterwards. It contains the value of ``pytest.__version__``, and among other things can be used to easily check if code is running from within a pytest run. @@ -88,13 +90,13 @@ Bug Fixes Previously it was ``None``, and all fixtures of such tests would share a single ``self``. -- `#12135 `_: Fix fixtures adding their finalizer multiple times to fixtures they request, causing unreliable and non-intuitive teardown ordering in some instances. +- `#12135 `_: Fixed issue where fixtures adding their finalizer multiple times to fixtures they request would cause unreliable and non-intuitive teardown ordering in some instances. - `#12194 `_: Fixed a bug with ``--importmode=importlib`` and ``--doctest-modules`` where child modules did not appear as attributes in parent modules. -- `#1489 `_: Fix some instances where teardown of higher-scoped fixtures was not happening in the reverse order they were initialized in. +- `#1489 `_: Fixed some instances where teardown of higher-scoped fixtures was not happening in the reverse order they were initialized in. @@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ Trivial/Internal Changes - `#12069 `_: ``pluggy>=1.5.0`` is now required. -- `#12167 `_: cache: create cache directory supporting files (``CACHEDIR.TAG``, ``.gitignore``, etc.) in a temporary directory to provide atomic semantics. +- `#12167 `_: :ref:`cache `: create supporting files (``CACHEDIR.TAG``, ``.gitignore``, etc.) in a temporary directory to provide atomic semantics. pytest 8.1.2 (2024-04-26)