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File metadata and controls

64 lines (46 loc) · 6.88 KB


bibli-paris is a Spacemacs layer that adds functionnalities to org-mode so as to enable the management of reading lists of documents from Paris’ network of libraries.


Enabling the layer

Clone this repository in your .emacs.d/private/layers folder and enable the layer in your .spacemacs file.

Creating a reading list file

First, go to and look up documents you’re interested in. Select them and export your selection as a CSV file Export.csv.

Next, create your reading list file and open it in Emacs.

Finally, call the bibli-paris/import-from-csv function with argument the path to Export.csv.

Using with Orgzly

To use the Orgzly mobile app with a reading list, the following searches may be useful.

To borrowb.my_reading_list .i.DONE s.None
To bookb.my_reading_list (i.TODO OR i.NEXT)
To book at the central reserveb.my_reading_list (i.TODO OR i.NONE) t.RéserveCentrale
Bookedb.my_reading_list i.BOOKED


The following commands are available.

bibli-paris/import-from-csvSPC miImport entries from the CSV file downloaded on The first argument is the path to the CSV file, and the second and third (optional) arguments are the tags and state to set the imported entries to.
bibli-paris/next-entrySPC mjMove the cursor to and put forward the next entry.
bibli-paris/previous-entrySPC mkMove the cursor to and put forward the previous entry.
bibli-paris/sortSPC msSort the entries by their quotes.
bibli-paris/set-to-todoSPC mttSwitch the entry at point to the TODO state.
bibli-paris/set-to-nextSPC mtnSwitch the entry at point to the NEXT state.
bibli-paris/set-to-bookedSPC mtbSwitch the entry at point to the BOOKED state.
bibli-paris/set-to-doneSPC mtdSwitch the entry at point to the DONE state.
bibli-paris/update-bufferSPC mubAsynchronously update the availability status and quotes of the entries in the current buffer, and sort it afterwards.
bibli-paris/update-entrySPC mueAsynchronously update the availability status and quote of the entry at point.
bibli-paris/update-regionSPC murAsynchronously update the availability status and quotes of the entries in the current region.
bibli-paris/archive-all-readSPC mAArchive all entries in the DONE state.
bibli-paris/number-of-entriesSPC m?Display the number of entries in the current buffer.


The following variables may be customized.

Variable nameTypeDefault valueDescription
bibli-paris/default-librarystring75013 - Jean-Pierre MelvilleThe library from which to fetch updates.
bibli-paris/max-asynchronous-processesinteger500The maximum number of asynchronous requests that should be launched in parallel. The default value was determined experimentally to be the maximum allowed by Emacs.
bibli-paris/default-path-to-csvstring~/Downloads/Export.csvThe default path of a CSV file to import.