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Making a qsymm release

Ensure that all tests pass

Update the changelog

Change the top unreleased line to the new version number and add the date, e.g.

## [1.2.5] - 2019-11-11

Add a new unreleased line to the top of the changelog, e.g.

## [unreleased]

## [1.2.5] - 2019-11-11

Tag the release

Make an annotated tag for the release. The tag must be the version number prefixed by the letter 'v':

git tag v<version> -m "version <version>"

Build a source tarball and wheels and test it

rm -fr build dist
python sdist bdist_wheel

This creates the file dist/qsymm-<version>.tar.gz. It is a good idea to unpack it and check that the tests run:

twine check dist/*
tar xzf dist/qsymm*.tar.gz
cd qsymm-*
py.test .

Create an empty commit for new development and tag it

git commit --allow-empty -m 'start development towards v<version+1>'
git tag -am 'Start development towards v<version+1>' v<version+1>-dev

Where <version+1> is <version> with the minor version incremented (or major version incremented and minor and patch versions then reset to 0). This is necessary so that the reported version for any further commits is <version+1>-devX and not <version>-devX.

Publish the release

Push the tags

git push origin v<version> v<version+1>-dev

Upload to PyPI

twine upload dist/*

for example if you are using pass to store the PyPI token and fish shell, use

env TWINE_PASSWORD=(pass pypi_qsymm_token) twine upload dist/* --username=__token__

Create conda-forge package

Some time (typically minutes/hours) after making the PyPI release a pull request will automatically be opened on the Qsymm feedstock repository.

This pull request should be checked to make sure the tests pass and can then be merged. This will make a new release of the Qsymm conda package on conda-forge.