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Feel free to edit this documentation for better language


Apache Kafka® is a distributed streaming platform.

A streaming platform has three key capabilities:

  • Publish and subscribe to streams of records, similar to a message queue or enterprise messaging system.
  • Store streams of records in a fault-tolerant durable way.
  • Process streams of records as they occur.

Kafka is a excellent tool for building data pipelines because it minimizes data loss and is fault-tolerant. When a producers submits data to Kafka, Kafka stores the data and keeps it as long as it is set to keep it. Now if a consumer is offline when the data is submitted, the data will not be lost and can be consumed when the consumer comes online. Kafka does not know nor care if the data is consumed by some consumer. Consumers have to store this information themselves (but this data can be submitted to server or just store locally). This can be done with committing offsets. uses Kafka for real-time data pipeline between different services and Services produce data for Kafka server for a specific topic. Points consumes those topics and processed data when it occurs or as fast as points can. Points also produces data to different topics, which services are consuming.

Topics, partitions and consumer groups

A topic in Kafka is like a channel in your television. Producer produces data to a specific topic and does not know or care how many consumers are consuming. Consumers choose which topics to watch and get all data from those topics. (But unlike in kafka, in television there is no server between producer and consumer so unconsumed data will be lost.)

A topic can be divided in n partitions. When a message is produced it will be pushed to one partition and will be received only by those consumers that are listening to that partition. This allows effective distributing of consumers and prevents that one message is consumed multiple times by different consumers (if wanted so).

If you want some consumers to listen the same partition but not all, you can use consumer groups. You assign specific consumers to a specific group and that group will listen some partition and all consumers in that group will get all messages from that partition.

Kafka will (unless told not to) assign partitions automatically and will rebalance every time new consumer joins or some leaves. If there are less consumers (or consumer groups) than there are partitions Kafka will assign multiple partitions to one consumer. If there are equal number if consumers and partitions, each consumer will have exactly one partition. If there are more consumers than there are paritions, some consumers will idle.

Kafka cluster will mirror topics/partitions to multiple brokers for better fault-tolerancy. One of the brokers will act as a leader for some partition and mirror others. The leader is in charge and mirros are for backup. If the leaders goes down, one mirror will take the role.

What is the right amount of partitions per topic? According to Jun Rao in you need at least max(t/p, t/c) partitions where p is production troughout with one partition, c is same for consuption and t is your target troughput. You can read more in his blog post linked above.


In Kafka, committing means storing which message is the latest that has been processed by a specific consumer. This is done by saving the message offset. Originally offset was saved locally to a file but in newer versions of kafka it is possible to commit to server. Server will save the submitted offset per consumer.

Keep in mind that you can only commit the latest offset so any message with smaller offset is considered to be committed even if you use function like commitMessage(message).

Committing can be rather heavy operation to be used after every message. This is why we have defined commit interval and set it to 100. We wont commit every message but once in 100 messages. The downside is that if our consumer goes down it will re-handle some messages. However this should not cause problems because we include a timestamp with every message and wont save anything to database if messages timestamp is older than latest timestamp in database.


Some libraries allow to use autocommit feature. Autocommit with commit every message, once in n seconds or once in n messages, depending on the setup. The problem with autocommit is that it commits all consumed messages, not those that have been handled. This may cause data loss.

From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.
~ Franz Kafka


At the moment we have six topics in kafka:

  • user-course-progress-realtime
  • user-course-progress-batch
  • user-points-realtime
  • user-points-batch
  • exercise
  • course

First sive are meant to be consumed by us and the last is produced by us. The topics ending with -realtime are meant for events that are supposed to processed right away. The topics ending with -batch are for events don't have to be processed right away. Use the batch topics if you're going to produce a large number of events

user-course-progress-realtime / user-course-progress-batch

Current message format version is: 1

This is for submitting users progress in a specific course from a specific service. In typescript the message format looks like this:

export interface Message {
  timestamp: string
  user_id: number
  course_id: string
  service_id: string
  progress: PointsByGroup[]
  message_format_version: Number

export interface PointsByGroup {
  group: string
  max_points: number
  n_points: number
  progress: number

Description of message format version 1:

Message :

variable description more info
timestamp when the message was sent
user_id user id from tmc can be queryed from tmc api with email
course_id course id from points db this is broadcasted in kafka topic courses when a course is created
service_id service_id from points db each service has one id and this should be stored in services own db
progress Array of PointsByGroup see below
message_format_version which version of message format is used messages with wrong number are not processed


variable description more info
max_points groups max points
n_points how many points user have
progress users progress (n_points/max_points) usually


Current message format version is: 1

This is for submitting services exercise data to points. (What exerices are in a course). You provide us a list of exercises and we add them to our db. We will delete existing exercies if they are not included in newest exercise update.

In typescript the message format is:

export interface Message {
  timestamp: string
  course_id: string
  service_id: string
  data: ExerciseData[]
  message_format_version: Number

export interface ExerciseData {
  name: string
  id: string
  part: Number
  section: Number
  max_points: Number

Description of message format version 1:


variable description more info
timestamp when the message was sent
course_id course id from points db this is broadcasted in kafka topic courses when a course is created
service_id service_id from points db each service has one id and this should be stored in services own db
data Array of exercises (ExerciseData) see below
message_format_version which version of message format is used messages with wrong number are not processed


variable description more info
name Exercise name service chooses the name
id any string service chooses the exercise id (for identifying exercises, keep it consistent!)
part which part of the course
section which section of the part
max_points exercises max points

user-points-realtime / user-points-batch

Current message format version is: 1

This is for submitting users points in single exercise.

In typescript the message format is:

export interface Message {
  timestamp: string
  exercise_id: string
  n_points: Number
  completed: boolean
  attempted: boolean
  user_id: Number
  course_id: string
  service_id: string
  required_actions: string[]
  original_submission_date: string
  message_format_version: Number

Description of message format version 1:


variable description more info
timestamp when the message was sent
exercise_id string for identifying the exercise see exercise topic
n_points how much points user has currently
completed is the exercise completed or not
user_id user id from tmc can be queryed from tmc api with email
course_id course id from points db this is broadcasted in kafka topic courses when a course is created
service_id service_id from points db each service has one id and this should be stored in services own db
required_actions Array of strings, which describe what user needs to do to complete the exercise this field is optional
original_submission_date when the user originally submitted the exercise to the service (ie. created at from that database) this field is optional
message_format_version which version of message format is used messages with wrong number are not processed


Current message format version is: 1

This is for submitting multiple exercises for one user for one course at a time.

In typescript the message format is:

export interface Message {
  timestamp: string
  user_id: number
  course_id: string
  exercises: Array<{
    timestamp: string
    exercise_id: string
    n_points: Number
    completed: boolean
    attempted: boolean
    user_id: Number
    course_id: string
    service_id: string
    required_actions: string[]
    original_submission_date: string
    message_format_version: Number
  message_format_version: number

The exercises field is imported from the user-points-* message format automatically, so if it changes, this one does as well.

Description of message format version 1:


variable description more info
timestamp when the message was sent
user_id user id from tmc can be queryed from tmc api with email
course_id course id from points db this is broadcasted in kafka topic courses when a course is created
exercises array of exercises see user-points-realtime / user-points-batch
message_format_version which version of message format is used messages with wrong number are not processed