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File metadata and controls

872 lines (694 loc) · 22.6 KB

import SEO from "../components/SEO"; import { TOC, TOCList, TOCLink } from "../components/TOC";


Tabs TabList Tab TabPanels TabPanel useTabsContext

An accessible tabs component.

The Tab and TabPanel elements are associated by their order in the tree. None of the components are empty wrappers, each is associated with a real DOM element in the document, giving you maximum control over styling and composition.

You can render any other elements you want inside of Tabs, but TabList should only render Tab elements, and TabPanels should only render TabPanel elements.

// jsx-demo
function Example() {
  return (


Check out the demos for ideas on how to style and compose.


From the command line in your project directory, run npm install @reach/tabs or yarn add @reach/tabs. Then import the components and styles that you need:

npm install @reach/tabs
# or
yarn add @reach/tabs
import { Tabs, TabList, Tab, TabPanels, TabPanel } from "@reach/tabs";
import "@reach/tabs/styles.css";

Component API


The parent component of the tab interface.

Tabs CSS Selectors

Please see the styling guide.

[data-reach-tabs] {

Tabs Props

Prop Type Required Default
as string | Component false "div"
children node true
defaultIndex number false
index number false
keyboardActivation enum ("auto" | "manual") false "auto
onChange func false
orientation enum ("horizontal"|"vertical") false "horizontal"
div props false
Tabs as

as?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType

Tabs will render a div unless you specify a different element.

Tabs children

children: React.ReactNode | ((props: { focusedIndex: number; id: string; selectedIndex: number }) => React.ReactNode)

Tabs expects <TabList> and <TabPanels> as children. The order doesn't matter; you can have tabs on the top or the bottom. You can have random elements inside as well.

// jsx-demo
function Example() {
  return (

You can also pass a render function to access data relevant to nested components.

function Example() {
  return (
    <Tabs keyboardActivation="manual">
      {({ selectedIndex, focusedIndex }) => {
        let getTabStyle = (index) => ({
          borderBottom: `4px solid ${
            selectedIndex === index
              ? "red"
              : focusedIndex === index
              ? "blue"
              : "black"
        return (
              <Tab style={getTabStyle(0)}>Uno</Tab>
              <Tab style={getTabStyle(1)}>Dos</Tab>
              <Tab style={getTabStyle(2)}>Tres</Tab>
Tabs defaultIndex

defaultIndex?: number

Starts the tabs at a specific index.

// jsx-demo
function Example() {
  return (
    <Tabs defaultIndex={1}>
          <img src="" alt="A picture of a cat" />
            alt="A picture of Nicolas Cage"
Tabs index

index?: number

Like form inputs, a tab's state can be controlled by the owner. Make sure to include an onChange as well, or else the tabs will not be interactive.

// jsx-demo
function Example() {
  const [tabIndex, setTabIndex] = useState(0);

  const handleSliderChange = (event) => {
    setTabIndex(parseInt(, 10));

  const handleTabsChange = (index) => {

  return (

      <Tabs index={tabIndex} onChange={handleTabsChange}>
            <p>Click the tabs or pull the slider around</p>
            <p>Yeah yeah. What's up?</p>
            <p>Oh, hello there.</p>
Tabs keyboardActivation

keyboardActivation?: TabsKeyboardActivation

Describes the activation mode when navigating a tablist with a keyboard. When set to "auto" (TabsKeyboardActivation.Auto), a tab panel is activated automatically when a tab is highlighted using arrow keys. When set to "manual" (TabsKeyboardActivation.Manual), the user must activate the tab panel with either the Spacebar or Enter keys. Defaults to "auto".

NOTE: TypeScript users should import and use the TabsKeyboardActivation enum when used in strict mode.

import { TabsKeyboardActivation } from "@reach/tabs";

function MyTabs() {
  return (
    <Tabs keyboardActivation={TabsKeyboardActivation.Manual}>{/* ... */}</Tabs>
Tabs onChange

onChange?: (index: number) => void

Calls back with the tab index whenever the user changes tabs, allowing your app to synchronize with it.

// jsx-demo
function Example() {
  const colors = ["firebrick", "goldenrod", "dodgerblue"];
  const [tabIndex, setTabIndex] = useState(0);
  const backgroundColor = colors[tabIndex];
  return (
      onChange={(index) => setTabIndex(index)}
        color: "white",
        background: backgroundColor,
      <TabPanels style={{ padding: 20 }}>
        <TabPanel>The Primary Colors</TabPanel>
        <TabPanel>Are 1, 2, 3</TabPanel>
        <TabPanel>Red, yellow and blue.</TabPanel>
Tabs orientation

orientation?: TabsOrientation

Allows you to switch the orientation of the tabs relative to their tab panels. This value can either be "horizontal" (TabsOrientation.Horizontal) or "vertical" (TabsOrientation.Vertical). Defaults to "horizontal".

Changing the orientation will change how the arrow keys navigate between tabs. Arrow key navigation should logically follow the order in which tabs appear on the screen. For screen reader users, the aria-orientation attribute provides the appropriate context to direct which keys should navigate to the next tab (this is provided automatically). As such, it's important to use this prop even if you have already styled your tabs for vertical layout.

// jsx-demo
function Example() {
  // Try changing the orientation!
  return (
    <Tabs orientation="vertical">


NOTE: TypeScript users should import and use the TabsOrientation enum when used in strict mode.

import { TabsOrientation } from "@reach/tabs";

function MyTabs() {
  return <Tabs orientation={TabsOrientation.Vertical}>{/* ... */}</Tabs>;
Tabs div props

All other props are passed to the underlying div (or another component passed to the as prop).


The parent component of the tabs.


TabList CSS Selectors

Please see the styling guide.

[data-reach-tab-list] {

TabList Props

Prop Type Required Default
as string | Component false "div"
children node true
div props
TabList children

children: React.ReactNode

TabList expects multiple Tab elements as children.


But, you can also wrap Tab as long as you forward the props (because data is passed from TabList to Tab via React context).

const RedTab = (props) => <Tab {...props} style={{ color: "red" }} />;

const TabPage = () => (
      <RedTab>This is red</RedTab>
      <Tab>This is normal</Tab>
TabList as

as?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType

Tabs will render a div unless you specify a different element.

<TabList as={View} />
TabList div props

All other props are passed to the underlying div (or component passed to as).


The parent component of the panels.

  <TabPanel>My favorite</TabPanel>
  <TabPanel>My other favorite</TabPanel>

TabPanels CSS Selectors

Please see the styling guide.

[data-reach-tab-panels] {

TabPanels Props

Prop Type Required Default
as string | Component false "div"
children node true
div props
TabPanels as

as?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType

Tabs will render a div unless you specify a different element.

<TabPanels as={View} />
TabPanels children

children: React.ReactNode

TabPanels expects multiple TabPanel elements as children.


But, you can also wrap TabPanel as long as you forward the props (because data is passed from TabPanels to TabPanel via React context`).

const BoldPanel = (props) => (
  <TabPanel {...props} style={{ fontWeight: "bold" }} />

const TabPage = () => (
TabPanels div props

All other props are passed to the underlying div (or component passed to as).


The interactive element that changes the selected panel.

<Tab>Coconut Korma</Tab>

Tab CSS Selectors

Please see the styling guide.

/* styles all tabs */
[data-reach-tab] {

/* styles only the selected tab */
[data-reach-tab][data-selected] {

Tab Props

Prop Type Required Default
as string | Component false "button"
children node true
disabled boolean false false
button props
Tab as

as?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType

Tab will render a button unless you specify a different element.

<Tab as={ReactNativeWebButton} />
Tab children

children: React.ReactNode

Tab can receive any type of children.

  <HouseIcon /> Home
Tab disabled

disabled?: boolean

Disables a tab when true. Clicking will not work and keyboard navigation will skip over it.

<Tab disabled />
Tab button props

All other props are passed to the underlying button (or component passed to as).

Tab isSelected

Because TabList needs to know the order of the children, we use cloneElement to pass state internally. If you want to know if a tab is active, you can wrap it, and then inspect clone props passed in.

NOTE: We will deprecate this behavior in the future. We now prefer to use context to pass data down to descendants for Tabs for better composability. If you'd like your Tabs to be a bit more future proof, we suggest using a controlled Tabs component so that your app knows the state of your tabs.

// jsx-demo
(() => {
  function CoolTab(props) {
    // `isSelected` comes from `TabList` cloning the `CoolTab`.
    const { isSelected, children } = props;

    // make sure to forward *all* props received from TabList
    return (
      <Tab {...props}>
        {isSelected ? "😎" : "😐"}

  return (


The panel that displays when it's corresponding tab is active.

  <h2>The Best Food</h2>
  <p>The best food is either Mexican or Indian.</p>

TabPanel CSS Selectors

Please see the styling guide.

/* styles all tabs */
[data-reach-tab-panel] {

TabPanel Props

Prop Type Required Default
as string | Component false "div"
children node false
div props
TabPanel as

as?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | React.ComponentType

TabPanel will render a div unless you specify a different element.

<Tab as={View} />
TabPanel children

children?: React.ReactNode

TabPanel can receive any type of children.

  <h2>Whatever you want</h2>
  <p>In here</p>
TabPanel div props

All other props are passed to the underlying div (or component passed to as).


function useTabsContext(): { focusedIndex: number; id: string; selectedIndex: number }

A hook that exposes data for a given Tabs component to its descendants.

// jsx-demo
(() => {
  function CustomTab({ index, ...props }) {
    const { selectedIndex, focusedIndex } = useTabsContext();
    return (
          borderBottom: `4px solid ${
            selectedIndex === index
              ? "red"
              : focusedIndex === index
              ? "blue"
              : "black"

  return (
    <Tabs keyboardActivation="manual">
        <CustomTab index={0}>Uno</CustomTab>
        <CustomTab index={1}>Dos</CustomTab>
        <CustomTab index={2}>Tres</CustomTab>


These demos show off how you can add quite a bit of behavior to your Tabs interfaces.

Data-driven tabs

If you'd like to drive your tabs with data you can create a DataTabs component.

// jsx-demo
(() => {
  function DataTabs({ data }) {
    return (
          {, index) => (
            <Tab key={index}>{tab.label}</Tab>
          {, index) => (
            <TabPanel key={index}>{tab.content}</TabPanel>

  // now if you have an array of data...
  const tabData = [
    { label: "Taco", content: "Perhaps the greatest dish ever invented." },
      label: "Burrito",
        "Perhaps the greatest dish ever invented but bigger and with rice.",

  // you can just pass it in:
  return <DataTabs data={tabData} />;


With a little composition we can animate the selected tab bar.

// jsx-demo
(() => {
  const AnimatedContext = React.createContext();

  function AnimatedTabs({ color, children, }) {
    // some state to store the position we want to animate to
    const [activeRect, setActiveRect] = useState(null);
    const ref = useRef();
    const rect = useRect(ref);

    return (
      // put the function to change the styles on context so an active Tab
      // can call it, then style it up
      <AnimatedContext.Provider value={setActiveRect}>
        {/* make sure to forward props since we're wrapping Tabs */}
          style={{, position: "relative" }}
              position: "absolute",
              height: 2,
              background: color,
              transition: "all 300ms ease",
                (activeRect && activeRect.left) -
                (rect && rect.left) +
              top: (activeRect && activeRect.bottom) - (rect &&,
              // subtract both sides of horizontal padding to center the div
              width: activeRect && activeRect.width - HORIZONTAL_PADDING * 2,

  function AnimatedTab({ index, ...props }) {
    // get the currently selected index from useTabsContext
    const { selectedIndex } = useTabsContext();
    const isSelected = selectedIndex === index;

    // measure the size of our element, only listen to rect if active
    const ref = useRef();
    const rect = useRect(ref, isSelected);

    // get the style changing function from context
    const setActiveRect = useContext(AnimatedContext);

    // callup to set styles whenever we're active
    useLayoutEffect(() => {
      if (isSelected) {
    }, [isSelected, rect, setActiveRect]);

    return (
          border: "none",
          padding: `4px ${HORIZONTAL_PADDING}px`,

  return (
    <AnimatedTabs color="red" style={{ width: 400 }}>
      <TabList style={{ justifyContent: "space-around" }}>
        <AnimatedTab index={0} style={{ flex: 1 }}>
          The First
        <AnimatedTab index={1} style={{ flex: 2 }}>
          This has longer text
        <AnimatedTab index={2} style={{ flex: 1 }}>
      <TabPanels style={{ padding: 10 }}>
          <p>Check it out! It's ~animated~</p>
          <p>Yeah yeah. What's up?</p>
          <p>Oh, hello there.</p>

Keyboard Accessibility

Key Action
Enter / Spacebar Sets the focused tab to active when keyboardActivation is set to "manual".
ArrowUp / ArrowDown Navigates between tabs when orientation is "vertical".
ArrowLeft / ArrowRight Navigates between tabs when orientation is "horizontal".
Home / PageUp Navigates to the last tab in the TabList.
End / PageDown Navigates to the first tab in the TabList.