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131 lines (104 loc) · 5.28 KB

File metadata and controls

131 lines (104 loc) · 5.28 KB



A small tool for managing custom handlers when opening URLs following a given pattern.

This tool can be used as a default handler of x-scheme-handler/http(s) requests, e.g. by creating a custom .desktop file and registering it in ~/.config/mimeapps.list.

As an example, this project may come handy when trying to open URLs to files (e.g. on GoogleDrive or other cloud storages) locally whenever possible/synced to local disk.


open-url <url>

Run open-url --help for more info.


open-url expects a config file under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/open-url/config.toml or XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/open-url/config.toml. We use the alias config-dir for $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/open-url or XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/open-url in the following paragraphs. See following block for a valid config example:

# <config-dir>/config.toml

pattern = "*)"
script  = "polybox-file"

pattern = "\\?dir=/(.*)"
script  = "polybox-dir"

pattern = "|file/d)/(.*)"
script  = "google-drive"

Each handlers entry consists of a RegEx-pattern for a given URL and the name of the script to run in case of a match. The script is expected to be located at <config-dir>/scripts/<script-name> and will be called with following arguments:

  1. The URL to open
  2. The RegEx pattern used to match the URL

If none of the patterns matched the URL, open-url looks for the script <config-dir>/scripts/_default and runs it (with an empty pattern as second argument). _default should therefore handle all general cases without a custom handler.

Furthermore, depending on the use case, a script may or may not be capable of opening a URL even if its pattern matched the given URL. To solve this, open-url reads the exit code of the script and acts accordingly:

  • If the script returns successfully (exit code 0), open-url assums the script did handle the URL and exits.
  • If the script returns a non-zero exit code, open-url will instead run the _default script. This allows scripts to reject a URL and forward the request to the default script.


  • If open-url is registered as default handler for http(s) URLs, do not use xdg-open or similar commands in any of the scripts, including _default: This would probably crash your system by repeatingly recursively spawning new processes.
  • Make sure all files in ./scripts are runnable, e.g. by running chmod +x <script-path>.

The following code block contains an example script for opening GoogleDrive URLs in your local file explorer / file viewer if the path has been located on your disk (in most cases synced by some external tool):

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# <config-dir>/scripts/google-drive

# This script resolves the meta data of a GoogleDrive file ID parsed from a GoogleDrive
# URL and tries to lookup the directory or file in the local sync folder.
# When found, the folder/file is opened with the default tool.
# To improve performance, the file meta data are cached locally (needs to be cleaned when files/folders
# are moved on GoogleDrive)
# The URL of a folder/file can be accessed by right-click -> Get Link on GoogleDrive.
# Everything after the folder/file-ID should be removed.
# This script requires `gdrive` to be available on your system, which needs to be set up first.

mkdir -p "$CACHE_DIR"

# match the pattern in $2 against the URL in $1. The pattern contains multiple groups, where as the second
# group contains the folder/file ID (see the pattern in the config example above).
# The group is accessed using BASH_REMATCH:
[[ "$1" =~ $2 ]]

if [ -f "$CACHE_DIR/$file_id" ]; then
    echo "found file in cache"
    file_meta=$(cat "$CACHE_DIR/$file_id")
    file_meta=$(gdrive info "$file_id")
    echo -e "$file_meta" > "$CACHE_DIR/$file_id"
relative_path=$(echo -e "$file_meta" | grep "Path" | awk -F":" '{print($2)}' | xargs)


if [ -f "$local_path" ] || [ -d "$local_path" ]; then
    echo "$local_path exists"
    # we can safely use xdg-open here as long as url-open is not registered for folder/file URLs:
    xdg-open "$local_path"
    exit 0
    echo "$local_path does not exist"
    exit 1

The next code block contains an example for the _default script, which must exist. It expects $BROWSER to be set to the default browser, such as /usr/bin/firefox:

#!/usr/bin/env sh



There exist no distro-specific packages (yet). Use the rust stable toolchain to build the binary and copy the output to a folder part of $PATH:

# PWD: root of this repository
cargo build --release
cp ./target/release/open-url <PATH-location>

The following samples demonstrate how to register open-url as the default handler for x-scheme/http(s) requests:

# ~/.local/share/applications/http.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Http Browser
Exec=<absolute-path-to-open-url> %U
# ~/.config/mimeapps.list
[Default Applications]
# ...
# ...

Run update-mime-database after updating one of the files above.