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Disable updates for terraform it self does not work #8825

1 of 5 tasks
Vrtak-CZ opened this issue Feb 23, 2021 · 3 comments
1 of 5 tasks

Disable updates for terraform it self does not work #8825

Vrtak-CZ opened this issue Feb 23, 2021 · 3 comments


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Vrtak-CZ commented Feb 23, 2021

What Renovate type, platform and version are you using?

Describe the bug

After this PR #8791 i want to disable it. So I've added this

"packageRules": [
            "matchDepTypes": ["terraform"],
            "enabled": false

but it still tries to update terraform it self see PR And also it disables updates for required_providers with is not intention of this option.

Relevant debug logs

INFO: Repository started
  "renovateVersion": "24.62.2"
DEBUG: Using localDir: /mnt/renovate/gh/Vrtak-CZ/bug-renovate-terraform
DEBUG: Repository cache not found
  "cacheFileName": "/tmp/renovate-cache/renovate/repository/github/Vrtak-CZ/bug-renovate-terraform.json"
DEBUG: initRepo("Vrtak-CZ/bug-renovate-terraform")
DEBUG: Overriding default GitHub endpoint
  "endpoint": ""
DEBUG: No dangling containers to remove
DEBUG: Vrtak-CZ/bug-renovate-terraform default branch = master
DEBUG: Using app token for git init
DEBUG: resetMemCache()
DEBUG: checkOnboarding()
DEBUG: isOnboarded()
DEBUG: findFile(renovate.json)
DEBUG: Initializing git repository into /mnt/renovate/gh/Vrtak-CZ/bug-renovate-terraform
DEBUG: git clone completed
  "durationMs": 960
DEBUG: latest commit
  "latestCommitDate": "2021-02-23T12:50:24+01:00"
DEBUG: Setting git author name
  "gitAuthorName": "Renovate Bot"
DEBUG: Setting git author email
  "gitAuthorEmail": ""
DEBUG: findFile(renovate.json5)
DEBUG: findFile(.github/renovate.json)
DEBUG: findFile(.github/renovate.json5)
DEBUG: findFile(.gitlab/renovate.json)
DEBUG: findFile(.gitlab/renovate.json5)
DEBUG: findFile(.renovaterc)
DEBUG: findFile(.renovaterc.json)
DEBUG: Config file exists
  "fileName": ".renovaterc.json"
DEBUG: Retrieving issueList
DEBUG: Retrieved 0 issues
DEBUG: Repo is onboarded
DEBUG: Found .renovaterc.json config file
DEBUG: Repository config
  "fileName": ".renovaterc.json",
  "config": {
    "$schema": "",
    "rangeStrategy": "pin",
    "branchPrefix": "renovate-",
    "branchTopic": "update-dependencies",
    "rebaseWhen": "behind-base-branch",
    "recreateClosed": true,
    "schedule": [
      "at any time"
    "timezone": "Europe/Prague",
    "assignees": [
    "packageRules": [
        "matchDepTypes": [
        "enabled": false
DEBUG: migrateAndValidate()
DEBUG: No config migration necessary
DEBUG: massaged config
  "config": {
    "$schema": "",
    "rangeStrategy": "pin",
    "branchPrefix": "renovate-",
    "branchTopic": "update-dependencies",
    "rebaseWhen": "behind-base-branch",
    "recreateClosed": true,
    "schedule": [
      "at any time"
    "timezone": "Europe/Prague",
    "assignees": [
    "packageRules": [
        "matchDepTypes": [
        "enabled": false
    "extends": [
DEBUG: migrated config
  "config": {
    "$schema": "",
    "rangeStrategy": "pin",
    "branchPrefix": "renovate-",
    "branchTopic": "update-dependencies",
    "rebaseWhen": "behind-base-branch",
    "recreateClosed": true,
    "schedule": [
      "at any time"
    "timezone": "Europe/Prague",
    "assignees": [
    "packageRules": [
        "matchDepTypes": [
        "enabled": false
    "extends": [
DEBUG: Found repo ignorePaths
  "ignorePaths": [
DEBUG: detectSemanticCommits()
DEBUG: getCommitMessages
DEBUG: Semantic commits detection: unknown
DEBUG: No semantic commits detected
DEBUG: Setting branchPrefix: renovate-
DEBUG: Cannot read vulnerability alerts
DEBUG: No vulnerability alerts found
DEBUG: processRepo()
DEBUG: No baseBranches
DEBUG: extract()
DEBUG: Setting current branch to master
DEBUG: latest commit
  "branchName": "master",
  "latestCommitDate": "2021-02-23T12:50:24+01:00"
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)tasks/[^/]+\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)requirements\.ya?ml$ for manager ansible-galaxy
DEBUG: Using file match: azure.*pipelines?.*\.ya?ml$ for manager azure-pipelines
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)batect(-bundle)?\.yml$ for manager batect
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)batect$ for manager batect-wrapper
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)WORKSPACE(|\.bazel)$ for manager bazel
DEBUG: Using file match: \.bzl$ for manager bazel
DEBUG: Using file match: buildkite\.ya?ml for manager buildkite
DEBUG: Using file match: \.buildkite/.+\.ya?ml$ for manager buildkite
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Gemfile$ for manager bundler
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Cargo.toml$ for manager cargo
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).circleci/config.yml$ for manager circleci
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Podfile$ for manager cocoapods
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)([\w-]*)composer.json$ for manager composer
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)deps\.edn$ for manager deps-edn
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)docker-compose[^/]*\.ya?ml$ for manager docker-compose
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/|\.)Dockerfile$ for manager dockerfile
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Dockerfile\.[^/]*$ for manager dockerfile
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).drone.yml$ for manager droneci
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/).gitmodules$ for manager git-submodules
DEBUG: Using file match: ^\.github\/workflows\/[^/]+\.ya?ml$ for manager github-actions
DEBUG: Using file match: ^\.gitlab-ci\.yml$ for manager gitlabci
DEBUG: Using file match: ^\.gitlab-ci\.yml$ for manager gitlabci-include
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)go.mod$ for manager gomod
DEBUG: Using file match: \.gradle(\.kts)?$ for manager gradle
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)$ for manager gradle
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)$ for manager gradle-lite
DEBUG: Using file match: \.gradle(\.kts)?$ for manager gradle-lite
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)gradle/wrapper/$ for manager gradle-wrapper
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)requirements\.yaml$ for manager helm-requirements
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)values.yaml$ for manager helm-values
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)helmfile.yaml$ for manager helmfile
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Chart.yaml$ for manager helmv3
DEBUG: Using file match: ^Formula/[^/]+[.]rb$ for manager homebrew
DEBUG: Using file match: \.html?$ for manager html
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)plugins\.txt for manager jenkins
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)kustomization\.yaml for manager kustomize
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)project\.clj$ for manager leiningen
DEBUG: Using file match: \.pom\.xml$ for manager maven
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pom\.xml$ for manager maven
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)package.js$ for manager meteor
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)mix\.exs$ for manager mix
DEBUG: Using file match: ^.node-version$ for manager nodenv
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)package.json$ for manager npm
DEBUG: Using file match: \.(?:cs|fs|vb)proj$ for manager nuget
DEBUG: Using file match: \.(?:props|targets)$ for manager nuget
DEBUG: Using file match: \.config\/dotnet-tools\.json$ for manager nuget
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.nvmrc$ for manager nvm
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)([\w-]*)requirements.(txt|pip)$ for manager pip_requirements
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)$ for manager pip_setup
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Pipfile$ for manager pipenv
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pyproject\.toml$ for manager poetry
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.pre-commit-config\.yaml$ for manager pre-commit
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)pubspec\.ya?ml$ for manager pub
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.ruby-version$ for manager ruby-version
DEBUG: Using file match: \.sbt$ for manager sbt
DEBUG: Using file match: project/[^/]*.scala$ for manager sbt
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)setup\.cfg$ for manager setup-cfg
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)Package\.swift for manager swift
DEBUG: Using file match: \.tf$ for manager terraform
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)\.terraform-version$ for manager terraform-version
DEBUG: Using file match: (^|/)terragrunt\.hcl$ for manager terragrunt
DEBUG: Using file match: ^.travis.yml$ for manager travis
DEBUG: Matched 1 file(s) for manager terraform:
DEBUG: Found terraform package files
DEBUG: Found 1 package file(s)
INFO: Dependency extraction complete
  "baseBranch": "master",
  "stats": {
    "managers": {
      "terraform": {
        "fileCount": 1,
        "depCount": 2
    "total": {
      "fileCount": 1,
      "depCount": 2
DEBUG: Dependency is disabled (random)(dependency="random")
DEBUG: Package releases lookups complete
  "baseBranch": "master"
DEBUG: packageFiles with updates
  "config": {
    "terraform": [
        "packageFile": "",
        "deps": [
            "currentValue": ">= 0.14.2, < 0.15.0",
            "lineNumber": 1,
            "datasource": "github-tags",
            "depName": "hashicorp/terraform",
            "extractVersion": "v(?<version>.*)$",
            "depIndex": 0,
            "updates": [
                "updateType": "pin",
                "isPin": true,
                "newValue": "0.14.7",
                "newMajor": 0
            "warnings": [],
            "sourceUrl": ""
            "currentValue": "3.0.0",
            "depType": "terraform",
            "depName": "random",
            "datasource": "terraform-provider",
            "lookupName": "hashicorp/random",
            "depIndex": 1,
            "updates": [],
            "skipReason": "disabled"
DEBUG: branchifyUpgrades
DEBUG: Using group branchName template
DEBUG: Dependency hashicorp/terraform is part of group Pin Dependencies
DEBUG: 1 flattened updates found: hashicorp/terraform
DEBUG: Returning 1 branch(es)
DEBUG: config.repoIsOnboarded=true
DEBUG: processRepo()
DEBUG: Processing 1 branch: renovate-pin-dependencies
DEBUG: Calculated maximum PRs remaining this run
  "prsRemaining": 99
DEBUG: PullRequests limit = 99
DEBUG: Calculated maximum branches remaining this run
  "branchesRemaining": 99
DEBUG: Branches limit = 99
DEBUG: processBranch with 1 upgrades(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Setting current branch to master(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: latest commit(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "branchName": "master",
  "latestCommitDate": "2021-02-23T12:50:24+01:00"
DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate-pin-dependencies)(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: findPr(renovate-pin-dependencies, undefined, open)(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Retrieving PR list(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Retrieved 0 Pull Requests(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: branchExists=false(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Branch has 1 upgrade(s)(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: recreateClosed is true(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Checking schedule(at any time, Europe/Prague)(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: No schedule defined(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Branch needs creating(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Using reuseExistingBranch: false(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: manager.getUpdatedPackageFiles()(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "reuseExistingBranch": false,
  "branchName": "renovate-pin-dependencies"
DEBUG: Starting search at index 34(packageFile="", branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "depName": "hashicorp/terraform"
DEBUG: Found match at index 34(packageFile="", branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "depName": "hashicorp/terraform"
DEBUG: Contents updated(packageFile="", branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "depName": "hashicorp/terraform"
DEBUG: Updated 1 package files(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: No updated lock files in branch(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: 1 file(s) to commit(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Committing files to branch renovate-pin-dependencies(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
INFO: Branch created(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "commitSha": "c95f74b"
DEBUG: Ensuring PR(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: There are 0 errors and 0 warnings(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate-pin-dependencies)(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: findPr(renovate-pin-dependencies, undefined, open)(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "prTitle": "Pin Terraform hashicorp/terraform to 0.14.7"
DEBUG: Creating PR(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "title": "Pin Terraform hashicorp/terraform to 0.14.7",
  "head": "Vrtak-CZ:renovate-pin-dependencies",
  "base": "master",
  "draft": false
DEBUG: PR created(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "pr": 1,
  "draft": false
DEBUG: Adding labels '' to #1(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
INFO: PR created(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "pr": 1,
  "prTitle": "Pin Terraform hashicorp/terraform to 0.14.7"
DEBUG: Adding assignees 'vrtak-cz' to #1(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Added assignees(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "assignees": [
DEBUG: Created Pull Request #1(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: Checking #1 for automerge(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
  "automerge": false,
  "automergeType": "pr",
  "automergeComment": "automergeComment"
DEBUG: No automerge(branch="renovate-pin-dependencies")
DEBUG: getBranchPr(renovate-pin-dependencies)
DEBUG: findPr(renovate-pin-dependencies, undefined, open)
DEBUG: Found PR #1
DEBUG: Returning from graphql open PR list
DEBUG: Removing any stale branches
DEBUG: config.repoIsOnboarded=true
DEBUG: Branch lists
  "branchList": [
  "renovateBranches": [
DEBUG: remainingBranches=
DEBUG: No branches to clean up
DEBUG: Repository timing splits (milliseconds)
  "splits": {
    "init": 4203,
    "extract": 1345,
    "lookup": 110,
    "update": 7085
  "total": 13107
DEBUG: http statistics
  "hostStats": [
    ", 8 requests, 321ms request average, 0ms queue average"
  "totalRequests": 8
INFO: Repository finished
  "durationMs": 13107

Have you created a minimal reproduction repository?

  • This is a really small bug, it does not need a reproduction (think small typo)
  • I have provided a minimal reproduction repository
  • I don't have time for that, but it happens in a public repository I have linked to
  • I don't have time for that, and cannot share my private repository
  • The nature of this bug means it's impossible to reproduce publicly

Additional context

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Expected behaviour is do not touch required_version but update (pin) required_providers

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Vrtak-CZ commented Feb 23, 2021

Looks like hashicorp/random has depType terraform instead of required_providers ( and terraform it self has no depType instead of terraform (

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There is an issue which disscuses a change regarding the depTypes in the Terraform manager.
#8792 would allow you to deactivate this updates.

@viceice viceice closed this as completed Feb 23, 2021
@renovatebot renovatebot locked and limited conversation to collaborators Feb 23, 2021

This issue was moved to a discussion.

You can continue the conversation there. Go to discussion →

None yet
None yet

No branches or pull requests

3 participants