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A repository for OpenAPI / AsyncAPI specifications. This ideally eventually can be used to automatically generate code and docs to simplify supporting rippled changes over time.

This will eventually contain specifications for rippled's JSON RPC API and Websocket API.

These apis will aim to eventually include all requests for both rippled and clio, supporting both v1 and v2 rippled api interfaces.

The JSON RPC API will be written out using OpenAPI as it has a more direct request / response format. The Websocket API will be written using [AsyncAPI] which better matches the ways in which the Websocket interface can asynchronously call back with things like stream.

If you're new to OpenAPI, you should read through this tutorial and use these reference docs to look up any terms you see that are unfamiliar

If you're new to AsyncAPI, you should read through this 2.6.0 tutorial and use these 2.6.0 reference docs to look up any terms you see that are unfamiliar


We currently use Redocly's tooling to test that our api is following the specification. We also use it to verify that we can generate, submit, and receive responses that match our api description with Redocly's "Try It" feature that let's you send requests directly from the auto-generated docs.

  1. Install redocly cli -

  2. Run redocly lint json_api.yaml (Docs on their lint command:

  3. Log in if you have Redocly credentials to use the premium version (the community version also works, but does not have the "Try It" feature)

    • To Log in run redocly login (then follow the instructions)
  4. Run redocly preview-docs json_api.yaml -

  5. In order to use the "Try it!" feature to see if the specification can be used to send a valid request and correctly validate a real response, you'll need to get around CORS errors. One way to do that is to run this script to create an unprotected Chrome, then view your generated docs from there: open -n -a /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev_test" --disable-web-security

How to add a new request

For these instructions:

  • There's a decent amount of boilerplate code, so each step will include a template you should copy along with a list of which fields need updating.
  • ... in the template indicates you should edit something (Ex. Replacing ...Request with AccountChannelsRequest)
  • If this is for a request documented on, please copy and paste the documentation from there.
  • Read through shared/base.yaml after doing a draft of your spec to see if there are any re-usable components that make sense for your requests/responses

Generate boilerplate for a new request

Run the following command to generate boilerplate code for a new request where you can edit based on the steps in the latter sections:

npm run template <request_name>

For the above command, <request_name> should be the name of the new request in snake_case convention (e.g. account_channels). This would create 3 different files:

  • shared/requests/<request_name.yaml> (instructions to edit here).
  • open_api/requests/<request_name.yaml> (instructions to edit here).
  • async_api/requests/<request_name.yaml> (instructions to edit here).

How to create a new request in the shared directory

  1. If you've already created a spec in the shared folder for this request, skip to the OpenAPI specific steps!

  2. Some of the steps mentioned here could be automatically generated by this instruction. If you've already done so, only fill in the details that are missing.

  3. Create a new file for the rippled request / response information in shared/requests/<request_name.yaml>

  4. In that shared file, add the Request type.

    1. ... indicates you should edit something (Ex. Replacing ...Request with AccountChannelsRequest)
    2. If this is for a request documented on, please copy and paste the documentation from there.
    3. Read through shared/base.yaml to see if there are any re-usable components that make sense for your request
    • Fields to update:
      1. ...Request with the name of the request (ex. AccountChannelsRequest)
      2. summary: with a description of this request
      3. If there are any common fields in shared/base.yaml that can be re-used, do so with allOf - otherwise delete that TODO comment.
      4. properties with the parameters for this request (in alphabetical order)
      5. required with a list of any required parameters (in alphabetical order)
      summary: >
      type: object
      # TODO: Add any common fields from `shared/base.yaml` that are applicable using `allOf`. Otherwise delete these comments! For example:
      # allOf:
      #  - $ref: '../base.yaml#/components/schemas/LookupByLedgerRequest'
      #  - ...
        # Example property
        # account:
          # type: string
          # description: The unique identifier of an account, typically the account's address.
        - ...
  5. Create the ...SuccessResponse schema for when rippled responds with success.

    • Fields to update:
      1. ...SuccessResponse with the name of the request (ex. AccountChannelsSuccessResponse)
      2. If there are any common fields in shared/base.yaml that can be re-used, do so with allOf - otherwise delete that TODO comment.
      3. properties with the parameters for this request (in alphabetical order)
      4. required with a list of any required parameters (in alphabetical order)
      # TODO: Add any common fields from `shared/base.yaml` that are applicable using `allOf`. Otherwise delete these comments! For example:
      # allOf:
      #  - $ref: '../base.yaml#/components/schemas/LookupByLedgerRequest'
      #  - ...
      type: object
        # Example property
        # account:
          # type: string
          # description: The unique identifier of an account, typically the account's address.
        - ...
  6. Create the ...ErrorResponse schema for when rippled responds with an error code.

    • Fields to update:
      1. ...ErrorResponse with the name of the request (ex. AccountChannelsErrorResponse)
      2. enum: with a yaml list of the specific error codes that are associated with this specific response (ex. invalidParams). Do not include errors which are already in the UniversalErrorResponseCodes listed in shared/base.yaml.
      3. request should have a reference to the shared ...Request. (NOT the ...Request object that is in this file!)
      type: object
          type: string
            - $ref: '../base.yaml#/components/schemas/UniversalErrorResponseCodes'
            # Add the error codes specific to this response here (ex. invalidParams)
            - enum:
                - ...
          # Include a bullet descrip for every
          description: >
          type: string
            - error
          # This should link to the ...Request type you defined above
          $ref: ...
        - status
        - error
        - request
  7. If you want to add a request to the OpenAPI spec, follow these steps here (otherwise skip this step)

  8. If you want to add a request to the AsyncAPI spec, follow these steps here (otherwise skip this step)

OpenAPI-specific steps for adding a new request

This section assumes you've already completed the shared work steps for this request in How to add a new request

At a high level, we're going to wrap the core types we defined in shared/ in boilerplate so it matches the JSON RPC formatting rippled expects / produces, then we're going to reference our wrapped types in the core json_api.yaml file.

Some of the steps mentioned here could be automatically generated by this instruction. If you've already done so, only fill in the details that are missing.

  1. Create a new file in open_api/requests named ..._open_api.yaml for your new request. Ex. account_channels_open_api.yaml

    • The reason to include _open_api in the name is to make it easier to tell which file we're referencing throughout the codebase, and to make filename searches less confusing when debugging. Including it at the end also makes it easier to at a glance find the right file in the explorer.
    • Example file: open_api/requests/account_channels_open_api.yaml
  2. Add a ...Request schema with the following boilerplate and an example which references the ...Request we defined in shared/requests. See template below:

    • Fields to update:
      1. ...Request with the name of the request (Ex. AccountChannelRequest)
      2. description with a long explanation of what the request is (use text if available)
      3. method with the request name (ex. account_channels)
      4. items's $ref: to reference the ...Requestwe defined in shared/requests
      5. example with a valid request of this type that includes most if as many optional fields as possible while still being valid
       type: object
       description: >
           type: string
           enum: # This is the most supported way to define a specific string as the only valid input. `const` is a new keyword which is supported in OpenAPI, but not in all corresponding codegen tools.
             - ...
           type: array
             $ref: # Reference the shared `...Request` schema
         - method
         # Provide a valid example here, such as:
         # method: 'account_channels'
         # params:
         #   - account: 'rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn'
         #     destination_account: 'ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX'
         #     ledger_index": 'validated'
  3. Add the ...Response object which is mostly boilerplate, but still has a couple fields to update:

    • Fields to update:
      1. ...Response with the name of the request (Ex. AccountChannelResponse)
      2. In the mapping: 3. Map success to a reference to the ...SuccessResponse in this file (NOT the shared file!) 4. Map error to the the ...ErrorResponse in the SHARED file
      3. In the oneOf, add BOTH of the above references in a list.
      4. example with a valid successful response of this type, ideally the exact response to sending the example in ...Request in this file.
       type: object
           type: object
             propertyName: status
               success: # Include a reference to ...SuccessResponse from this file
               error: # Include a reference to the **shared** ...ErrorResponse
             - $ref: # Include a reference to ...SuccessResponse from this file
             - $ref: # Include a reference to the **shared** ...ErrorResponse
         - result
         # result:
         #   account: rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn
         #   channels:
         #     - account: rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn
         #       amount: '1000'
         #       balance: '0'
         #       channel_id: C7F634794B79DB40E87179A9D1BF05D05797AE7E92DF8E93FD6656E8C4BE3AE7
         #       destination_account: ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX
         #       public_key: aBR7mdD75Ycs8DRhMgQ4EMUEmBArF8SEh1hfjrT2V9DQTLNbJVqw
         #       public_key_hex: 03CFD18E689434F032A4E84C63E2A3A6472D684EAF4FD52CA67742F3E24BAE81B2
         #       settle_delay: 60
         #   ledger_hash: 27F530E5C93ED5C13994812787C1ED073C822BAEC7597964608F2C049C2ACD2D
         #   ledger_index: 71766343
         #   status: success
         #   validated: true
  4. Create the ...SuccessResponse schema to combine the BaseSuccessResponse and the shared success schema. (This is done to match the JSON RPC response format while re-using our shared schema)

    • Fields to update:
      1. ...SuccessResponse
      2. Update the 2nd reference in allOf to the SHARED ...SuccessResponse (NOT the one in this file!)
      type: object
        - $ref: '../../shared/base.yaml#/components/schemas/BaseSuccessResponse'
        - $ref: # Reference the `...SuccessResponse` in the **SHARED** folder
  5. Lastly, we need to update the open_api/json_api.yaml file:

    • Fields to update:
    1. Update #paths///post/requestBody/content/application/json/schema/discriminator/mapping with a mapping between the request name and your ...Request object from the ..._open_api.yaml file (NOT the shared file!)

      • Ex. account_channels: 'requests/account_channels_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsRequest'
    2. Update the oneOf just below the mapping you modified with another reference to the ...Request object from the ..._open_api.yaml file

      • Ex. - $ref: 'requests/account_channels_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsRequest'
    3. Update #paths///post/responses/200/content/application/json/schema/oneOf with a reference to the ...Response (NOT ...Request) object from the ..._open_api.yaml file.

      • Ex. - $ref: 'requests/account_channels_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsResponse'

Note: If you want to also add this request to the AsyncAPI, continue by following these steps here

AsyncAPI-specific steps for adding a new request

This section assumes you've already completed the shared work steps for this request in How to add a new request

At a high level, we're going to wrap the core types we defined in shared/ in boilerplate so it matches the Websocket formatting rippled expects / produces, then we're going to reference our wrapped types in the core websocket_api.yaml file.

Some of the steps mentioned here could be automatically generated by this instruction. If you've already done so, only fill in the details that are missing.

  1. Create a new file in async_api/requests named ..._async_api.yaml for your new request. Ex. account_channels_async_api.yaml

    • The reason to include _async_api in the name is to make it easier to tell which file we're referencing throughout the codebase, and to make filename searches less confusing when debugging. Including it at the end also makes it easier to at a glance find the right file in the explorer.
    • Example file: async_api/requests/account_channels_async_api.yaml
  2. Add a ...Request schema with the following boilerplate and an example which references the ...Request we defined in shared/requests. See template below:

    • Fields to update:
      1. ...Request with the name of the request (Ex. AccountChannelRequest)
      2. description with a long explanation of what the request is (use text if available)
      3. allOf's -$ref: to reference the ...Requestwe defined in shared/requests
      4. command with the request name (ex. account_channels)
      5. example with a valid request of this type that includes most if as many optional fields as possible while still being valid
       description: >
       type: object
         - $ref: ... # Reference the Request in `shared/requests` here
           type: string
           enum: # This is the most supported way to define a specific string as the only valid input. `const` is a new keyword which is supported in OpenAPI, but not in all corresponding codegen tools.
             - ...
           # Not specifying a type is how we express "any" value is acceptable
           description: 'A unique identifier for the request.'
         - command
         - id
         # Show a valid request that follows the schema here, for example for account_channels:
         # id: 1
         # command: account_channels
         # account: rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn
         # destination_account: ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX
         # ledger_index: validated
  3. Add the ...Response object which is mostly boilerplate, but still has a couple fields to update:

    • Fields to update:
      1. ...Response with the name of the request (Ex. AccountChannelResponse)
      2. In the oneOf, the first entry should reference the ...SuccessResponse in this file (NOT the shared file!)
      3. In the oneOf, the second entry should reference the ...ErrorResponse in this file (NOT the shared file!)
      4. example with a valid successful response of this type, ideally the exact response to sending the example in ...Request in this file.
      discriminator: status
        - $ref: # Reference the ...SuccessResponse in this file
        - $ref: # Reference the ...ErrorResponse in this file
      type: object
          # Not specifying a type is how we express "any" value is acceptable
          description: 'A unique identifier for the request.'
          type: string
          description: The value response indicates a direct response to an API request. Asynchronous notifications use a different value such as `ledgerClosed` or `transaction`.
          enum: # This is the most supported way to define a specific string as the only valid input. `const` is a new keyword which is supported in OpenAPI, but not in all corresponding codegen tools.
            - response
        - id
        - type
       # Example formatting for `account_channels` response
       # id: 1
       # result:
       #   account: rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn
       #   channels:
       #     - account: rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn
       #       amount: '1000'
       #       balance: '0'
       #       channel_id: C7F634794B79DB40E87179A9D1BF05D05797AE7E92DF8E93FD6656E8C4BE3AE7
       #       destination_account: ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX
       #       public_key: aBR7mdD75Ycs8DRhMgQ4EMUEmBArF8SEh1hfjrT2V9DQTLNbJVqw
       #       public_key_hex: 03CFD18E689434F032A4E84C63E2A3A6472D684EAF4FD52CA67742F3E24BAE81B2
       #       settle_delay: 60
       #   ledger_hash: 27F530E5C93ED5C13994812787C1ED073C822BAEC7597964608F2C049C2ACD2D
       #   ledger_index: 71766343
       #   validated: true
       # status: success
       # type: response
  4. Create the ...SuccessResponse schema to combine the BaseSuccessResponse and the shared success schema. (This is done to match the JSON RPC response format while re-using our shared schema)

    • Fields to update:
      1. ...SuccessResponse
      2. Update the 2nd reference in allOf to the SHARED ...SuccessResponse (NOT the one in this file!)
      type: object
        - $ref: '../../shared/base.yaml#/components/schemas/BaseSuccessResponse'
        - $ref: # Reference the `...SuccessResponse` in the **SHARED** folder
  5. Lastly, we're going to update the websocket_api.yaml file to reference our newly created Websocket wrapper of our rippled request / response types.

    1. In subscribe add a new message object for your new request which references the ...Request we made in the ..._async_api.yaml (NOT the shared version!)

      • Fields to update:
        1. messageId with the name of your request + Request (Ex. AccountChannelsRequest)
        2. $ref with a reference to the ...Request object in the ..._async_api.yaml file (NOT the shared version!)
          • Ex. './requests/account_channels_async_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsRequest'
        messageId: '...Request'
          $ref: ...
    2. Do the same in the publish section except for Response instead of Request

      • Fields to update:
        1. messageId -> ...Response
        2. $ref should point to the ...Response (not ...Request) schema from the ..._async_api.yaml file (NOT the shared version!)

Note: If you want to also add this request to the OpenAPI spec and haven't already, continue by following these steps here

How to add a new transaction

  • There's a decent amount of boilerplate code, so each step will include a template you should copy along with a list of which fields need updating.
  • ... in the template indicates you should edit something (Ex. Replacing ...Transaction with PaymentTransaction)
  • If this is for a transaction documented on, please copy and paste the documentation from there.
  • Read through shared/base.yaml after doing a draft of your spec to see if there are any re-usable components that make sense for your transaction.
  • Please note that the transactions are created as an option for the tx_json field of the submit method in sign-and-submit mode.
  1. If you've already created a spec in the shared folder for this request, skip to the OpenAPI specific steps!

  2. Create a new file for the rippled request / response information in shared/transactions/<transaction_name.yaml>

  3. In that shared file, add the Transaction type.

    1. ... indicates you should edit something (Ex. Replacing ...Transaction with PaymentTransaction)
    2. If this is for a transaction documented on, please copy and paste the documentation from there.
    3. Read through shared/base.yaml to see if there are any re-usable components that make sense for your transaction
    • Fields to update:

      1. ...Transaction with the name of the transaction (ex. Payment)

      2. summary: with a description of this transaction

      3. If there are any common fields in shared/base.yaml that can be re-used, do so with allOf - otherwise delete that TODO comment.

      4. properties with the parameters for this transaction (in alphabetical order)

      5. required with a list of any required parameters (in alphabetical order)

              summary: >
              type: object
              # TODO: Add any common fields from `shared/base.yaml` that are applicable using `allOf`. Otherwise delete these comments! For example:
              # allOf:
              #  - $ref: '../base.yaml#/components/schemas/BaseTransaction'
              #  - ...
                # Example property
                # account:
                  # type: string
                  # description: The unique identifier of an account, typically the account's address.
                - ...
    1. If there are multiple versions of this transaction across multiple rippled API versions, follow the instructions here

    2. Add the transaction to the transaction requests (For example, submit, tx, etc.)

    • This example below add the Payment transaction to submit request:
        type: object
          - $ref: '#/components/schemas/SignAndSubmitModeBase'
            type: object
              propertyName: TransactionType
                Payment: '../transactions/payment.yaml#/components/schemas/PaymentTransactionV1'
              - $ref: '../transactions/payment.yaml#/components/schemas/PaymentTransactionV1'

How to add a new rippled API version specs

For these instructions:

  • Fill in the request name in <request_name>
  • Fill in the version number in <version>

OpenAPI specific steps for adding a new rippled API version specs

  • Please note that this instruction assumes that the rippled JSON_RPC format does not change between versions and that to make a JSON-RPC request, one sends an HTTP POST request to the root path (/) on the port and IP where the rippled server is listening for JSON-RPC connections. If there is a major change in this behavior in latter versions, please see the OpenAPI documentation and rippled release notes to create a new version.
  1. Create a new file in open_api/ folder named json_api_v<version>
  2. Copy and paste the existing json_api file in this same folder to reuse the same structure.
  3. Revise the list of requests inside the discriminator to make sure the list aligns with the available methods for that specific version.
  propertyName: method
    account_channels: 'requests/account_channels_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsRequest'
    account_info: 'requests/account_info_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountInfoRequest'
    ...More request types here...
  - $ref: 'requests/account_channels_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsRequest'
  - $ref: 'requests/account_info_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountInfoRequest'
  ...More request types here...
  1. Revise the list of responses inside the 200 success group to make sure the list aligns with the available methods for that specific version.
          description: JSON-RPC response object
                  - $ref: 'requests/account_channels_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsResponse'
                  - $ref: 'requests/account_info_open_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountInfoResponseV1'
                  ...More response types here...
  1. Make changes to specific requests that has changed since this version of the API following these steps here.

AsyncAPI specific steps for adding a new rippled API version specs

  1. Create a new file in async_api/ folder named websocket_api_v<version>
  2. Copy and paste the existing websocket_api files in this same folder to reuse the same structure.
  3. Revise the list of requests inside subscibe and publish lists to make sure the lists align with the available methods for that specific version.
          - messageId: 'AccountChannelsRequest'
              $ref: './requests/account_channels_async_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsRequest'
          - messageId: 'AccountInfoRequest'
              $ref: './requests/account_info_async_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountInfoRequest'
          ...More request types here...

          - messageId: 'AccountChannelsResponse'
              $ref: './requests/account_channels_async_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountChannelsResponse'
          - messageId: 'AccountInfoResponse'
              $ref: './requests/account_info_async_api.yaml#/components/schemas/AccountInfoResponseV1'
          ...More response types here...
  1. Make changes to specific requests that has changed since this version of the API following these steps here.

Add a new request that has changed with the new version of the API

  • Please note that the below instructions will only pertain to successful requests. Error responses will be handled almost the same way.
  1. Add a base type of the request (if not already) that contains common fields among all versions in shared\requests\<request_name>.yaml (e.g. shared\requests\account_info.yaml).
        - $ref: '../base.yaml#/components/schemas/BaseSuccessResponse'
        - type: object
            ...Add all common properties here...

For example,

        - $ref: '../base.yaml#/components/schemas/BaseSuccessResponse'
        - type: object
              $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountFlags'
              description: The account's flag statuses.
            ... More common fields here ...
  1. Create different versions of the request that inherit from the base request, along with their distinct properties.
    - $ref: '#/components/schemas/<request_name>SuccessResponseBase'
    - type: object
        ...Add unique properties here...

For example,

    - $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccountInfoSuccessResponseBase'
    - type: object
          type: array
          description: Array of SignerList ledger objects associated with this account for Multi-Signing.
            $ref: '#/components/schemas/SignerList'
        ...More unique properties here...

Contributing Guidelines


In situations where there are multiple equivalent ways to write this spec, this outlines the choices we’ve made that we want to keep consistent. If we update these, please update them for ALL entries in ALL specs for consistency’s sake.

  1. required is specified at the bottom of request / response schemas by listing required fields - NOT specified in every individual field. (This makes it easier to at-a-glance see if the list of required fields are all there / what they are, but makes it slightly harder to read individual fields and know if they’re required or not).
  2. In order to specify the request / response type for JSON RPC, we need to use a generic path (/) and a discriminator which allows us to derive the “type” of an object from the value in a specific parameter in the request. (In the case of the JSON RPC API, the method field tells us the type of request, which corresponds exactly with 1 or 2 response types)
    • The one case where this isn’t enough information is when a request has a binary option - in which case there are 2 possible response structures.
  3. Error responses in the "path" section represent HTTP response / errors. rippled or clio errors are treated as valid responses, and should be documented as oneOf the possible representations for each individual request response. Although rippled errors share a similar shape, ultimately we want to be very clear on what the specific error codes that are possible from each request.

Things to investigate

  1. We'll need to fix the CORS error for the Redocly "Try it" feature when we deploy on That should be a server setting.

  2. We'll need to talk to Redocly about getting them to support "Try it" for AsyncAPI specs (should be similar code).

  3. It's unclear the best way to set up the primary api file (websocket_api.yaml and json_api.yaml) to pair specific input parameters to a specific response. As it is now, both api descriptions have a list of possible parameters for each rippled request, but it's defined as two lists rather than a list of input/output pairs. One idea for how to solve this is maybe we can define multiple post requests

  4. Should we use AsyncAPI 2.6.0 (currently partially supported by Redocly) or use AsyncAPI 3.0.0 (cleaner interface & resolves input / output pairing problem)

  5. Currently, the way we test the spec is through including examples which we can validate against rippled using the "Try It" feature in Redocly previews. That's not a robust way to test all possible inputs / outputs of rippled requests. Some enhancements we can consider for this long-term:

    1. Having examples which reproduce every error case for a specific request
    2. Verifying that we have unit tests for every possible error code in our test suite
  6. Note on the formatting of this README - for some reason prettier formats code blocks with one-space indents instead of 2 (in the yaml file 2 space indents are used). This makes the examples slightly harder to copy and paste, although they should work. Would be nice to fix that.

  7. We should automate the creation of boilerplate with a simple script - these steps are very automatable.