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656 lines (577 loc) · 22.1 KB

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656 lines (577 loc) · 22.1 KB

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Hardware and software environment

Item Content
System x86_64 GNU/Linux Rocky Linux 9.2 (Blue Onyx)
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2696 v3 @ 2.30GHz 72(CPU(s)) = 18(Core(s)) * 2(Thread(s) per core) * 2(Socket(s))
Memory DDR3/2333 128G
Disk 2T
Container podman v4.4.1
MQTT Bench v0.1.3
MQTT Broker v0.3.0
Other MQTT Bench and MQTT Broker coexistence

Standalone Mode

Broker Main Configuration (rmqtt.toml):

## Plugins
#Plug in configuration file directory
plugins.dir = "/app/rmqtt/etc/plugins"
#Plug in started by default, when the mqtt server is started
plugins.default_startups = [

## Listeners

## MQTT/TCP - External TCP Listener for MQTT Protocol
listener.tcp.external.addr = ""
listener.tcp.external.workers = 68
listener.tcp.external.max_connections = 1024000
listener.tcp.external.max_handshaking_limit = 1500   #Single instance set to 1500, cluster version set to 500.
listener.tcp.external.handshake_timeout = "30s"
listener.tcp.external.max_packet_size = "1m"
listener.tcp.external.backlog = 1024
listener.tcp.external.allow_anonymous = true
listener.tcp.external.allow_zero_keepalive = true
listener.tcp.external.min_keepalive = 0
listener.tcp.external.max_keepalive = 65535
listener.tcp.external.keepalive_backoff = 0.75
listener.tcp.external.max_inflight = 16
listener.tcp.external.max_mqueue_len = 1000
listener.tcp.external.mqueue_rate_limit = "1000,1s"
listener.tcp.external.max_clientid_len = 65535
listener.tcp.external.max_qos_allowed = 2
listener.tcp.external.max_topic_levels = 0
listener.tcp.external.retain_available = true
listener.tcp.external.session_expiry_interval = "2h"
listener.tcp.external.message_retry_interval = "20s"
listener.tcp.external.message_expiry_interval = "5m"
listener.tcp.external.max_subscriptions = 0
listener.tcp.external.shared_subscription = true
listener.tcp.external.max_topic_aliases = 32

Create a bridge network:

podman network create compose_rmqtt_bridge1

Podman command for a single-instance Broker:

podman run  -d --name rmqtt1 --privileged --ulimit nofile=1024000 --network="compose_rmqtt_bridge1" --network-alias="" -p 1884:1883 -p 8884:8883 -p 21884:11883 -p 7064:6060 -v /home/dev/app/compose/log/1:/var/log/rmqtt -v /home/dev/app/compose/etc:/app/rmqtt/etc  rmqtt/rmqtt:latest -f ./etc/rmqtt.toml --id 1

Generate a 'podman-compose' configuration script for a single-instance subscription client:



echo "version: '3'
services :"

for ((i=$start; i<$start+$n; i++))
  echo "
    image: rmqtt/rmqtt-bench:latest
    restart: on-failure:3
    command: v3 -C -c 25000 -E \"sub-a$i-{no}\" -S -t iot/a$i-{no} --addrs \"\" --ifaddrs \"a$\"
        - a$"


echo "networks:
    driver: bridge"

Create docker-compose.yaml

sh 10   1 > docker-compose-bench-subs-single-10-1.yaml
sh 10   11 > docker-compose-bench-subs-single-10-11.yaml
sh 10   21 > docker-compose-bench-subs-single-10-21.yaml
sh 10   31 > docker-compose-bench-subs-single-10-31.yaml

One container creates 25,000 connections, and there are 10 containers in one file, for a total of 1 million connections.

Generate a 'podman-compose' configuration script for a single-instance publishing client:



echo "version: '3'
services :"

for ((i=$start; i<$start+$n; i++))
  echo "
    image: rmqtt/rmqtt-bench:latest
    restart: on-failure:3
    command: v3 -C -c 1 -E \"pub-a$i-{no}\" -P -t iot/a$i-{no} -R 0 24999  -I 0 --addrs \"\" --ifaddrs \"a$\"
        - a$"


echo "networks:
    driver: bridge"

Create docker-compose.yaml

sh 40   1 > docker-compose-bench-pubs-single-40-1.yaml

One container creates 1 connection and randomly sends messages in a loop to 25,000 subscribing clients. In total, 40 connections are established.

Connection concurrency performance

After successful connection, subscriptions are initiated simultaneously. Connections are established in four batches, with each batch consisting of 250,000 clients initiating connection requests simultaneously.

Item Value Description
Total number of concurrent clients 1,000,000 25000 * 10 * 4
Connection Handshake Rate (5500-7000)/second Average Rate
Broker Process Memory 33.2G
Broker Process CPU (1-200)%
Bench-subs Process Memory 400M * 40
Bench-subs Process CPU (0-20)% * 40

To check the status:

curl "" | jq
    "node": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "1@",
      "status": "Running"
    "stats": {
      "connections.count": 1000000,
      "connections.max": 1000000,
      "handshakings.count": 0,
      "handshakings.max": 62,
      "handshakings_active.count": 0,
      "handshakings_rate.count": 7282.29,
      "handshakings_rate.max": 16600.09,
      "inflights.count": 0,
      "inflights.max": 0,
      "message_queues.count": 0,
      "message_queues.max": 0,
      "retained.count": 0,
      "retained.max": 0,
      "routes.count": 1000000,
      "routes.max": 1000000,
      "sessions.count": 1000000,
      "sessions.max": 1000000,
      "subscriptions.count": 1000000,
      "subscriptions.max": 1000000,
      "subscriptions_shared.count": 0,
      "subscriptions_shared.max": 0,
      "topics.count": 1000000,
      "topics.max": 1000000

Message Throughput Performance

Item Value Description
Subscription Client Count 1,000,000
Publishing Client Count 40
Message Throughput Rate 150,000/second
Broker Process Memory 44.5G
Broker Process CPU (1800-1900)%
Bench-subs Process Memory 430M * 40
Bench-subs Process CPU (20-30)% * 40
Bench-pubs Process Memory 16M * 40
Bench-pubs Process CPU (20-30)% * 40

To view the status::

curl "" | jq
    "node": {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "1@",
      "status": "Running"
    "stats": {
      "connections.count": 1000040,
      "connections.max": 1000040,
      "handshakings.count": 0,
      "handshakings.max": 67,
      "handshakings_active.count": 0,
      "handshakings_rate.count": 399.69,
      "handshakings_rate.max": 25261.64,
      "inflights.count": 5480,
      "inflights.max": 19407,
      "message_queues.count": 1,
      "message_queues.max": 33,
      "retained.count": 0,
      "retained.max": 0,
      "routes.count": 1000000,
      "routes.max": 1000000,
      "sessions.count": 1000040,
      "sessions.max": 1000040,
      "subscriptions.count": 1000000,
      "subscriptions.max": 1000000,
      "subscriptions_shared.count": 0,
      "subscriptions_shared.max": 0,
      "topics.count": 1000000,
      "topics.max": 1000000

Message Statistics:

date & curl "" | jq | grep messages
Wed Sep  6 21:07:15 CST 2023

      "messages.acked": 1321545894,
      "messages.acked.admin": 0,
      "messages.acked.custom": 1321545895,
      "messages.acked.lastwill": 0,
      "messages.acked.retain": 0,
      "messages.acked.system": 0,
      "messages.delivered": 1321545978,
      "messages.delivered.admin": 0,
      "messages.delivered.custom": 1321545979,
      "messages.delivered.lastwill": 0,
      "messages.delivered.retain": 0,
      "messages.delivered.system": 0,
      "messages.dropped": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed.admin": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed.custom": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed.lastwill": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed.system": 0,
      "messages.publish": 1321546048,
      "messages.publish.admin": 0,
      "messages.publish.custom": 1321546048,
      "messages.publish.lastwill": 0,
      "messages.publish.system": 0,
 date & curl "" | jq | grep messages
Wed Sep  6 21:07:54 CST 2023

      "messages.acked": 1327420995,
      "messages.acked.admin": 0,
      "messages.acked.custom": 1327420995,
      "messages.acked.lastwill": 0,
      "messages.acked.retain": 0,
      "messages.acked.system": 0,
      "messages.delivered": 1327421038,
      "messages.delivered.admin": 0,
      "messages.delivered.custom": 1327421039,
      "messages.delivered.lastwill": 0,
      "messages.delivered.retain": 0,
      "messages.delivered.system": 0,
      "messages.dropped": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed.admin": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed.custom": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed.lastwill": 0,
      "messages.nonsubscribed.system": 0,
      "messages.publish": 1327421058,
      "messages.publish.admin": 0,
      "messages.publish.custom": 1327421060,
      "messages.publish.lastwill": 0,
      "messages.publish.system": 0,

Raft Cluster Mode

Broker Main Configuration (rmqtt.toml):

## Plugins
#Plug in configuration file directory
plugins.dir = "/app/rmqtt/etc/plugins"
#Plug in started by default, when the mqtt server is started
plugins.default_startups = [

## Listeners

## MQTT/TCP - External TCP Listener for MQTT Protocol
listener.tcp.external.addr = ""
listener.tcp.external.workers = 24
listener.tcp.external.max_connections = 1024000
listener.tcp.external.max_handshaking_limit = 500
listener.tcp.external.handshake_timeout = "30s"
listener.tcp.external.max_packet_size = "1m"
listener.tcp.external.backlog = 1024
listener.tcp.external.allow_anonymous = true
listener.tcp.external.allow_zero_keepalive = true
listener.tcp.external.min_keepalive = 0
listener.tcp.external.max_keepalive = 65535
listener.tcp.external.keepalive_backoff = 0.75
listener.tcp.external.max_inflight = 16
listener.tcp.external.max_mqueue_len = 1000
listener.tcp.external.mqueue_rate_limit = "1000,1s"
listener.tcp.external.max_clientid_len = 65535
listener.tcp.external.max_qos_allowed = 2
listener.tcp.external.max_topic_levels = 0
listener.tcp.external.retain_available = true
listener.tcp.external.session_expiry_interval = "2h"
listener.tcp.external.message_retry_interval = "20s"
listener.tcp.external.message_expiry_interval = "5m"
listener.tcp.external.max_subscriptions = 0
listener.tcp.external.shared_subscription = true
listener.tcp.external.max_topic_aliases = 32

The main difference from the single-node mode is the addition of the 'rmqtt-cluster-raft' plugin. Modify the 'workers' and 'max_handshaking_limit' configuration options.

Raft Cluster Plugin Configuration(rmqtt-cluster-raft.toml):

#Node GRPC service address list
node_grpc_addrs = ["","",""]
#Raft peer address list
raft_peer_addrs = ["","",""]

The address needs to match the address used in the Podman command.

Create a bridge network:

podman network create compose_rmqtt_bridge11

Podman command for the Broker:

podman run -d --name rmqtt1 --privileged --ulimit nofile=1024000 --network="compose_rmqtt_bridge11" --network-alias="" -p 1884:1883 -p 8884:8883 -p 21884:11883 -p 7064:6060 -v /home/dev/app/compose/log/1:/var/log/rmqtt -v /home/dev/app/compose/etc:/app/rmqtt/etc  rmqtt/rmqtt:latest -f ./etc/rmqtt.toml --id 1
podman run -d --name rmqtt2 --privileged --ulimit nofile=1024000 --network="compose_rmqtt_bridge11" --network-alias=""  -p 1885:1883 -p 8885:8883 -p 11885:11883 -p 7065:6060 -v /home/try/app/compose/log/2:/var/log/rmqtt -v /home/try/app/compose/etc:/app/rmqtt/etc  rmqtt/rmqtt:latest -f ./etc/rmqtt.toml --id 2
podman run -d --name rmqtt3 --privileged --ulimit nofile=1024000 --network="compose_rmqtt_bridge11" --network-alias=""  -p 1886:1883 -p 8886:8883 -p 11886:11883 -p 7066:6060 -v /home/try/app/compose/log/3:/var/log/rmqtt -v /home/try/app/compose/etc:/app/rmqtt/etc  rmqtt/rmqtt:latest -f ./etc/rmqtt.toml --id 3

Generate a 'podman-compose' configuration script for the subscription client:



echo "version: '3'
services :"

for ((i=$start; i<$start+$n; i++))
  echo "
    image: rmqtt/rmqtt-bench:latest
    restart: on-failure:3
    command: v3 -C -c 25000 -E \"sub-a$i-{no}\" -S -t iot/a$i-{no} --addrs \"\" \"\" \"\" --ifaddrs \"a$\"
        - a$"


echo "networks:
    driver: bridge"

Create docker-compose.yaml

sh 10 1 > docker-compose-bench-subs-10-1.yaml
sh 10 11 > docker-compose-bench-subs-10-11.yaml
sh 10 21 > docker-compose-bench-subs-10-21.yaml
sh 10 31 > docker-compose-bench-subs-10-31.yaml

One container creates 25,000 connections, and there are 10 containers in one file, for a total of 1 million connections.

Generate a 'podman-compose' configuration script for the publishing client:



echo "version: '3'
services :"

for ((i=$start; i<$start+$n; i++))
  echo "
    image: rmqtt/rmqtt-bench:latest
    restart: on-failure:3
    command: v3 -C -c 1 -E \"pub-a$i-{no}\" -P -t iot/a$i-{no} -R 0 24999  -I 0 --addrs \"\" \"\" \"\" --ifaddrs \"a$\"
        - a$"


echo "networks:
    driver: bridge"

Create docker-compose.yaml

sh 40   1 > docker-compose-bench-pubs-40-1.yaml 

One container creates 1 connection and sends messages in a loop to 25,000 subscribing clients at random, with a total of 40 connections.

Connection Concurrency Performance

Subscriptions are initiated simultaneously upon successful connection. Connections are established in four batches, with each batch consisting of 250,000 clients initiating connection requests simultaneously.

Item Value Description
Total Concurrent Clients 1,000,000 25000 * 10 * 4
Connection Handshake Rate (5000-7000)/second Average Rate
Broker Process Memory 12.9G * 3 Three nodes
Broker Process CPU (1-90)% * 3 Three nodes
Bench-subs Process Memory 400M * 40
Bench-subs Process CPU (0-20)% * 40

To check the status:

curl "" | jq
  "nodes": {
    "1": {
      "name": "",
      "status": "Running"
    "2": {
      "name": "",
      "status": "Running"
    "3": {
      "name": "",
      "status": "Running"
  "stats": {
    "connections.count": 1000000,
    "connections.max": 1000001,
    "handshakings.count": 0,
    "handshakings.max": 77220,
    "handshakings_active.count": 0,
    "handshakings_rate.count": 2063.15,
    "handshakings_rate.max": 52652.54,
    "inflights.count": 0,
    "inflights.max": 0,
    "message_queues.count": 0,
    "message_queues.max": 0,
    "retained.count": 0,
    "retained.max": 0,
    "routes.count": 1000000,
    "routes.max": 1000000,
    "sessions.count": 1000000,
    "sessions.max": 1000001,
    "subscriptions.count": 1000000,
    "subscriptions.max": 1000000,
    "subscriptions_shared.count": 0,
    "subscriptions_shared.max": 0,
    "topics.count": 1000000,
    "topics.max": 1000000

Message Throughput Performance

Item Value Description
Subscription Client Count 1,000,000
Publishing Client Count 40
Message Throughput Rate 156,000/second
Broker Process Memory 16.6G * 3 Three nodes
Broker Process CPU (3000-3300)% (1000-1100)% + (1200-1300)% + (800-900)%
Bench-subs Process Memory 430M * 40
Bench-subs Process CPU (20-30)% * 40
Bench-pubs Process Memory 16M * 40
Bench-pubs Process CPU (20-30)% * 40

To check the status:

curl "" | jq
  "nodes": {
    "1": {
      "name": "",
      "status": "Running"
    "2": {
      "name": "",
      "status": "Running"
    "3": {
      "name": "",
      "status": "Running"
  "stats": {
    "connections.count": 1000040,
    "connections.max": 1000040,
    "handshakings.count": 1,
    "handshakings.max": 77220,
    "handshakings_active.count": 0,
    "handshakings_rate.count": 2063.15,
    "handshakings_rate.max": 52652.54,
    "inflights.count": 74,
    "inflights.max": 16913,
    "message_queues.count": 1,
    "message_queues.max": 26,
    "retained.count": 0,
    "retained.max": 0,
    "routes.count": 1000000,
    "routes.max": 1000000,
    "sessions.count": 1000040,
    "sessions.max": 1000040,
    "subscriptions.count": 1000000,
    "subscriptions.max": 1000000,
    "subscriptions_shared.count": 0,
    "subscriptions_shared.max": 0,
    "topics.count": 1000000,
    "topics.max": 1000000

Message Statistics:

date & curl "" | jq | grep messages
Thu Sep  7 11:18:00 CST 2023

  "messages.acked": 39136344,
  "messages.acked.admin": 0,
  "messages.acked.custom": 39136344,
  "messages.acked.lastwill": 0,
  "messages.acked.retain": 0,
  "messages.acked.system": 0,
  "messages.delivered": 39136425,
  "messages.delivered.admin": 0,
  "messages.delivered.custom": 39136425,
  "messages.delivered.lastwill": 0,
  "messages.delivered.retain": 0,
  "messages.delivered.system": 0,
  "messages.dropped": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed.admin": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed.custom": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed.lastwill": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed.system": 0,
  "messages.publish": 39136867,
  "messages.publish.admin": 0,
  "messages.publish.custom": 39136867,
  "messages.publish.lastwill": 0,
  "messages.publish.system": 0,
date & curl "" | jq | grep messages
Thu Sep  7 11:18:19 CST 2023

  "messages.acked": 42111887,
  "messages.acked.admin": 0,
  "messages.acked.custom": 42111887,
  "messages.acked.lastwill": 0,
  "messages.acked.retain": 0,
  "messages.acked.system": 0,
  "messages.delivered": 42111997,
  "messages.delivered.admin": 0,
  "messages.delivered.custom": 42111997,
  "messages.delivered.lastwill": 0,
  "messages.delivered.retain": 0,
  "messages.delivered.system": 0,
  "messages.dropped": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed.admin": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed.custom": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed.lastwill": 0,
  "messages.nonsubscribed.system": 0,
  "messages.publish": 42112555,
  "messages.publish.admin": 0,
  "messages.publish.custom": 42112555,
  "messages.publish.lastwill": 0,
  "messages.publish.system": 0,