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py2app RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded when using python py2app #498

XavierPixel opened this issue Jun 20, 2023 · 4 comments


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I also meet similar issue like “ RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded #316
creating build/bdist.macosx-11.0-arm64/python3.10-standalone/app/lib-dynload
creating build/bdist.macosx-11.0-arm64/python3.10-standalone/app/Frameworks
RecursionError while compiling code, skip scanning bytecode
Skip compiling '/Users/xmfan/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sympy/polys/' due to recursion error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/xmfan/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/", line 412, in visit
return visitor(node)
File "/Users/xmfan/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/", line 416, in generic_visit
for field, value in iter_fields(node):
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

Seems sympy has deep recursive,

and i try python py2app -A, it works well, when i use python py2app error happens.
Any suggestions ?

my packagelist
Package Version

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peircej commented Jun 29, 2023

I get the same. In my case I could workaround by setting sympy in the excludes and it seems not to be a problem - I guess some package that I use declares this dependency but isn't strictly needed - but would be nice to get it fixed

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Having a script that reproduces the problem would help.

I get the following messages from a script that imports sympy.polys.polyquinticconst, but the builds succeeds as expected (that is no traceback and an app bundle that can import the module).

RecursionError while compiling code, skip scanning bytecode 
Skip compiling '/Users/ronald/Projects/py2app/workenv10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sympy/polys/' due to recursion error 
RecursionError while compiling code, skip scanning bytecode 
Skip compiling '/Users/ronald/Projects/py2app/workenv10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sympy/polys/numberfields/' due to recursion error 
--- Skipping recipe PIL ---

These warnings are harmless, they change the way py2app scans these modules for dependencies and that disables some of the intelligence for handling missing modules. Neither module has dependencies outside of sympy itself, so that's not relevant for building apps using this package.

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Here's an old hack from cx_freeze that works for me.

Add this to your

import sys

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I thought it was infinite loop but this really help.....

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