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Ceph Cluster

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Ceph Cluster Helm Chart

Creates Rook resources to configure a Ceph cluster using the Helm package manager. This chart is a simple packaging of templates that will optionally create Rook resources such as:

  • CephCluster, CephFilesystem, and CephObjectStore CRs
  • Storage classes to expose Ceph RBD volumes, CephFS volumes, and RGW buckets
  • Ingress for external access to the dashboard
  • Toolbox


  • Kubernetes 1.13+
  • Helm 3.x
  • Preinstalled Rook Operator. See the Helm Operator topic to install.


The helm install command deploys rook on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation. It is recommended that the rook operator be installed into the rook-ceph namespace. The clusters can be installed into the same namespace as the operator or a separate namespace.

Rook currently publishes builds of this chart to the release and master channels.

Before installing, review the values.yaml to confirm if the default settings need to be updated.

  • If the operator was installed in a namespace other than rook-ceph, the namespace must be set in the operatorNamespace variable.
  • Set the desired settings in the cephClusterSpec. The [defaults]({{ branchName }}/cluster/charts/rook-ceph-cluster/values.yaml) are only an example and not likely to apply to your cluster.
  • The monitoring section should be removed from the cephClusterSpec, as it is specified separately in the helm settings.
  • The default values for cephBlockPools, cephFileSystems, and CephObjectStores will create one of each, and their corresponding storage classes.


The release channel is the most recent release of Rook that is considered stable for the community.

The example install assumes you have created a values-override.yaml.

helm repo add rook-release
helm install --create-namespace --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph-cluster \
   --set operatorNamespace=rook-ceph rook-release/rook-ceph-cluster -f values-override.yaml


The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the rook-operator chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
operatorNamespace Namespace of the Rook Operator rook-ceph
kubeVersion Optional override of the target kubernetes version ``
configOverride Cluster ceph.conf override
toolbox.enabled Enable Ceph debugging pod deployment. See toolbox false
toolbox.tolerations Toolbox tolerations []
toolbox.affinity Toolbox affinity {}
monitoring.enabled Enable Prometheus integration, will also create necessary RBAC rules false
cephClusterSpec.* Cluster configuration, see below See below
ingress.dashboard Enable an ingress for the ceph-dashboard {}
cephBlockPools.[*] A list of CephBlockPool configurations to deploy See below
cephFileSystems.[*] A list of CephFileSystem configurations to deploy See below
cephObjectStores.[*] A list of CephObjectStore configurations to deploy See below

Ceph Cluster Spec

The CephCluster CRD takes its spec from cephClusterSpec.*. This is not an exhaustive list of parameters. For the full list, see the Cluster CRD topic.

Ceph Block Pools

The cephBlockPools array in the values file will define a list of CephBlockPool as described in the table below.

Parameter Description Default
name The name of the CephBlockPool ceph-blockpool
spec The CephBlockPool spec, see the CephBlockPool documentation. {}
storageClass.enabled Whether a storage class is deployed alongside the CephBlockPool true
storageClass.isDefault Whether the storage class will be the default storage class for PVCs. See the PersistentVolumeClaim]( documentation for details. true The name of the storage class ceph-block
storageClass.parameters See Block Storage documentation or the helm values.yaml for suitable values see values.yaml
storageClass.reclaimPolicy The default Reclaim Policy to apply to PVCs created with this storage class. Delete
storageClass.allowVolumeExpansion Whether volume expansion is allowed by default. true
storageClass.mountOptions Specifies the mount options for storageClass []

Ceph File Systems

The cephFileSystems array in the values file will define a list of CephFileSystem as described in the table below.

Parameter Description Default
name The name of the CephFileSystem ceph-filesystem
spec The CephFileSystem spec, see the CephFilesystem CRD documentation. see values.yaml
storageClass.enabled Whether a storage class is deployed alongside the CephFileSystem true The name of the storage class ceph-filesystem
storageClass.parameters See Shared Filesystem documentation or the helm values.yaml for suitable values see values.yaml
storageClass.reclaimPolicy The default Reclaim Policy to apply to PVCs created with this storage class. Delete
storageClass.mountOptions Specifies the mount options for storageClass []

Ceph Object Stores

The cephObjectStores array in the values file will define a list of CephObjectStore as described in the table below.

Parameter Description Default
name The name of the CephObjectStore ceph-objectstore
spec The CephObjectStore spec, see the CephObjectStore CRD documentation. see values.yaml
storageClass.enabled Whether a storage class is deployed alongside the CephObjectStore true The name of the storage class ceph-bucket
storageClass.parameters See Object Store storage class documentation or the helm values.yaml for suitable values see values.yaml
storageClass.reclaimPolicy The default Reclaim Policy to apply to PVCs created with this storage class. Delete

Existing Clusters

If you have an existing CephCluster CR that was created without the helm chart and you want the helm chart to start managing the cluster:

  1. Extract the spec section of your existing CephCluster CR and copy to the cephClusterSpec section in values-override.yaml.

  2. Add the following annotations and label to your existing CephCluster CR:

  annotations: rook-ceph-cluster rook-ceph
  labels: Helm
  1. Run the helm install command in the Installing section to create the chart.

  2. In the future when updates to the cluster are needed, ensure the values-override.yaml always contains the desired CephCluster spec.

Development Build

To deploy from a local build from your development environment:

cd cluster/charts/rook-ceph-cluster
helm install --create-namespace --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph-cluster -f values-override.yaml .

Uninstalling the Chart

To see the currently installed Rook chart:

helm ls --namespace rook-ceph

To uninstall/delete the rook-ceph-cluster chart:

helm delete --namespace rook-ceph rook-ceph-cluster

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release. Removing the cluster chart does not remove the Rook operator. In addition, all data on hosts in the Rook data directory (/var/lib/rook by default) and on OSD raw devices is kept. To reuse disks, you will have to wipe them before recreating the cluster.

See the teardown documentation for more information.