diff --git a/Documentation/ceph-cluster-crd.md b/Documentation/ceph-cluster-crd.md index f84e22294ef0..5d90356a0a84 100755 --- a/Documentation/ceph-cluster-crd.md +++ b/Documentation/ceph-cluster-crd.md @@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ For more details on the mons and when to choose a number other than `3`, see the * `onlyApplyOSDPlacement`: Whether the placement specific for OSDs is merged with the `all` placement. If `false`, the OSD placement will be merged with the `all` placement. If true, the `OSD placement will be applied` and the `all` placement will be ignored. The placement for OSDs is computed from several different places depending on the type of OSD: - For non-PVCs: `placement.all` and `placement.osd` - For PVCs: `placement.all` and inside the storageClassDeviceSet from the `placement` or `preparePlacement` +* `disruptionManagement`: The section for configuring management of daemon disruptions * `managePodBudgets`: if `true`, the operator will create and manage PodDisruptionBudgets for OSD, Mon, RGW, and MDS daemons. OSD PDBs are managed dynamically via the strategy outlined in the [design](https://github.com/rook/rook/blob/master/design/ceph/ceph-managed-disruptionbudgets.md). The operator will block eviction of OSDs by default and unblock them safely when drains are detected. * `osdMaintenanceTimeout`: is a duration in minutes that determines how long an entire failureDomain like `region/zone/host` will be held in `noout` (in addition to the default DOWN/OUT interval) when it is draining. This is only relevant when `managePodBudgets` is `true`. The default value is `30` minutes. * `manageMachineDisruptionBudgets`: if `true`, the operator will create and manage MachineDisruptionBudgets to ensure OSDs are only fenced when the cluster is healthy. Only available on OpenShift.