diff --git a/Documentation/ceph-rbd-mirror-crd.md b/Documentation/ceph-rbd-mirror-crd.md index 1820f6bb5353..cad6583b0c04 100644 --- a/Documentation/ceph-rbd-mirror-crd.md +++ b/Documentation/ceph-rbd-mirror-crd.md @@ -49,53 +49,5 @@ If any setting is unspecified, a suitable default will be used automatically. ### Configuring mirroring peers -On an external site you want to mirror with, you need to create a bootstrap peer token. -The token will be used by one site to **pull** images from the other site. -The following assumes the name of the pool is "test" and the site name "europe" (just like the region), so we will be pulling images from this site: - -```console -external-cluster-console # rbd mirror pool peer bootstrap create test --site-name europe -``` - -For more details, refer to the official rbd mirror documentation on [how to create a bootstrap peer](https://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rbd/rbd-mirroring/#bootstrap-peers). - -When the peer token is available, you need to create a Kubernetes Secret. -Our `europe-cluster-peer-pool-test-1` will have to be created manually, like so: - -```console -$ kubectl -n rook-ceph create secret generic "europe-cluster-peer-pool-test-1" \ ---from-literal=token=eyJmc2lkIjoiYzZiMDg3ZjItNzgyOS00ZGJiLWJjZmMtNTNkYzM0ZTBiMzVkIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoicmJkLW1pcnJvci1wZWVyIiwia2V5IjoiQVFBV1lsWmZVQ1Q2RGhBQVBtVnAwbGtubDA5YVZWS3lyRVV1NEE9PSIsIm1vbl9ob3N0IjoiW3YyOjE5Mi4xNjguMTExLjEwOjMzMDAsdjE6MTkyLjE2OC4xMTEuMTA6Njc4OV0sW3YyOjE5Mi4xNjguMTExLjEyOjMzMDAsdjE6MTkyLjE2OC4xMTEuMTI6Njc4OV0sW3YyOjE5Mi4xNjguMTExLjExOjMzMDAsdjE6MTkyLjE2OC4xMTEuMTE6Njc4OV0ifQ== \ ---from-literal=pool=test -``` - -Rook will read both `token` and `pool` keys of the Data content of the Secret. -Rook also accepts the `destination` key, which specifies the mirroring direction. -It defaults to rx-tx for bidirectional mirroring, but can also be set to rx-only for unidirectional mirroring. - -You can now inject the rbdmirror CR: - -```yaml -apiVersion: ceph.rook.io/v1 -kind: CephRBDMirror -metadata: - name: my-rbd-mirror - namespace: rook-ceph -spec: - count: 1 - peers: - secretNames: - - "europe-cluster-peer-pool-test-1" -``` - -You can add more pools, for this just repeat the above and change the "pool" value of the Kubernetes Secret. -So the list might eventually look like: - -```yaml - peers: - secretNames: - - "europe-cluster-peer-pool-test-1" - - "europe-cluster-peer-pool-test-2" - - "europe-cluster-peer-pool-test-3" -``` - -Along with three Kubernetes Secret. +Configure mirroring peers individually for each CephBlockPool. Refer to the +[CephBlockPool documentation](ceph-pool-crd.md#mirroring) for more detail.