diff --git a/Documentation/ceph-upgrade.md b/Documentation/ceph-upgrade.md index 176e34c0aa08..be39a37a4d04 100644 --- a/Documentation/ceph-upgrade.md +++ b/Documentation/ceph-upgrade.md @@ -340,6 +340,24 @@ When the operator is updated, it will proceed to update all of the Ceph daemons. kubectl -n $ROOK_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE set image deploy/rook-ceph-operator rook-ceph-operator=rook/ceph:v1.8.0 ``` +#### Admission controller +If you use the optional [Admission controller](admission-controller-usage.md), there are additional +updates during this step. The admission controller has been integrated inside the operator +instead of a separate deployment. This means that the webhook server certificates are now stored in +the operator, and the operator manifest must be updated to use the one provided in +`deploy/examples/operator.yaml`. If you are using Helm to manage the deployment, this is handled +automatically. + +When updating the operator deployment with the latest example from Rook, there is risk of +overwriting changes if you have customized the operator deployment or to the +`rook-ceph-operator-config` ConfigMap. We suggest that you remove the ConfigMap from `operator.yaml` +before moving on. Additionally, we encourage you to diff the current deployment and the latest one +to be sure any changes you may have made don't get overwritten. Required changes include the +`webhook-cert` volume/mount and `https-webhook` port, though there are some smaller changes as well. + +Once you are sure any custom modifications to your operator deployment won't be overwritten, apply +the new `operator.yaml` with `kubectl apply -f deploy/examples/operator.yaml`. + ### **4. Wait for the upgrade to complete** Watch now in amazement as the Ceph mons, mgrs, OSDs, rbd-mirrors, MDSes and RGWs are terminated and