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Index management queries

Lists tables that have a clustered index on a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER column. If so, this is bad. Look for table fragmentation, INSERT's bad performances, etc. Check at least that the default value is set to NEWSEQUENTIALID().

Lists indexes on a specific table, with simple usage statistics, like # of seeks and scans, fragmentation and index size.

Retrieves operational stats on indexes. Operational stats are physical access statistics accumulated since last instance restart, to see hone many time the index was modified, how many page allocations occured at different levels of the index, etc.

You can choose a specific table name, or get the stats for all indexes in the database.

Retrieves physical stats on indexes. Mainly used to check index fragmentation.

Run this to see index usage information for all tables or a specific table.

Tips :

  • uncomment the last column at the end of then query to generate REBUILD code to compress your indexes with ROW compression.

Lists missing indexes spotted by the optimizer, in the current database.