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Releases: rustwasm/wasm-pack

πŸ’« 0.3.0

31 May 13:18
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✨ Features

  • Logging - mgattozzi, pull/134

    Up until now, we've forced folks to rely on emoji-jammed console output to debug
    errors. While emojis are fun, this is often not the most pleasant experience. Now
    we'll generate a wasm-pack.log file if wasm-pack errors on you, and you can
    customize the log verbosity using the (previously unimplemented) verbosity flag.

  • --target flag - djfarly, pull/132

    wasm-bindgen-cli is able to generate a JS module wrapper for generated wasm files
    for both ES6 modules and CommonJS. Up until now, we only used wasm-bindgen's default
    behavior, ES6 modules. You can now pass a --target flag with either nodejs or
    browser to generate the type of module you want to use. Defaults to browser if not

  • human readable panics - yoshuawuyts, pull/118

    Panics aren't always the most friendly situation ever. While we never want to panic on ya,
    if we do- we'll do it in a way that's a little more readable now.

  • typescript support by default - kwonoj, pull/109

    wasm-bindgen now generates typescript type files by default. To suppress generating
    the type file you can pass the --no-typescript flag. The type file is useful for more
    than just typescript folks- many IDEs use it for completion!

  • wrap npm login command - djfarly, pull/100

    In order to publish a package to npm, you need to be logged in. You can now use
    wasm-pack login to login to the npm (or any other) registry.

  • exit early on failure - mgattozzi, pull/90

    Until now, wasm-pack would continue to run tasks, even if a task failed. Now- if something
    fails, we'll exit so you don't have to wait to fix the error.

πŸ€• Fixes

  • force install wasm-bindgen - ashleygwilliams, pull/133

    Using an out of date version of wasm-bindgen can run you into a bunch of trouble. This
    very small change should fix the large number of bug reports we received from users using
    an out of date wasm-bindgen-cli by force installing wasm-bindgen-cli to ensure the user
    always has the latest version. We don't expect this to be a forever solution (it's a bit
    slow!) but it should help those who are getting started have a less rough time.

  • fix CI release builds - ashleygwilliams, pull/135

    This was not working! But now it is! You can always use cargo install to install
    wasm-pack, but now you can find pre-built Linux and Mac binaries in the Releases
    tab of our GitHub repo.

πŸ› οΈ Maintenance

  • remove quicli dependency - mgattozzi, pull/131

    While quicli is a great way to get started writing a CLI app in Rust- it's not meant for
    large, mature applications. Now that wasm-pack is bigger and has many active users, we've
    removed this dependency to unblock further development on the tool.

  • update rustfmt CI test - djfarly, pull/128

    Since 0.2.0 how one should call rustfmt changed! We've kept it up to date so we can continue
    to maintain conventional style in the codebase.

  • custom module for errors - mgattozzi, pull/120

    Thanks to the failure crate, we've been playing fast and loose with errors for a bit. We're
    finally getting serious about error handling - by organizing all of our specific errors in a
    specific module. This will make it easier to communicate these errors out and handle new error
    cases from future features.

πŸ“– Documentation

Special thanks to data-pup who continues to be our documentation champion! In case you missed it,
check out the guides in the docs directory!!

🌌 v0.2.0

27 Apr 02:30
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This release focuses on filling out all commands and improving stderr/out
handling for improved user experience!

✨ Features

  • pack and publish - jamiebuilds, pull/67
    You can now run wasm-pack pack to generate a tarball of your generated package,
    as well as run wasm-pack publish to publish your package to the npm registry.
    Both commands require that you have npm installed, and the publish command requires
    that you be logged in to the npm client. We're working on wrapping the npm login
    command so that you can also login directly from wasm-pack, see pull/100 for more
  • package.json is pretty printed now - yoshuawuyts, pull/70

    Previously, package.json was not very human readable. Now it is pretty printed!

  • collaborators - yoshuawuyts, pull/70

    wasm-pack now will fill out the collaborators field in your package.json for
    you based on your Cargo.toml authors data. For more discussion on how we decided
    on this v.s. other types of author fields in package.json, see issues/2.

πŸ€• Fixes

πŸ› οΈ Maintenance and πŸ“– Documentation

Thanks so much to mgattozzi, data-pup, sendilkumarn, Andy-Bell,
steveklabnik, jasondavies, and edsrzf for all the awesome refactoring,
documentation, typo-fixing, and testing work. We appreciate it so much!

πŸ’₯ v0.1.0

27 Apr 02:29
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First release