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refactor(portable-text-editor): remove unused code
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skogsmaskin committed Aug 17, 2022
1 parent 9f0f4c2 commit f7adfec
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 347 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -248,350 +248,3 @@ export function createWithPatches(

// function adjustSelection(
// editor: Editor,
// patch: Patch,
// previousChildren: (Node | Partial<Node>)[],
// previousSelection: Range | null,
// portableTextFeatures: PortableTextFeatures
// ): Range | undefined {
// const selection = editor.selection
// if (selection === null) {
// debug('No selection, not adjusting selection')
// return undefined
// }
// let newSelection = selection
// // Text patches on same line
// if (patch.type === 'diffMatchPatch') {
// const [block, blockIndex] = findBlockAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[0], editor.children)
// const [, childIndex] = block ? findChildAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[2], block) : [undefined, -1]
// const onSameBlock =
// selection.focus.path[0] === blockIndex && selection.focus.path[1] === childIndex

// if (onSameBlock) {
// const parsed = dmp.patch_fromText(patch.value)[0]
// if (parsed) {
// let testString = ''
// for (const diff of parsed.diffs) {
// // eslint-disable-next-line max-depth
// if (diff[0] === 0) {
// testString += diff[1]
// } else {
// break
// }
// }
// // This thing is exotic but actually works!
// const isBeforeUserSelection =
// parsed.start1 !== null &&
// parsed.start1 + testString.length <= selection.focus.offset &&
// parsed.start1 + testString.length <= selection.anchor.offset

// const distance = parsed.length2 - parsed.length1

// if (isBeforeUserSelection) {
// debug('Adjusting selection for diffMatchPatch on same line')
// // debug(
// // `Adjusting selection for diffMatchPatch on same line ${JSON.stringify({
// // parsed,
// // distance,
// // isBeforeUserSelection,
// // isRemove: parsed.diffs.some(diff => diff[0] === -1),
// // testString
// // })}`
// // )
// newSelection = {...selection}
// newSelection.focus = {...selection.focus}
// newSelection.anchor = {...selection.anchor}
// newSelection.anchor.offset += distance
// newSelection.focus.offset += distance
// }
// // TODO: account for intersecting selections!
// }
// }
// }

// // Unset patches on children within a block
// if (patch.type === 'unset' && patch.path.length === 3) {
// const [oldBlock, oldBlockIndex] = findBlockAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[0], previousChildren)
// const [, childIndex] = oldBlock
// ? findChildAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[2], oldBlock)
// : [undefined, -1]
// if (
// oldBlock &&
// selection.focus.path[0] === oldBlockIndex &&
// selection.focus.path[1] >= childIndex &&
// childIndex > -1
// ) {
// const prevIndexOrLastIndex =
// childIndex === -1 || oldBlock.children.length === 1
// ? oldBlock.children.length - 1
// : childIndex
// const prevOrLastChild = oldBlock.children[prevIndexOrLastIndex]
// const prevText = (SlateText.isText(prevOrLastChild) && prevOrLastChild.text) || ''
// newSelection = {...selection}
// const beforePrevOrLast = oldBlock.children[Math.max(0, prevIndexOrLastIndex - 1)]
// const textBeforePrevOrLast = SlateText.isText(beforePrevOrLast) ? beforePrevOrLast.text : ''
// const textBefore = SlateText.isText(beforePrevOrLast) ? beforePrevOrLast.text : ''
// if (
// Path.isAfter(selection.anchor.path, [oldBlockIndex, prevIndexOrLastIndex]) ||
// Path.endsAt(selection.anchor.path, [oldBlockIndex, prevIndexOrLastIndex])
// ) {
// newSelection.anchor = {...selection.anchor}
// newSelection.anchor.path = [
// newSelection.anchor.path[0],
// Math.max(0, prevIndexOrLastIndex - 1),
// ]
// newSelection.anchor.offset = textBefore.length + textBeforePrevOrLast.length
// }
// if (
// Path.isAfter(selection.focus.path, [oldBlockIndex, prevIndexOrLastIndex]) ||
// Path.endsAt(selection.focus.path, [oldBlockIndex, prevIndexOrLastIndex])
// ) {
// newSelection.focus = {...selection.focus}
// newSelection.focus.path = [
// newSelection.focus.path[0],
// Math.max(0, prevIndexOrLastIndex - 1),
// ]
// newSelection.focus.offset = textBefore.length + textBeforePrevOrLast.length
// }
// if (Path.isAfter(selection.anchor.path, [oldBlockIndex, prevIndexOrLastIndex])) {
// newSelection.anchor = {...selection.anchor}
// newSelection.anchor.path = [oldBlockIndex, prevIndexOrLastIndex]
// newSelection.anchor.offset = selection.anchor.offset + prevText.length
// }
// if (Path.isAfter(selection.focus.path, [oldBlockIndex, prevIndexOrLastIndex])) {
// newSelection.focus = {...selection.focus}
// newSelection.focus.path = [oldBlockIndex, prevIndexOrLastIndex]
// newSelection.focus.offset = selection.focus.offset + prevText.length
// }
// if (!isEqual(newSelection, selection)) {
// debug('adjusting selection for unset block child')
// }
// }
// }

// // // Unset patches on block level
// // if (patch.type === 'unset' && patch.path.length === 1) {
// // const blkAndIdx = findBlockAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[0], previousChildren)

// // let [, blockIndex] = blkAndIdx
// // const [block] = blkAndIdx
// // const [aboveBlock] = blockIndex
// // ? findBlockAndIndexFromPath(blockIndex - 1, previousChildren)
// // : []

// // // Deal with editing being done above the removed block
// // if (
// // block &&
// // blockIndex !== undefined &&
// // previousSelection &&
// // !Path.isAfter(selection.anchor.path, [blockIndex]) &&
// // !Path.isAfter(selection.focus.path, [blockIndex])
// // ) {
// // newSelection = {...previousSelection}
// // newSelection.anchor = {...previousSelection.anchor}
// // newSelection.anchor.path = [
// // Math.max(0, previousSelection.anchor.path[0] - 1),
// // ...previousSelection.anchor.path.slice(1),
// // ]
// // newSelection.focus = {...previousSelection.focus}
// // newSelection.focus.path = [
// // Math.max(0, previousSelection.focus.path[0] - 1),
// // ...previousSelection.focus.path.slice(1),
// // ]
// // }

// // // Deal with editing being done below or on the removed block
// // if (
// // block &&
// // blockIndex !== undefined &&
// // !Path.isBefore(selection.anchor.path, [blockIndex]) &&
// // !Path.isBefore(selection.focus.path, [blockIndex])
// // ) {
// // debug('block', JSON.stringify(block, null, 2))
// // debug('blockIndex', blockIndex)
// // const isTextBlock = aboveBlock && aboveBlock._type ===
// // const addToOffset =
// // isTextBlock &&
// // isEqual(selection.anchor.path[0], blockIndex) &&
// // isEqual(selection.focus.path[0], blockIndex)
// // ? aboveBlock.children
// // .map(
// // (child) =>
// // SlateText.isText(child) &&
// // child._type === &&
// // child.text
// // )
// // .filter(Boolean)
// // .join('').length
// // : 0

// // if (selection.anchor.path[0] === blockIndex && selection.focus.path[0] === blockIndex) {
// // blockIndex = Math.max(0, selection.focus.path[0] - 1)
// // }
// // if (Path.isAfter(selection.anchor.path, [blockIndex])) {
// // newSelection = {...selection}
// // newSelection.anchor = {...newSelection.anchor}
// // newSelection.anchor.path = [
// // Math.max(0, newSelection.anchor.path[0] - 1),
// // ...newSelection.anchor.path.slice(1),
// // ]
// // newSelection.anchor.offset = selection.anchor.offset + addToOffset
// // }
// // if (Path.isAfter(selection.focus.path, [blockIndex])) {
// // newSelection = {...(newSelection || selection)}
// // newSelection.focus = {...newSelection.focus}
// // newSelection.focus.path = [
// // Math.max(0, newSelection.focus.path[0] - 1),
// // ...newSelection.focus.path.slice(1),
// // ]
// // newSelection.focus.offset = selection.focus.offset + addToOffset
// // }
// // }
// // if (!isEqual(newSelection, selection)) {
// // debug('adjusting selection for unset block')
// // }
// // }

// // Unset patches on block level
// if (patch.type === 'unset' && patch.path.length === 1) {
// const [block, blockIndex] = findBlockAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[0], previousChildren)
// debug('block/index', JSON.stringify(block, null, 2), blockIndex)
// if (block && typeof blockIndex !== 'undefined') {
// newSelection = {...selection}
// if (Path.isAfter(selection.anchor.path, [blockIndex])) {
// newSelection.anchor = {...selection.anchor}
// newSelection.anchor.path = [
// newSelection.anchor.path[0] - 1,
// ...newSelection.anchor.path.slice(1),
// ]
// }
// if (Path.isAfter(selection.focus.path, [blockIndex])) {
// newSelection.focus = {...selection.focus}
// newSelection.focus.path = [
// newSelection.focus.path[0] - 1,
// ...newSelection.focus.path.slice(1),
// ]
// }
// }
// if (!isEqual(newSelection, selection)) {
// debug('adjusting selection for unset block')
// }
// }

// // Unset patches on child level
// if (patch.type === 'unset' && patch.path.length > 2) {
// const blkAndIdx = findBlockAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[0], previousChildren)
// const [, blockIndex] = blkAndIdx
// const [block] = blkAndIdx
// const isTextBlock = block && block._type ===
// const first = patch.path[0]

// const offset =
// isTextBlock &&
// previousSelection &&
// isKeySegment(first) &&
// first._key === block._key &&
// previousSelection?.anchor.path[0] === blockIndex &&
// previousSelection?.focus.path[0] === blockIndex
// ? block.children
// .map(
// (child, index) =>
// previousSelection &&
// index < previousSelection.focus.path[1] &&
// index < previousSelection.anchor.path[1] &&
// SlateText.isText(child) &&
// child._type === &&
// child.text
// )
// .filter(Boolean)
// .join('').length
// : 0
// if (offset && previousSelection) {
// newSelection = {...selection}
// newSelection.anchor = {...newSelection.anchor}
// newSelection.focus = {...newSelection.focus}
// newSelection.anchor.offset = offset + previousSelection.anchor.offset
// newSelection.focus.offset = offset + previousSelection.focus.offset
// }
// if (!isEqual(newSelection, selection)) {
// debug('adjusting selection for unset block child')
// }
// }

// // Insert patches on block level
// if (patch.type === 'insert' && patch.path.length === 1) {
// const [block, blockIndex] = findBlockAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[0], editor.children)
// if (block && typeof blockIndex !== 'undefined') {
// newSelection = {...selection}
// if (Path.isAfter(selection.anchor.path, [blockIndex])) {
// newSelection.anchor = {...selection.anchor}
// newSelection.anchor.path = [
// newSelection.anchor.path[0] + patch.items.length,
// ...newSelection.anchor.path.slice(1),
// ]
// }
// if (Path.isAfter(selection.focus.path, [blockIndex])) {
// newSelection.focus = {...selection.focus}
// newSelection.focus.path = [
// newSelection.focus.path[0] + patch.items.length,
// ...newSelection.focus.path.slice(1),
// ]
// }
// }
// if (!isEqual(newSelection, selection)) {
// debug('adjusting selection for insert block')
// }
// }

// // Insert patches on block children level
// if (patch.type === 'insert' && patch.path.length === 3) {
// const [block, blockIndex] = findBlockAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[0], editor.children)
// const [, childIndex] = block ? findChildAndIndexFromPath(patch.path[2], block) : [undefined, -1]
// if (selection.focus.path[0] === blockIndex && selection.focus.path[1] === childIndex) {
// const nextIndex = childIndex + patch.items.length
// const iBlock = editor.children[blockIndex]
// const blockChildren = SlateElement.isElement(iBlock) && (iBlock.children as Node[])
// const nextBlock = editor.children[blockIndex + 1]
// const item = patch.items[0] as PortableTextBlock
// const nextChild = blockChildren && blockChildren[nextIndex]
// const isSplitOperation =
// !nextChild &&
// Editor.isBlock(editor, nextBlock) &&
// nextBlock.children &&
// nextBlock.children[0] &&
// typeof nextBlock.children[0]._key === 'string' &&
// isEqual(nextBlock.children[0]._key, item._key)
// const [node] = Editor.node(editor, selection)
// const nodeText = SlateText.isText(node) && node.text
// if (nodeText && selection.focus.offset >= nodeText.length) {
// if (!isSplitOperation) {
// newSelection = {...selection}
// newSelection.focus = {...selection.focus}
// newSelection.anchor = {...selection.anchor}
// newSelection.anchor.path =
// newSelection.anchor.offset = nodeText.length - newSelection.anchor.offset
// newSelection.focus.path =
// newSelection.focus.offset = nodeText.length - newSelection.focus.offset
// editor.selection = newSelection
// } else if (selection.focus.offset >= nodeText.length) {
// debug('adjusting selection for split node')
// newSelection = {...selection}
// newSelection.focus = {...selection.focus}
// newSelection.anchor = {...selection.anchor}
// newSelection.anchor.path = [blockIndex + 1, 0]
// newSelection.anchor.offset = selection.anchor.offset - nodeText.length || 0
// newSelection.focus.path = [blockIndex + 1, 0]
// newSelection.focus.offset = selection.focus.offset - nodeText.length || 0
// }
// }
// }
// }
// if (isEqual(newSelection, editor.selection)) {
// debug('Selection is the same, not adjusting', JSON.stringify(editor.selection))
// return undefined
// }
// debug('Selection is different, adjusting', JSON.stringify(newSelection))
// return newSelection
// }

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