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Flaschen Taschen Clients

Programs to send content to the FlaschenTaschen server. The server implements multiple protocols so that it is easy to use various means to connect to FlaschenTaschen; see toplevel directory

This directory provides:

  • send-text binary, that prints a static or scrolling text.
  • send-image binary, that reads an arbitrary image (including animated *.gifs), scales it and sends to FlaschenTaschen.
  • send-video binary, that reads an arbitrary video, scales it and sends to FlaschenTaschen.
  • A and code example.

Network destination

The clients connect to the display over the network. The default hostname is pointing to the installation within Noisebridge (currently ft.noise).

You can change that with commandline flags (e.g. send-text, send-image, and send-video all have a -h <host> option) or via the environment variable FT_DISPLAY.

So if you are working with a particular instance of FlaschenTaschen (e.g. a local terminal), just set the environment variable for ease of playing.

export FT_DISPLAY=localhost





usage: ./send-text [options] <TEXT>
        -g <width>x<height>[+<off_x>+<off_y>[+<layer>]] : Output geometry. Default 45x<font-height>+0+0+1
        -l <layer>      : Layer 0..15. Default 1 (note if also given in -g, then last counts)
        -h <host>       : Flaschen-Taschen display hostname.
        -f <fontfile>   : Path to *.bdf font file
        -s<ms>          : Scroll milliseconds per pixel (default 60). 0 for no-scroll.
        -o              : Only run once, don't scroll forever.
        -c<RRGGBB>      : Text color as hex (default: FFFFFF)
        -b<RRGGBB>      : Background color as hex (default: 000000)
        -v              : Scroll text vertically 


./send-text -f fonts/6x10.bdf "We ♥ Flaschen Taschen"

# Or coordinated horizontal and vertical messages
./send-text -h localhost "♥Flaschen" -f fonts/5x5.bdf -s 60 -g 45x35+0+15+3 & ./send-text -h localhost "Taschen " -f fonts/5x5.bdf  -v  -s 60 -g 45x35+20+0+2 && fg

# Or, how about showing the time
while : ; do sleep 1 ; ./send-text -f fonts/9x18.bdf -s0 `date +%H:%M` ; done

Text has a default layer of 1, so it is hovering above the background image. If you don't want that, you can explicitly set it as last value in the geometry specification.



# Need some devel libs
sudo apt-get install libgraphicsmagick++-dev libwebp-dev
make send-image


usage: ./send-image [options] <image>
        -g <width>x<height>[+<off_x>+<off_y>[+<layer>]] : Output geometry. Default 20x20+0+0+0
        -l <layer>      : Layer 0..15. Default 0 (note if also given in -g, then last counts)
        -h <host>       : Flaschen-Taschen display hostname.
        -s[<ms>]        : Scroll horizontally (optionally: delay ms; default 60).
        -C              : Just clear given area and exit.

Essentially just send the FlaschenTaschen display an image over the network:

./send-image -g10x20+15+7 some-image.png

Image will be scaled to the given size (here 10x20) and shown on the FlaschenTaschen display at the given offset (here 15 pixels x-offset, 7 pixels y-offset).

The program exits as soon as the image is sent unless it is an animated gif in which case send-image keeps streaming until interrupted with Ctrl-C.

If you want to scroll a long image accross the display, use the -s option. In this case, only the height is scaled to the display height and the image is scrolled infinitely over width.

Let's try this with an example image:

./send-image -s ../img/flaschen-taschen-black.ppm



# Need some devel libs
sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev
make send-video


usage: ./send-video [options] <video>
        -g <width>x<height>[+<off_x>+<off_y>[+<layer>]] : Output geometry. Default 20x20+0+0
        -h <host>          : Flaschen-Taschen display hostname.
        -l <layer>         : Layer 0..15. Default 0 (note if also given in -g, then last counts)
        -v                 : verbose.

Example Code

Coding content for FlaschenTaschen is trivial as you just need to send it UDP packets with the content. Any language of your choice that supports networking will do.

For C++, there is a simple implementation of such a 'client display', the helps to get started.

#include "udp-flaschen-taschen.h"

#define DISPLAY_WIDTH  20

int main() {
    // Open socket and create our canvas.
    const int socket = OpenFlaschenTaschenSocket("ft.noise");
    UDPFlaschenTaschen canvas(socket, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT);

    const Color red(255, 0, 0);
    canvas.SetPixel(0, 0, red);              // Sample with color variable.
    canvas.SetPixel(5, 5, Color(0, 0, 255)); // or just use inline (here: blue).

    canvas.Send();                           // Send the framebuffer.

Next step, try a