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1700 lines (982 loc) · 60.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1700 lines (982 loc) · 60.1 KB



Patch Changes

  • Remove node-emoji dependency (#902)


Patch Changes

  • Asynchronously import node-emoji to fix ESM require issue (#900)


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

  • Update eslint-config-seek to version 12, which includes the major bump to ESLint 7 and typescript-eslint 6. (#892) You can view the specific changes over in eslint-config-seek.

    The majority of changes should automatically fix when running sku format.


Minor Changes

  • Enable caching for ESLint and Prettier (#881)

  • Add --packageManager flag (#884)

    Sku detects package managers in the following order: yarn -> pnpm -> npm. The --packageManager flag can be used to override the package manager used for the sku init script. This affects what package manager is used to install dependencies, as well as the scripts present in the initialized app template.

    $ pnpm dlx sku init --packageManager pnpm my-app
  • Adds support for Storybook configuration via the .storybook directory (#878)

    sku now supports the standard .storybook configuration directory, as documented in Storybook's configuration documentation. Please read sku's storybook documentation for more info.

  • Drop support for running devServerMiddleware alongside sku storybook (#878)

    Now that sku supports Storybook configuration via the .storybook directory, this feature is unnecessary. Storybook middleware can be configured by creating a middleware.js file in the .storybook directory. See the sku docs for more info.

    NOTE: While this is technically a breaking change, it does not affect app builds, therefore it has been downgraded to a minor release.

  • Update TypeScript to 5.2 (#886)

    This release includes breaking changes. See the TypeScript 5.2 announcement for more information.

Patch Changes

  • Fixes a bug where sku would fail to suggest existing package.json scripts before suggesting its own commands (#876)

  • Remove lodash dependency (#883)

  • Propagate --config argument to Storybook process (#879)

    Fixes a bug where sku storybook and sku build-storybook would not honour a custom sku config specified via the --config flag

  • Fixes a bug where pnpm was not detected correctly when detecting compile packages (#876)

  • Bump @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin and webpack-dev-server dependencies. Remove unused dependencies. (#885)

  • Adds support for pnpm when suggesting commands (#876)

  • Disable Storybook telemetry (#878)


Patch Changes

  • Revert storybook config to CJS (#873)

    Fixes a bug where newer storybook versions (>=7.1.0) could not load sku's storybook config


Patch Changes

  • Fixes a bug where .cjs and .mjs files where not being transformed by babel in jest tests (#868)


Patch Changes

  • Remove external CSS imports when running Jest (#865)


Minor Changes

  • Allow importing external CSS from node_modules. (#861)

    CSS from third-party dependencies can be loaded using a side-effect import, e.g.

    import { SomeComponent } from 'some-package';
    import 'some-package/dist/styles.css';
    export const MyComponent = () => {
      return <SomeComponent>{/* ... */}</SomeComponent>;


Minor Changes

  • Export internal Jest configuration as a preset under sku/config/jest. This allows consumers to debug tests in their IDE by specifying the preset in their jest.config.js: (#850)

    /** @type {import('jest').Config} */
    module.exports = {
      preset: 'sku/config/jest',
  • srcPaths no longer affects tsconfig.json#include. Instead, you can use the dangerouslySetTSConfig option to have more control over which files are included in the type checking process. (#848)

    Previously, sku managed the include field in tsconfig.json, but this was problematic for projects that wanted more fine grained control over what was included and/or excluded from compilation.

    Note: If you were previously using srcPaths for this purpose, you should remove the paths which are not source files.

  • Update tsconfig.json options to match the latest version of the TypeScript compiler. (#844)

Patch Changes

  • Upgrade to TypeScript 5.1 (#844)

  • Update dependency eslint-config-seek. (#844)

    This reverts the autofix for a Cypress rule and improves the performance of linting TypeScript files.

  • The presence of a sku.config.js file previously had an effect on what was included in the tsconfig.json#include array. With the removal of the default include array, this is no longer the case and you might see a TypeScript error like this: (#848)

    error TS18003: No inputs were found in config file '/path/to/project/tsconfig.json'. Specified 'include' paths were '["**/*"]' and 'exclude' paths were '[]'.

    If your project contains only JavaScript files and you see the above error, you should rename sku.config.js to sku.config.ts and the error will go away.


Patch Changes

  • Don't use .git folder to find root, only glob PNPM virtual store if PNPM is detected as the package manager (#845)


Patch Changes

  • Improve compile package detection in PNPM apps (#840)

  • Makes some more of the array types in the sku config type into readonly versions. (#843) This allows for arrays that have been declared with as const to be passed in.

    Affected fields are sites, sites[].routes, site[].languages, routes, and routes[].languages.


Minor Changes

  • Remove babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node dependency (#835)

    This plugin was used to transform dynamic imports into deferred requires within jest tests. However, dynamic imports are well supported in Node, so this plugin is no longer required.

Patch Changes

  • Surface unhandled ESLint errors (#838)

  • Update less-loader and node-emoji dependencies (#835)


Patch Changes

  • Fix sku init on Windows (#833)


Patch Changes

  • Bump eslint-config-seek to 11.2.0 (#830)


Patch Changes

  • Fix ESLint warning and error reporting (#826)


Patch Changes

  • Ensure sku pre-commit lints the same files as sku lint (#821)


Patch Changes

  • Check that paths exist before looking for *.less files in them (#817)


Major Changes

  • Drop support for styling with treat. Please migrate styles to Vanilla Extract. (#809)

  • Remove workaround for classnames package issue (#803)

    A workaround for a bug in the classnames package has been removed now that the bug has been fixed.

    Please evaluate whether you need to use classnames library in your app. Prefer using Braid's Box component, which supports the full clsx API, instead. If you need to construct class name strings for components other than Box, prefer the clsx package over the classnames package.

  • sku init no longer installs and configures husky for you (#804)


    sku init no longer adds husky as a dependecy nor does it configure husky for you out of the box. For instructions on how to set up husky to use sku's pre-commit hook, see the docs.

  • Support Storybook v7 (#810)

    sku now supports Storybook v7. Please read the Storybook migration guide for a high-level overview of what has changed. For a more detailed list of changes, take a look at the full migration notes. NOTE: Since sku installs and configures Storybook for you, a lot of the changes will not be relevant to users.


    As of Storybook v7, stories that use the storiesOf API will not work by default. The storiesOf API is deprecated and will be removed in Storybook v8, so it is highly encouraged to migrate your stories to the Component Story Format (CSF).

    Migration can be done automatically via the migration tools provided by Storybook:

    npx storybook@7 migrate storiesof-to-csf --glob="src/**/*.stories.tsx"

    After doing this migration, your stories may need some manual cleanup to function correctly, such as adding a default metadata export.

    When your stories are working, you can also optionally migrate to the newer CSF 3:

    npx storybook@7 migrate csf-2-to-3 --glob="src/**/*.stories.tsx"

    If you cannot migrate your stories to CSF, or you need to dynamically generate stories with storiesOf (see this issue for more info on the future of the storiesOf API), you can set the storybookStoryStore flag to false in your sku config:

    import { type SkuConfig } from 'sku';
    export default {
      storybookStoryStore: false,
    } satisfies SkuConfig;
  • Drop support for seek-style-guide (#803)


    seek-style-guide is no longer supported by sku. Flow support was already removed from sku in v11, so any seek-style-guide components that use flow currently don't work with sku. However, there were remnants of seek-style-guide still present in sku's codebase. Specifically, import optimization and component mocking. These features have now been removed. Please migrate to braid-design-system.

  • Require Node.js 18.12+ (#805)


    Node 14 has already reached end of life as of April 2023, and Node.js 16 had its end of life date brought forward to September 2023, so in the interest of preventing another breaking change in 4 months time, we're pre-emptively dropping support for Node.js 16 in addition to Node.js 14. We've chosen to support Node.js versions from v18.12 onwards as this version was the first Node.js 18 LTS release.

    Consider upgrading the Node.js version for your project across:

    • .nvmrc
    • package.json#/engines/node
    • @types/node package version
    • CI/CD configuration (.buildkite/pipeline.yml, Dockerfile, etc.)

Minor Changes

  • Re-export all of @storybook/react (#810)

    Previously, only specific APIs were re-exported under sku/@storybook/react. All APIs are now re-exported.

  • Upgrade to TypeScript 5.0 (#813)

    This major release includes breaking changes. See the TypeScript 5.0 announcement for more information.


Minor Changes

  • Upgrade ESLint to v8 (#814)


Patch Changes

  • Allow Webpack to interpret all .mjs files as modules, not just those from node_modules (#811)

    This fixes an error with compiled Vocab translation files because Webpack would not parse require.resolveWeak in .mjs files.

  • Bump Prettier to ensure parity with TypeScript and ESLint rules (#808)

  • Add warning banner about .less files (#802)


Minor Changes

  • Add support for Storybook's preview.js file and re-export the DecoratorFn type from @storybook/react (#792)

    sku now supports global customization of story rendering via a .storybook/preview.(js|ts|tsx) file.


    import 'braid-design-system/reset';
    import apac from 'braid-design-system/themes/apac';
    import { BraidProvider } from 'braid-design-system';
    import React from 'react';
    import type { DecoratorFn } from 'sku/@storybook/react';
    // This will wrap every story in a BraidProvider
    export const decorators: DecoratorFn = [
      (Story) => (
        <BraidProvider theme={apac}>
          <Story />

    See the Storybook docs for more info.


Patch Changes

  • Don't run postinstall script if a project isn't using sku (#794)


Patch Changes

  • Check only directories for Storybook stories (#797)


Minor Changes

  • Start sku dev server middleware when running storybook (#787)

    When running sku storybook, if you have configured devServerMiddleware in your sku config, that middleware will now be passed through to storybook and injected into its own middleware stack.


Patch Changes

  • Lint all extensions supported by the ESLint config (#784)


Minor Changes

  • Update Vocab libraries (#781)

    The @vocab/types package has been absorbed into the @vocab/core package and the generated translation file will import types from the @vocab/core package instead.

    @vocab/webpack/loader has been updated to work with more file types (.js, .cjs, .mjs)

  • Update to eslint-config-seek v11.0.0. (#779)

    This version of the ESLint config adds additional rules enforcing consistent type imports/exports, as explained in this article.

    Any reported errors can be auto-fixed with sku format.


Patch Changes

  • Fix a bug that could occur when running sku build or sku build-ssr that caused the copying of assets from the public folder to the target folder to fail (#776)


Patch Changes

  • Fix a bug where a function that didn't exist was being called (#774)


Minor Changes

  • Re-export Meta and StoryObj types from @storybook/react (#773)

    The Meta and StoryObj types are now re-exported under sku/@storybook/react.

    These types are useful for typing CSF 3 stories which are the new recommended way of writing stories.


    import type { Meta } from 'sku/@storybook/react';
    import { MyComponent } from './MyComponent';
    const meta: Meta<typeof MyComponent> = {
      title: 'Path/To/MyComponent',
      component: MyComponent,
    export default meta;
    type Story = StoryObj<typeof MyComponent>;
    export const Basic: Story = {};
    export const WithProp: Story = {
      render: () => <MyComponent prop="value" />,

Patch Changes

  • Remove dependency on fs-extra (#770)

  • Update dependencies (#768)


Patch Changes

  • start-ssr: Enable devServerMiddleware to serve static assets (#765)

    Apply devServerMiddleware before sku static asset middleware, to support consumers serving custom static assets.


Patch Changes

  • Re-add @types/jest as a dependency (#757)


Minor Changes

  • Add libraryFile configuration option (#755)

    This option allows the file name of the library to be specified in the sku configuration. If this option is not specified then the libraryName option will be used for this purpose instead (note that this is the previously existing behaviour).


    // sku.config.ts
    import type { SkuConfig } from 'sku';
    const skuConfig: SkuConfig = {
      libraryEntry: 'src/library.js',
      renderEntry: 'src/render.js',
      libraryName: 'MyAwesomeLibrary',
      libraryFile: 'my-awesome-library',
    export default skuConfig;


Patch Changes

  • Fix a bug that broke root resolution within .css.ts files during tests (#741)


Patch Changes

  • Update dependencies (#724)


Minor Changes

  • Add package.json configuration flags that enable you to skip sku configuration and peer dep validation (#727)

    NOTE: These settings disable critical functionality of sku, so you likely don't want to use them unless you know what you're doing

    • skuSkipConfigure: Skip generation of config files. E.g. .prettierrc, tsconfig.json, etc.
    • skuSkipValidatePeerDeps: Skip checking for multiple copies of the same package. You likely want to try and fix the warnings found by this check rather than disabling it.


    // package.json
      "skuSkipConfigure": true,
      "skuSkipValidatePeerDeps": true


Patch Changes

  • deps: @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin@0.5.8 (#716)

  • Update to eslint-config-seek v10.1.1. Read the following release notes for all the changes: (#718)

    • v10.1.0 brings improved TypeScript support
    • v10.1.1 re-enables the no-undef rule for JavaScript files


Patch Changes

  • Fix transpilation of typescript-specific class keywords (#714)


Minor Changes

  • Update to eslint-config-seek v10 (#709)

    This update involves a few major version jumps, so be sure to read the following release notes for all the breaking changes:

    You should be able to automatically fix most lint warnings/errors by running yarn sku format.

  • Upgrade from jest v27 to v29 (#709)

    Please take a look at the following upgrade guides as there may be breaking changes that affect your tests:

    Likely the most significant change is the new default snapshot format:

    - Expected: \\"a\\"
    + Expected: "a"
    - Object {
    -   Array []
    - }
    + {
    +   []
    + }

    This may require you to update your snapshots.

  • Drop support for Node v12 (#709)

    Sku now only supports Node v14.15 and above. Although sku itself does not depend on any Node v14 APIs, Node v12 is no longer officially supported, and many of sku's dependencies no longer support it either. Please ensure you are using a supported version of Node both locally (e.g. via a .nvmrc file) and in CI (check your Docker images).

  • Update typescript dependency (#709)

    Sku now has a typescript dependency of ^4.5.0. Previously the version was restricted due to a type issue with braid-design-system and typescript@4.5.0. Please take a look at the release notes for recent typescript versions as there may be breaking changes that need to be addressed.

Patch Changes

  • Close sku start dev server properly on SIGINT (#706)

  • Update deps (#706)


Minor Changes

  • Add optional delete-unused-keys flag to the translations push command (#702)

    If this flag is set, unused keys will be deleted from Phrase after translations are pushed.

    sku translations push --delete-unused-keys

Patch Changes

  • Display a better error message when no sku translations command is provided (#702)


Patch Changes

  • Roll back typescript version to one that doesn't break vanilla types (#698)


Patch Changes

  • Series of small fixes (#696)
    • Update the SkuConfig type to accept ReadonlyArrays, to allow for passing in of as const arrays.
    • Allowed TypeScript versions newer than 4.5. There were issues in 4.5 that broke vanilla-extract and braid, that have been fixed in 4.6.
    • Updated the lib of tsconfig to es2019, to allow access to all that flatMappy goodness.


Patch Changes

  • Update deps (#692)


Patch Changes

  • Allow : to be used in dynamic paths again. (#687)

    Previously, dynamic paths were declared using the standard :param syntax, but this had been deprecated in favour of $param.

    This has now been updated to allow for both. This should allow sku serve to work for projects using colon syntax.


Patch Changes

  • init: Refresh the next steps page (#688)

    Uplift the design (subjective) of the next steps page and add links to more useful content for fresh projects. Includes Vocab and slack channels for support and release announcements.

  • React 18 support (#688)


Minor Changes

  • The languages sku config value now accepts readonly types (#685)


Patch Changes

  • Exclude playroom from vanilla-extract pipeline (#682)

    TL;DR Only affects consumers using running Playroom along side sku — i.e. Braid.

    Due to the current pattern used for the virtual file paths of vanilla-extract's generated stylesheets, we are manually excluding Playroom’s vanilla-extract styles.

    In the future, we are planning to use more realistic virtual file paths, which should honour the default handling of include/exclude path matching and make this work around no longer necessary.


Patch Changes

  • Fix banner width in CI (#680)


Patch Changes

  • test: Run Jest using the CI flag when in CI environment (#678)

    Tests run in CI should fail if a new snapshot is written, this was not the case and needed to be opted into manually by passing the --ci flag to Jest.


Minor Changes

  • Any app that configures languages will automatically have the en-PSEUDO language generated for them. (#675) en-PSEUDO is a generated language created by pseudo-localizing existing en translation messages in your app. An explanation of the pseudo-localization process, as well as possible use cases for this language, can be found in the Vocab docs.

    en-PSEUDO can be consumed just like any other language in your app:

    const App = () => <VocabProvider language="en-PSEUDO">...</VocabProvider>;

    NB: Statically-rendered apps will not be able to render an en-PSEUDO version of their app at build time. If this is a use case that you would find useful, please reach out in #sku-support.


Patch Changes

  • Force upgrade @vocab/core to ^1.0.4 to fix a language hierarchy bug that can result in incorrect translation messages being used for a language. (#672)


Patch Changes

  • Support static rendering for routes using ':language' (#670)


Patch Changes

  • Add "extends" to languages type definition (#668)


Patch Changes

  • Fix missing import for resolve modules (#666)


Patch Changes

  • Ensure compile packages within nested node_modules are transformed in jest (#664)

  • Include @babel/runtime in render builds to ensure it is importable (#664)


Patch Changes

  • Prevents typescript from being upgraded to 4.5.x (#662)

    Typescript 4.5 has caused a lot of issues with packages included with sku (braid, vanilla-extract) that are caused by a regression that's been introduced in the type checker. It seems to be fixed in 4.6.0-dev, but that won't be available until late February.

    To prevent things blowing up in the meantime, the version of typescript has been update to keep it below 4.5, at least until a patch is released in 4.5


Patch Changes

  • The autogenerated tsconfig.json no longer explicitly excludes node_modules (#660)


Patch Changes

  • Fix loading of TS config files that use node builtins or external dependencies. (#657)


Minor Changes

  • Config files can now be in TypeScript (#655)

    Previously, projects were configured using a sku.config.js file, which exported a config object. As most projects at SEEK are now TypeScript based, having a JS config file makes it impossible to reuse any of your production code in the config (e.g. routes).

    This change makes it possible to use a TypeScript config file, by default sku.config.ts. The easiest way to migrate is to change the module exports to a default export:

    - // sku.config.js
    + // sku.config.ts
    - module.exports = {
    + export default {
      clientEntry: 'src/client.tsx',
      // ...

    But sku also now exports a type for the config object, to make it easier to setup and understand the configuration options.

    + import type { SkuConfig } from 'sku';
    - module.exports = {
    + const config: SkuConfig = {
      clientEntry: 'src/client.tsx',
      // ...
    + export default config;

    sku init will now create TypeScript config files by default.

Patch Changes

  • Ensure translations are available when running storybook (#638)


Minor Changes

  • Include node_modules in node builds (#651)

    Previously, sku would only compile code within your src folder, plus any compile packages, for builds targetting the node environment. While this results in faster builds, it can sometimes lead to incorrect versions of packages being resolved due to clashing version range requirements. All node_modules will now included in the compilation by default, ensuring the correct package version is always required.

    The old behaviour can be re-enabled via the new externalizeNodeModules config.


Patch Changes

  • Correct exclusion of removeViewBox svgo plugin (#647)


Patch Changes

  • Run @vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin in node builds to ensure class name consistency (#640)

  • Update @vanilla-extract/webpack-plugin to v2.0.0 (#640)


Patch Changes

  • Run babel transform-runtime in development (#636)

    This fixes an issue where the regeneratorRuntime is required to be setup manually only for development.


Patch Changes

  • Re-introduce lint rules requiring React import when using JSX (#631)

    As sku v11 moved to the new JSX transform, we removed all lint rules ensuring React was imported when using JSX. Unfortunately this change only works if all compile packages (e.g. braid-design-system) switch to sku v11 at the same time, which would also constitute a breaking change. To avoid a lot of package update churn, we are re-introducing the need for React imports when JSX is present.

  • Update svgo config to remove deprecated "extendDefaultPlugins" utility. (#632)

    This requires svgo@2.4.0, so Unknown builtin plugin "preset-default" specified errors can be fixed by refreshing the lockfile.


Major Changes

  • Remove sku chromatic script (#629)

    Due to changes in the way chromatic is setup, it now makes more sense for consumers to integrate with chromatic directly.


    Follow the chromatic install step.

    Once installed, you can setup CI as follows

    yarn sku build-storybook
    yarn chromatic --storybook-build-dir dist-storybook

    Your storybook-build-dir is whatever you configured your storybookTarget as in sku.config.js. The default is dist-storybook.


    sku chromatic script is no longer available.

  • Rename the SkuWebpackPlugin option supportedBrowsers to browserslist (#629)

    The SkuWebpackPlugin now uses the browserslist query as a compile target for Node code as well.


    If you are consuming the SkuWebpackPlugin directly, update uses of supportedBrowsers to use browserslist instead. If compiling for Node, ensure you pass a valid Node browserslist query (e.g. current node).

  • Remove sku playroom and sku build-playroom (#629)


    All playroom scripts have been removed in favour of consumers installing playroom directly. If you'd like to continue using playroom then you can use the SkuWebpackPlugin.

    Example config:

    // playroom.config.js
    const SkuWebpackPlugin = require('sku/webpack-plugin');
    const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');
    module.exports = {
      components: './src/components',
      outputPath: './dist/playroom',
      webpackConfig: () => ({
        plugins: [
          new MiniCssExtractPlugin(),
          new SkuWebpackPlugin({
            include: paths.src,
            target: 'browser',
            browserslist: ['last 2 chrome versions'],
            mode: 'development',
            displayNamesProd: true,
            removeAssertionsInProduction: false,
  • Remove support for seek-asia-style-guide (#629)

    As seek-asia-style-guide is no longer used, first class support for it has been removed.

  • Upgrade to webpack 5 (#629)

    All start and build scripts, including storybook will now use webpack 5. Along with the webpack upgrade a lot of other related dependencies have been updated.


    While there is no breaking change from a sku perspective, there are many underlying changes that may require attention.

    Things to validate before merging:

    • If you use dangerouslySetWebpackConfig, check it's working against webpack 5
    • Static assets are working correctly (e.g. images, fonts, etc)
    • Both start and build scripts are outputting a working application

    If you are seeing errors mentioning polyfills after upgrading it's likely your app is relying on automatic NodeJS polyfills which were removed in Webpack 5. Reach out in #sku-support if you're seeing this to discuss options.

    Webpack 5 migration guide

    Webpack 5 release notes

  • Add persistentCache option and enable by default (#629)

    The new persistentCache option will turn on webpack's filesystem caching between runs of sku start and sku start-ssr. This should result in much faster dev server start times when the cache is vaild.


    Unfortunately treat files are not compatible with the persistentCache option, so it will need to be disabled in your project until you have migrated them to Braid components or .css.ts files.

    // sku.config.js
    module.exports = {
      persistentCache: false,

    This limitation only applies to files inside the current project, any treat files within node_modules can be safely ignored.

  • Update the minimum supported Node version to 12.13.0 (#629)


    Node 10 is no longer supported

  • Remove test-ssr command (#629)


    The sku test-ssr command is no longer available. Please use sku test instead.

  • Switch to the automatic JSX React runtime (#629)

    This feature was patched in v11.0.1, ensure you are using at least v11.0.1.

    This changes how JSX is transformed into valid JavaScript and comes with some performance benefits. Read more about the change here.


    Ensure your app is running React 17. React 16.14 is also supported if required.


    The minimum supported version of React is now v16.14.0.

  • Upgrade to Jest 27 (#629)

    Jest 27 introduces a bunch of new default settings, primarily switching the default test environment from jsdom to node. However, sku will remain using jsdom by default as we feel it makes more sense as a default for UI development. You can read through the Jest 27 release post to see the other breaking changes that have occured.

  • Remove support for flow (#629)

    Files using flow types are no longer supported. Any remaining flow types should be migrated to TypeScript.

  • Remove @storybook/addon-knobs in favor of allowing custom addons. (#629)


    If you still require the use of @storybook/addon-knobs you'll first need to install it.

    Note: @storybook/addon-knobs has been deprecated in favor of @storybook/addon-controls.

    yarn add --dev @storybook/addon-knobs

    Once installed, inside your sku.config.js file, pass @storybook/addon-knobs to the storybookAddons option.

    // sku.config.js
    module.exports = {
      storybookAddons: ['@storybook/addon-knobs'],
  • Add webpackStats.json to build-ssr output (#629)

    Running sku build-ssr will now output a webpackStats.json alongside the server.js file which is required to be deployed to the same directory as server.js.


    SSR applications must now deploy the webpackStats.json alongside the server.js file.

Minor Changes

  • Add storybookAddons config option (#629)

    Custom storybook addons can now be used via the storybookAddons config option. For example, if you want to use @storybook/addon-essentials, first install the addon.

    yarn add --dev @storybook/addon-essentials

    Then add it to your sku.config.js.

    // sku.config.js
    module.exports = {
      storybookAddons: ['@storybook/addon-essentials'],
  • Add --stats argument (#629)

    You can now override the default webpack stats preset via the --stats option. This is useful for debugging warnings and build issues. You can pass any valid webpack stats preset.

    sku start --stats errors-warnings

    The default values are as follows:

    start/start-ssr: summary

    build/build-ssr: errors-only

  • Move to faster source maps setting in development (#629)

    Previously sku used inline-source-map in development which is very slow, particularly for rebuilds. Development source maps now use eval-cheap-module-source-map.

  • Upgrade to storybook 6 (#629)


Patch Changes

  • Fix incorrect "Invalid script passed to 'registerScript'" errors (#614)


Patch Changes

  • Fix static rendering of vanilla-extract classes in production (#610)


Minor Changes

  • Upgrade to Prettier 2.3 (#606)

    This will require consumers to run yarn format to adopt the new Prettier rules. To reduce the mismatch of prettier versions in the future we are unpinning sku's required version, allowing consumers to relock and accept minor and patch updates.


Patch Changes

  • Fix Date instanceof checks inside render (#604)


Patch Changes

  • Group .css.ts files with styles when ordering imports (#600)

  • Work around a classnames bug where dynamic class objects are converted to [Object object] during static render (#602)

  • Update minimum playroom version (#600)


Patch Changes

  • Correctly handle image imports in .css.ts files (#598)


Patch Changes

  • Update vanilla-extract to v1 (#593)

  • Remove deprecated Braid components from sku init template (#595)


Minor Changes

  • Add skipPackageCompatibilityCompilation option (#591)

    When running sku build, sku will compile all your external packages (node_modules) through @babel/preset-env. This is to ensure external packages satisfy the browser support policy. However, this can cause very slow builds when large packages are processed. The skipPackageCompatibilityCompilation option allows you to pass a list of trusted packages to skip this behaviour.

    Note: react & react-dom are skipped by default.


    const config = {
      skipPackageCompatibilityCompilation: [


Patch Changes

  • Remove cssnano calc optimization (#589)


Patch Changes

  • Exclude vanilla-extract CSS files from Storybook's webpack config (#587)


Minor Changes

  • Add support for @vanilla-extract (#583)

    Note: This is not yet intended for use in production.


Minor Changes

  • Add the ability to limit languages to render by route (#581)


Patch Changes

  • Fix errors initializing repo after kopy dependency upgrade (#578)


Minor Changes

  • Stable support for multi-language functionality (#576)

    With Vocab now released v1.0.0 we now offer stable support for using the new multi-language functionality.

    See multi-language support guide for how to get started.

Patch Changes

  • Fix unable to find language in URLs that contain query parameters (#573)


Patch Changes

  • Upgrade to v0.0.9 Vocab supporting direct usage (#571)

  • Replace all instances of $language in a route not just the first (#572)

  • Replace $language in route when using dev server (#572)

    When implementing renderApp for statically rendered applications previously route could contain $language inside the URL.

    Now route will have any $language value replaced with the current language being rendered.

    const skuRender: Render<RenderContext> = {
      renderApp: ({ SkuProvider, route, language }) => {
        // e.g. language === "en"
        // previous behaviour
        // route === "/$language/home"
        // new behaviour
        // route === "/en/home"
  • Upgrade multiple dependencies (#565)


Patch Changes

  • Upgrade Vocab depenedency (#566)


Patch Changes

  • Fix sku serve for multi-language apps (#562)


Patch Changes

  • Compile vocab files before lint and test commands (#560)


Patch Changes

  • Add multi-language support for server rendered applications (#556)

  • Upgrade Vocab to v0.0.8 with new .vocab folder (#558)

    • useTranslation renamed to useTranslations
    • Support for server-rendered apps with new addLanguageChunk render parameter
    • Support for custom format locales in <VocabProvider>
    • Improved validation for translation.json
  • Add generated Vocab files to ignore patterns (#559)


Minor Changes

  • Experimental support for multi-language builds using Vocab (#554)

    Not available for SSR applications at this stage.


Patch Changes

  • Only generate .ssl directory when httpsDevServer is enabled (#552)


Patch Changes

  • Fix _addChunk (#549)


Patch Changes

  • Expose _addChunks function in renderApp (#547)


Minor Changes

  • Add rootResolution config option and disable for compile packages (#543)

    By default, sku allows you to import modules from the root folder of your repo. e.g. import something from 'src/modules/something'. Unfortunately, these kinds of imports only work for apps. In packages, the imports will work locally, but fail when consumed from node_modules.

    Adding "skuCompilePackage": true to your package.json will now disable this behaviour by default. You can also toggle the behaviour by setting rootResolution in your sku config.


Patch Changes

  • Automatically detect compile packages with @seek scope (#541)


Minor Changes

  • Playroom: Update to v0.22.0, add playroomScope option (#539)

    You can now use Playroom's new custom scope feature by providing a playroomScope file.



    module.exports = {
      playroomScope: './playroom/useScope.ts',


    import { useToast } from 'braid-design-system';
    export default function useScope() {
      return {
        showToast: useToast(),


Minor Changes

  • Support site specific routes (#537)

    Configured sites can now contain routes which are specific that site. This is useful for cross-brand applications that have different URLs.

    // sku.config.js
    module.exports = {
      sites: [
          name: 'alpha',
          host: '',
          routes: [
            { route: '/', name: 'home' },
            { route: '/details', name: 'details' },
          name: 'beta',
          host: '',
          routes: [
            { route: '/home', name: 'home' },
            { route: '/my-details', name: 'details' },


Patch Changes

  • Update to TypeScript 4 and ESLint 7 (#535)


Patch Changes

  • Allow force exiting build script (#533)


Patch Changes

  • Add tracking for CSS file types (#531)


Patch Changes

  • Add async render types (#529)


Minor Changes

  • Add client side hot module reloading (#527)

    Hot module reloading (HMR) is updating JS and CSS assets without requiring a full page refresh. This allows you to retain app state between code changes. This change introduces hot reloading to React components, treat files and CSS modules.

    React fast-refresh

    For fast-refresh to work there are a few gotchas to watch out. For components to succesfully hot reload, they must:

    • Have a display name. Avoid using export default with anonymous functions.
    • The file must only export React components (excluding types as they are not runtime exports)

    We're considering adding lint rules for these scenarios in future.

    NOTE: React >16.9 is required for fast-refresh to work

    In some cases a change cannot be hot reloaded, in these situations sku should fallback to performing a full page refresh. You should never need to manually refresh your browser.

    If your app is not hot reloading when you would expect it to or you are being forced to manually refresh the page, please contact #sku-support.

    You can disable HMR by setting SKU_HOT=false.


Patch Changes

  • Fix empty style tags in rendered HTML when cspEnabled is set to true (#525)


Minor Changes

  • Add ability to turn on HTTPS on the local development server with httpsDevServer and define express middleware with a dev-middleware.js file in the root of the SKU project. (#523)


Patch Changes

  • Playroom: Add passthrough support for paramType via playoomParamType config option. (#517)


Patch Changes

  • Validate that there is only a single copy of react-treat (#514)


Patch Changes

  • Add contenthash to storybook/playroom assets in production mode (#512)


Patch Changes

  • Automatically identify Buildkite agents as CI (#510)


Patch Changes

  • Fix ReferenceError in compilePackages validation (#508)


Patch Changes

  • Only target internal images/svgs with loaders (#505)


Minor Changes

  • Remove usage of assert in production (#503)

    If you use Node's assert library or its browser port, your assertions will now be automatically removed in production via babel-plugin-unassert. This allows you to perform more expensive checks during development without worrying about the perfomance impacts on users.

    For example, let's assume you wrote the following code:

    import React from 'react';
    import assert from 'assert';
    export const Rating = ({ rating }) => {
      assert(rating >= 0 && rating <= 5, 'Rating must be between 0 and 5');
      return <div>...</div>;

    In production, the code above would be logically equivalent to this:

    import React from 'react';
    export const Rating = ({ rating }) => <div>...</div>;
  • Add Content Security Policy generation for the script-src directive (#502)

    See the Content Security Policy section of the sku docs for setup instructions.


Minor Changes

  • Add environment arg support to sku start (#498)

    sku start defaults to using the first environment in your environments array. You can now specify any environment via the --environment argument, mimicking the sku serve behaviour.

    $ sku start --environment production


Patch Changes

  • Add support for @seek/sku-telemetry. (#495)

    To help improve sku, you should add this as a dev dependency:

    $ yarn add --dev @seek/sku-telemetry


    $ npm install --save-dev @seek/sku-telemetry


Patch Changes

  • Add missing dependency for sku serve (#490)


Minor Changes

  • Add sku serve command (#487)

    The sku serve command adds the abilty to view the output of sku build without deploying to an environment. This is helpful for:

    • Debugging production build only issues
    • Running integration tests
    • Viewing the app on legacy browsers (that require sku build only features)
    • Performance testing

    Site/host routing works the same as sku start. However, you can set your preferred site via the --site argument. e.g. sku serve --site seekAnz. By default the first site is used.

    You can specify which environment you want to serve via the --environment argument. e.g. sku serve --environment production. By default the first environment is used.

    Note: sku serve does not work for apps that use a different domain for their publicPath.

Patch Changes

  • Introduce new dynamic route syntax (#487)

    Dynamic routes should now be indicated by a # sku character rather than:`.

    Usage of : for dynamic routes is now deprecated and will not work with the new sku serve command. However, sku start and sku build will continue to work.


    Update your routes in sku.config.js to use the new `# sku syntax.

    - routes: ['/job/:id'],
    + routes: ['/job/$id'],

    Warning: This will cause the affected routes to output a different folder structure. Make sure to update your web server route rules for the affected routes before releasing this change.

    Please reach out to #sku-support if you have any questions.


Patch Changes

  • Fix template formatting (#484)

    This updates the template files to be in line with new linting rules

  • Fix memory leak in sku start (#486)


Patch Changes

  • Run eslint fix on init template (#482)

    This ensures correct import ordering in the template.


Major Changes

  • Remove deprecated react-treat re-exports from sku/treat (#471)


    react-treat APIs (useStyles, TreatProvider & useClassName) can no longer be imported from sku/treat


    Update all imports of useStyles, TreatProvider & useClassName to sku/react-treat.


    -import { useStyles } from 'sku/treat';
    +import { useStyles } from 'sku/react-treat';
  • Remove SSR react-hot-loader support (#472)


    Previously, sku featured partial setup for react-hot-loader v3 in SSR apps. It was not complete and still required tricky wiring code from the consumer app. The react-hot-loader dependency and react-hot-loader/patch client entry has now been removed from sku.

    If you want to continue using react-hot-loader with sku, you'll need to use dangerouslySetWebpackConfig to set the required react-hot-loader config. This approach is not recommended and will be very difficult to maintain.

    Note: We plan on looking into proper hot reload support (for static and SSR app) once the react fast-refresh project has a stable implementation for webpack.

  • Update minimum required node version to >=10.13.0 (#463)


    Node versions < 10.13.0 no longer supported.

  • Remove support for .css.js files (#470)


    .css.js (css-in-js-loader) files are no longer supported.


    Any existing .css.js files will need to be removed. Ideally, replace these styles with Braid components. If that's not possible you can re-create the styles using css-modules or treat files.

    Note: It is our understanding that there is very limited use of this feature. If you have many .css.js files in your project please contact #sku-support for help.

Minor Changes

  • Update Prettier to v2 (#463)


    Prettier update will require running sku format.

    The arrowParens option is now set to always.

    See Prettier 2.0.0 for more info on the changes.

  • Add import order linting (#477)

    You can now optionally enable linting of import order by adding orderImports: true to your sku config. This rule supports auto-fix.


    Changing import order can affect the behaviour of your application. After enabling orderImports, please ensure your app still works and looks as expected.

    Also, any existing comments (e.g. @ts-ignore) above imports will not be moved as part of the autofix. If your app has a lot of @ts-ignore comments then please be very wary when applying this rule.

  • Update to Jest 25 (#468)

Patch Changes

  • Update dependencies (#440)

    See PR for more info.

  • Update all babel deps to 7.9+ (#471)

  • Update min typescript version to 3.8.3 (#471)

  • Update eslint-config-seek to v6 (#440)


    Run sku lint to check if any new rules are breaking. Running sku format first will fix any auto-fixable rules. See the eslint-config-seek release notes for more info on changes.

  • Improve error messages for incorrect client entries (#467)

  • Update html-render-webpack-plugin to v2 (#474)